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  1. #1
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default SOE -- Too Nice?

    I wonder if some women are turned off with a guy with too much Nol....i.e. too nice, too wimpy, can walk all over him.

    maybe i am wrong about it.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    ive always wondered about this as well...I think girls see you as such (wimpy, weak, not able to protect them) when you have too much nol on. Ive worn SOE a couple of times and and I kinda noticed such reactions while doing so......or maybe it was just that im used to having naturally high levels of none and when I added nol it sorta freaked me out...

  3. #3
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    the only time i have ever worn more nol then none i thought a bunch of guys behind me were considering robbing me and a girl basically felt \"wht can u do for me, you couldn\'t take care of me\" type-deal. Guys were nice, except for the guys who wanted to rob me [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] . I am interested to see how women reacted to other guys with much higher nol to none/rone ratio

  4. #4
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    Well, I\'m not around anybody else wearing SoE, but I remember the first day I wore it on myself, it got me so hot I wanted to jump any guy in the room. Even when I wear it now, I have to put it somewhere that I can\'t actively smell it, which I know makes no sense because the -mones are still there.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    lol did any guy get lucky?

  6. #6
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    Nope, but it took major willpower on my part. They ALL looked good. lol Friend made me go buy clothes to distract myself.

  7. #7
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    hum, has to be a personal body chemistry as i use SoE alot and get fine i do using AE/w which is heavier on nol than none as well.

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    I tend to agree that with SOE you tend to be perceived as too nice - so especially when I hit the clubs if I use SOE I definitely use it with some -none, specifically JB#1.

    But sometimes being perceived as \" too nice \" works great as you can move in on the ladies in kind of a stealth mode. Once I have her talking, which SOE is very good at doing, then I can use my skills to seduce her. If one approaches -nol products from this perspective, you can in many ways be more successful with women than if you use -none products because they are already \"comfortable\" with you and if your seduction skills are good, then the rest is easy. I think of it this way - -none, when it works well, will have her ready to jump you without too much work, whereas -nol may not induce this reaction, but from a percentage scale you can get to \"talk\" with a lot more women, and take it from there. So for the less skilled seductionists go with -none, but if you have skills, then I think -nol products are much better for you. Just my two cents.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    The only problem with nol alone, IMO, is that when you are already a nice guy yourself, and you are only wearing nol, you are missing something. Personally I ALWAYS feel I am missing something when I don\'t put on the tiniest bit of none.

    I really don\'t believe in the theory that too much nol (on its own) makes one too nice.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  10. #10
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    Which is where NPA comes in handy the secret ingredients change the normal Anone response. DD#1 is best for this.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    Hi all,

    I also don\'t believe that too much nol (on its own) makes one too nice. I\'ve had my share of very sexual hits from wearing SOE alone. In the end, especially with -nol, you have to be agressive. If you just sit there crack jokes, be only slightly flirty, and act like a goof-ball the gal most likely still won\'t make the move. When I actually got the gumption to ask for number/date, about 90% handed them over and said that they loved to.

    When I had only -none on, I had my best results when I acted very gentlemanly and nice.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    I\'d tend to agree. For something to be the right tool for the job, you have to know how to use the tool.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    In those cases the chem set Arone has been reported to be very useful Arone on its own does something different.

  14. #14
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    Some people may be forgetting that -nol has been shown to effect hormone levels (luteinizing hormone:LH, and follicle stimulating hormone) in women. This effect is always beneficial in other mammals; it is the typical response to pheromones from the opposite sex. An increase in LH will be followed by an increase in testosterone, which is very effective with regard to increasing libido, in both men and women. SOE may be too nice, but it also provides a nice push in the right direction: towards increased interest in sex.

  15. #15
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    Thanks for the reminder Jkohl i tend to find that attraction does the same thing. SOE is best used by guys who can make the moves off the initial lead.
    Chances of success are enhanced by SOE as i found in the past.
    What are youre thoughts on WAGG. Should be an interesting product.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice? So Hot from Nol? or Rone?

    Hi Sexyredhead, all,

    Curious what makes you so hot? from SOE is it the NOL?
    Or the Rone?

    I think FullTiltRedhead also gets hot from RONe
    or the combination of nol/rone

    I have Alter Ego and am considering either SOE or Rone
    Chemistry kit.
    I think Sonny was testing Rone on its own yet hadn\'t found anything conclusive.

  17. #17
    Pheromaniac Sexyredhead's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice? So Hot from Nol? or Rone?

    I\'d say it\'s probably the -rone, because I usually wear -nol and it doesn\'t do the same thing.

  18. #18
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    \"...-nol has been shown to effect hormone levels (luteinizing hormone:LH, and follicle stimulating hormone) in women...\"

    Does this effect continue post menapausal?

  19. #19
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    my girl studies 200 miles away from me and we usually just see each other on the weekends. When we do I usually use AE/m and have noticed an increase in sexual behavior from her. I think I might stop using it around her...the last thing I need is for her to go back home feeling very sexually aroused from the Nol in AE/m especially when im not long does the lh increase from smelling nol last in women.???Is it just a temporary thing or does the rise stay there for a while...

  20. #20
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    also...Ive read that women who are exposed to A1 also act alot more sexually aggressive...does A1 cause an LH rise in femalses the same way nol exposure does???

  21. #21
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    When I expose my girl-friend to TE she get really horny but it only lasts about 20 minutes after I leave. (she told me she was getting really wet and it was getting anoying but when she went home and called me (takes about 20 minutes to get home) I asked her about it and she told me it stopped a few minutes after she got there.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice? So Hot from Nol? or Rone?

    Thanks SexyRedhead,

    Chemistry Set RONE might be in my next order [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  23. #23
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    Watcher wrote: <<<<Which is where NPA comes in handy the secret ingredients change the normal Anone response. DD#1 is best for this>>>>>

    Definitely something to using SOE with NPA. Very interesting results from using this although I\'m applying them separately, not mixing in a bottle. And using Quorum as a cover scent. Really excellent hits, but since I\'m kinda not seeking to date anyone now as a tremendous lady already has my attention, so not taking advantage of these hits [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  24. #24
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    \"...-nol has been shown to effect hormone levels (luteinizing hormone:LH, and follicle stimulating hormone) in women...\"

    Does this effect continue post menapausal?
    No studies yet, but the same effect would be predicted, since it is probably a conditioned response. Even without a measurable change in LH, I\'d still expect an effect on GnRH which can sometimes act as a neurotransmitter and have positive behavioral effects (at least according to rodent studies).

  25. #25
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    also...Ive read that women who are exposed to A1 also act alot more sexually aggressive...does A1 cause an LH rise in femalses the same way nol exposure does???
    Where did you read this; it sounds like a media interpretation or a marketing tactic. So far as I know there is no study of AI and a hormonal correlate.

  26. #26
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: SOE -- Too Nice?

    I think I read it in one of those web md articles. In your opinion just what is it that A1 does for women??They say that it makes them get in a better mood..but do they associate your presence with their mood lift??does that make her more loving/receptive to you as a person?also how much does this mood lift last in the girl in your opinion?

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