What\'s the PC way to ask a girl if she\'s a lesbian? I met this really cute girl last night who was very friendly but I was getting a vibe that she was a lesbian. Do I make an effort to find out if she is a lesbian or do I just ask her out & find out the hard way, although I\'d rather be rejected for that reason then for not being her type. Also in your opinion what percent of lesbians are bi-?

I was thinking a good question would be do you find girls attractive? But even that I think might be too forward, how about off the cuff, after a hot waitress serves me a beer make a comment of how cute the waitress is & then ask her opinion? Although if she\'s straight she might take offense, but if she\'s a lesbian & she did think the waitress was hot, she might drop her guard & say something rather revealing?

Reasons I think she might have been gay, she had very short hair, I asked her on a scale of 1-10 how much do you trust me? (This is after I generated a good rapport & had her laughing), her response was \"0\", I told her I was in shock I had never gotten such a low rating, her reply was I don\'t trust anyone, don\'t take it personally. Then later on in the conversation this kind of struck me funny, phone numbers came up & she said I never give out my phone number to guys, even if I\'m attracted to them (which lead me to believe she was straight), but she said she did accept men\'s phone numbers - nope not going to fall for that, even if she says those are the rules she plays by, as they are not the rules I play by. As I\'m leaving I told her me & my friend were going around the corner & she should stop by, her response, \"You should stay here & play me again in pool.\" If there were not 7-8 other guys vying for her attention I probably would have, instead I told her, \"Sorry I\'m meeting some friends, come over when you are done here.\" No dice, no show, but she is a local & she told me that bar is the only bar she goes to, I saw her there last Friday too, but I thought she was with this guy I know so I didn\'t want to \"cut in\".

Sorry for the rant, advice appreciated.
