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  1. #1
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default WAGG Survey Results

    Hello Folks,
    The long awaited survey results are here.
    They are will be hard to understand without reading the survey itself first. So have a look.
    The Survey:
    Product Survey for WAGG

    Thank you for helping us to evaluate our new product, code named WAGG. This product contains new ingredients, and we want to see what results different types of people get when using it.

    Please evaluate the WAGG for at least 2 weeks, using it for at least one week on its own. If you have a favorite product or mix, you can try combining it with WAGG for the second week.

    Then, answer these survey questions and get them back to us as soon as possible after you’ve completed the test period!

    Section I: It\'s All About You:
    (For each question, pick the best answer unless otherwise specified.)

    1) My age is:
    under 18
    56 and over

    2) My height is:
    5\' to 5\'3\"
    6\'6\" and over

    3) My body type is:
    Athletic (work out 3 times a week)
    A few extra pounds

    4) In a group, I consider myself:
    The leader of the pack
    Not the leader, but not a follower
    One of the guys
    A follower
    I don\'t hang out in groups

    5) Women tend to think of me (when I\'m not using pheros) as:
    Intimidating - I make them nervous
    Sexy - they admire me
    Average - some are attracted to me, most don\'t pay too much attention
    A good friend - they tend to like me as a friend, not as a man
    Women usually don\'t even notice I\'m there!

    6) I am currently:
    in a monogamous relationship
    in a relationship but I also date
    dating several women
    dating occasionally
    trying to get a date

    7) Before trying this product, my favorite product or combo was (fill in):

    8) When I used this product, I used it:
    by itself (answer the questions in Section II)
    along with other products (answer the questions in Section III)
    both by itself and with other products (answer the questions in both Section II and Section III)
    I did not use this product

    9) Based on my experiences with this product:
    I would definitely buy it
    I would consider buying it
    I probably wouldn\'t buy it
    I definitely wouldn\'t buy it

    Section II:Â Experiences with WAGG alone

    10) How many times did you use WAGG alone:
    three times
    4-7 times
    7-10 times
    more than 10 times

    11) WAGG had an effect on women:

    12) WAGG made women act:
    more comfortable with me
    less comfortable with me
    didn\'t make women feel more or less comfortable with me

    13) WAGG made women feel:Â
    less happy
    didn\'t make women feel happier or less happy

    14) WAGG made women act:
    more animated and conversational
    less animated and conversational
    didn\'t make women more or less animated and conversational.

    15) WAGG made women act:
    more receptive sexually
    less receptive sexually
    didn\'t make women more or less receptive sexually

    16) When using WAGG I found that I tended to get:
    More attention from women
    Less attention from women
    The same amount of attention from women

    17) When using WAGG I found that my amount of sexual activity (hugs, kisses, touches or actual sex):
    Stayed the same

    18) When using WAGG I found that its effect on me was that (check as many answers as apply):
    it made me feel more relaxed
    it made me feel more anxious
    it made me feel sexier
    it made me feel less sexy
    it made me feel stronger
    it made me feel weaker
    it made me feel happier
    it made me feel depressed
    it didn\'t change the way I felt

    Section III: Experiences using WAGG along with other products.

    If you did not use WAGG along with other products, please leave this section unanswered!

    19) When I used WAGG with other products, the other products or combos I used it with were (fill in):

    20) When I used WAGG in combination with the other products or combos, I found that it:
    Worked better than the products or combos alone
    Worked the same as the other products or combos alone
    Didn\'t work as well as the other products or combos alone

    21) The combination including WAGG had an effect on women:

    22) The combination including WAGG made women act:
    more comfortable with me
    less comfortable with me
    didn\'t make women feel more or less comfortable with me

    23) The combination including WAGG made women feel:Â
    less happy
    didn\'t make women feel happier or less happy

    24) The combination including WAGG made women act:
    more animated and conversational
    less animated and conversational
    didn\'t make women more or less animated and conversational.

    25) The combination including WAGG made women act:
    more receptive sexually
    less receptive sexually
    didn\'t make women more or less receptive sexually

    26) When using the combination including WAGG I found that I tended to get:
    More attention from women
    Less attention from women
    The same amount of attention from women

    27) When using the combination including WAGG I found that my amount of sexual activity (hugs, kisses, touches or actual sex):
    Stayed the same

    28) When using the combination including WAGG I found that its effect on me was that (check as many answers as apply):
    it made me feel more relaxed
    it made me feel more anxious
    it made me feel sexier
    it made me feel less sexy
    it made me feel stronger
    it made me feel weaker
    it made me feel happier
    it made me feel depressed
    it didn\'t change the way I felt

    Thanks again for participating!

    Now... the results:
    - Responders who said that they used the product less than 4 times were dropped from the study.
    - All responders were male, except one gay female.
    - Median age was 41-45 years old.
    - Average age was 35 years old.

    Findings - Male responders

    General Findings:
    - Of responders whose favorite products included combos containing both androstenone and androstenol, 86% said they would definitely purchase WAGG.
    - Of responders who said that in groups they were the leader of the pack, 100% also said they would definitely purchase WAGG.
    - Of responders who said that in groups they were neither a leader nor a follower, 75% said they would definitely purchase WAGG.
    - Of responders who said that in groups they are one of the guys, 100% said that they would consider purchasing WAGG.
    - Of responders who said that they don\'t hang out in groups, 25% said they would definitely purchase WAGG, 50% said they would probably not purchase WAGG, 25% said they would definitely not purchase WAGG, and 25% were undecided or did not specify.
    - There was no similar correlation for age, height or body type.

    WAGG alone, effect on women:
    - 30% found that it usually had an effect on women, 50% sometimes, 20% rarely.
    - 50% found that it made women more comfortable, 20% less comfortable, 30% unchanged.
    - 40% found that it made women happier, 60% unchanged.
    - 40% found that it made women more animated and conversational, 60% unchanged.
    - 50% found that it made women more sexually receptive, 10% found it made women less sexually receptive, 40% found no change.
    - 50% found that they got more attention from women, 10% less (or negative) attention, 40% found no change.
    - 40% experienced more sexual activity, 10% less sexual activity, 50% no change.

    WAGG alone, effect on self:
    - 30% found that it made them more relaxed, 30% less relaxed, 40% no change.
    - 20% found that it made them feel more sexy, 80% no change.
    - 30% found that it made them feel stronger, 70% no change.
    - 30% found that it made them feel happier, 10% more depressed, 60% no change.

    WAGG used in a combo, effect on women:
    - 60% found that WAGG in a combo worked better than the combo alone, 30% found it worked as well, 10% found it didn\'t work as well.
    - 10% found that WAGG in a combo always worked on women, 40% found that it usually worked, 40% that it sometimes worked, and 10% that it rarely worked.
    - 80% found that it made women more comfortable, 10% less comfortable, 10% unchanged.
    - 80% found that it made women happier, 10% less comfortable, 10% unchanged.
    - 80% found that it made women more animated and conversational, 20% unchanged.
    - 60% found that it made women more sexually receptive, 10% found it made women less sexually receptive, 30% found no change.
    - 70% found that they got more attention from women, 10% less (or negative) attention, 30% found no change.
    - 60% experienced more sexual activity, 10% less sexual activity, 30% no change.

    WAGG used in a combo, effect on self:
    - 60% found that it made them more relaxed, 40% no change.
    - 20% found that it made them feel more sexy, 80% no change.
    - 30% found that it made them feel stronger, 10% weaker, 60% no change.
    - 30% found that it made them feel happier, 20% more depressed, 50% no change.

    Findings - Female responder

    WAGG used alone - Effect on other women:
    - Had an effect sometimes
    - Made women more comfortable
    - Made women happier
    - Made women more animated
    - Got more attention from women
    - Sexual activity stayed the same

    WAGG used alone - Effect on self:
    - More relaxed
    - More sexy
    - No change in strength
    - No change in happiness

    Was not used in a combo.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results

    Hmm No as good as I expected (Standalone).

    However it seems to be the next big thing for combo use.
    So its a must buy for the Clint Eastwoods amongst us !

    GO AHEAD MAKE MY DAY [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] FOR A FISTFULL OF DOLLARS !!!

  3. #3
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results

    Thanks for posting. Results were more \"positive\" than I expected, but it is unclear what the numbers mean due to likely placebo effects. The only way to estimate effects over and above placebo (though rather poorly) is to compare the different kinds of effects to each other; i.e., compare each effect to the average of the other remaining effects, as in more comfy vs the average of more talkative plus more animated plus more sexually receptive, etc...I\'ll explain more if someone wants...

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results

    xplain more Doctor...I aint in no rush hehe

  5. #5
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results

    Yeah doc, I think the best analysis is some type of double blind I think they call it, oh well, Iiked reading the survey results even if they are a tad slanted in the positive direction.

  6. #6
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results

    Remember that the survey was for marketing purposes only. It answers the question - is this a commercially viable product?

    I don\'t think it was ever intended as a formal scientific study - it certainly wasn\'t structured with rigor required for that purpose.

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results

    this is very true

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results

    Any news on when WAGG will be up for sale?

  9. #9
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results

    I was promised a deadline for the first 200 bottles of March 10. That is the ship date to us, so add on a few more days until we can fill orders. I think we should be able to take advance orders on the 10th or maybe a little sooner.

  10. #10
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results

    yes, and the survey indicates the product is viable -- in the short term. Just look at how excited Watcher and others are already.

    For long term success, on the other hand, substantive and consistent effectiveness must hold.

    Honestly, results hint to me that some folks, at least, will find the product useful and/or interesting.

    If I can be permitted a moment of pride, we will generate the cutting edge knowledge ourselves, as usual. I wish these companies would sell their mystery mones individually if they can\'t tell us what\'s in them. It would be free pilot research for them. These companies might underestimate how sensitive we all are to what pheromones do. Most everything coming out in recent research is older than old hat on the forum (e.g., none dosage matters regarding + vs - reactions -- Duh!). I figured everything out about WAGG out the first day I used it, knowing nothing about the product, and sent Bruce an e-mail to that effect at the time. I had nothing to add after that, except for guessing correctly what WAGG stood for. Now we\'ll figure out the more subtle things about it. You get good at picking up on biological reactions with years of looking for it. We could solve much of the overall puzzle very quickly if given the chance. (I guess I\'m feeling cocky from getting a good phone number tonight.)

  11. #11
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results


    I\'ve no doubt the various phero manufacturers go over this forum as if it were the Zapruder film... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results

    Based on the results, it looks as if WAGG is probably really good for at least two things:

    1) Eliminating the \"lone wolf\" or intimidation factor produced by \"leaders of the pack\". 100% of people who said they were in that category liked the product enough to definitely want to buy it.

    2) Mitigating the intimidating effects of androstenone and products that contain it. 80% found that in combos it made women more comfortable, happier and more conversational, and 60% more sexually receptive than the combo without WAGG, so it should prove very useful in combos.

    Also, only 10% said it made them feel depressed, as compared to A1, which lots of people (including me) reported had a depressing effect on them.

    That makes it look pretty convincing as another useful tool. For some (like me) it will be good by itself. For others it will be good combined with other products like NPA and PI.

    It looks like the only group it\'s probably not useful for is those who basically just need pure -none.

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results

    hi Bruce,
    I did use WAGG as a combo with PIw (2 dabs of WAGG + 1 drop PIw) but it was last week, a long time after you got the results.
    I got the best reaction from my friend (future gf ? hehe..) : she kept asking me what was my opinion about this or that, she also kept touching me - I wish we could have been alone but we were about 25 - but there was something really sexual. And this happened in the presence of her latest gf (a some nights stand I would say). As to me, I felt really cool, kind of self confident but not alpha, not aggressive at all.

    Maybe it\'s a new explosive mix ! It needs to be confirmed anyway...


  14. #14
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results

    These are interesting results, more positive than i had expected. As the Doc said, a more long term study is required for a more scientific evaluation.

    Speaking as the only (??) person under 25 who used it, I would buy it.

    Doc: moment of pride noted and tollerated [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  15. #15
    Banned User
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    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results

    Watcher and I used WAGG too.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  16. #16

    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results

    \" a some nights stand\"

    I like that! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  17. #17
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results

    Yeah i did, it went great with AE in a 5 to 1 ratio.
    Eliminated certain negs with AE and enhanced its usefullness, still using the mix, only need 2 drops max and this mix screams HELLO IM HERE THINK IM SEXY and all the associated behavoural responses.

  18. #18

    Default Clarification

    I wanted to clarify something in regards to the \"giddy-happy\" effect that I described a few times. It did not occur WITH THE WAGG ALONE. It occured when I used WAGG with a Nol-Polo Sport combo. The effect did not occur with WAGG alone and it did not occur with the NOL-Cologne alone. This \"happy\" effect was something I hadn\'t seen prior to using WAGG and haven\'t seen it since I ran out so the WAGG appears to be a necessary component but it didn\'t do it by itself. Not with me anyway. Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  19. #19

    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results

    In response to Gerund\'s post, the various phero manufacturers SHOULD go over this forum if they know about it ...

  20. #20
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG Survey Results

    it sounds like WAGG is a lot better in combination with anything basically

  21. #21
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Clarification

    I agree WAGG on itself got limited sexual receptiveness.
    Combined with alter ego it complimented it and even with the None,Nol,Rone spread got not so much a giggly effect ( i still have the combo) but more an excessive yappy effect. Similar to SOE with the coversation thing but with a sexual combination.
    It is allround almost the best ive found so far. The other one i would like to try it with is.
    DD#1 with WAGG with NPA secret ingredients and WAGG, could get interesting,.

    Or just straight NPA and WAGG could sort of produce some results for some people.

  22. #22
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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  23. #23
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    I got a nice compliment today from a

    lady while weaing a dab of WAGG and Amouage Silver.
    She was coming down the stairs and told me that I smelled

    great. She then turned around and made the comment that people don't say things like that anymore.


    starting to believe that mones and cologne are affective if you skip a day or two.


  24. #24
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cuddlebear
    I wanted to

    clarify something in regards to the \"giddy-happy\" effect that I described a few times. It did not occur WITH THE

    WAGG ALONE. It occured when I used WAGG with a Nol-Polo Sport combo. The effect did not occur with WAGG alone and it

    did not occur with the NOL-Cologne alone. This \"happy\" effect was something I hadn\'t seen prior to using WAGG

    and haven\'t seen it since I ran out so the WAGG appears to be a necessary component but it didn\'t do it by

    itself. Not with me anyway. Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    It should be noted that

    this is a counterexample to the WAGG/-nol rep.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  25. #25
    King of the coupons!
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    Angry I Missed This Wagg Thread!

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  26. #26
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    I read in another

    thread this morning that WAGG did nothing for one poster. I found that interesting as I saw great reactions the

    first time I wore it. WAGG is what got my interest in pheromones started again after a lay off of several years.

    I've only mixed it with Chikara twice now, both times at work, and I noticed the same thing both times. I

    don't remember the dosage of WAGG the first time, but I probably used my usual single spray of the "new" Chikara

    that I wear at work. Today I again did one spray of Chikara on the neck/upper chest and approximately one drop of

    WAGG from its tricky dropper top, split behind both ears.

    I recently got two new office mates at work, both

    males, and one has a reputation of being a complainer. Both times I've worn the Chikara/WAGG combination, the

    complainer seems to have gone into overdrive. I had been looking at the slim pickings of local women at

    this morning and showed him a woman with a humongus bust who had a profile there. The conversation then went to

    relationships and his problems with his wife and the side business they have. It was kind of depressing to listen


    WAGG makes me less irritable than my normal self, more so than Chikara, which is my favorite daily mone,

    but I don't think I want to wear that combo at work if it's going to make me the sounding board. I should try WAGG

    by itself there to see how he reacts, but I'm going to go mone free the next couple of days so I can play with my

    new bottle of AE I recently received.

    WAGG sure helps me tolerate the congestion my town experiences in the

    winter from all of the people visiting from places cold. I had a nice commute tonight considering the traffic, only

    swore once or twice. But I'm easily depressed the way it is. I don't need other people telling me that everything

    sucks at work.

  27. #27
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by InternationalPlayboy

    conversation then went to relationships and his problems with his wife and the side business they have. It was kind

    of depressing to listen to.

    I don't need other people telling me that everything sucks at work.

    That's not Chikara ... WAGG!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  28. #28
    & Double Naught Spy InternationalPlayboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57
    That's not Chikara ... WAGG!
    Please don't


    I realize it wasn't the Chikara, I wear it several days out of the week at work. As I said,

    Chikara is my favorite product.

    I was saying that I should try WAGG alone at work to see if I get the same

    reaction from this specific person as I have the two times I've worn it in Combination with Chikara there. I had

    worn WAGG alone at work several times last spring before the Pheros/Chikara/Perception releases but that was before

    I had two new people shoe horned into my office space. People were very friendly and talkative, myself included, but

    no one was a downer as this one guy has been.

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