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  1. #1
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default WAGG Survey Results

    Hello Folks,
    The long awaited survey results are here.
    They are will be hard to understand without reading the survey itself first. So have a look.
    The Survey:
    Product Survey for WAGG

    Thank you for helping us to evaluate our new product, code named WAGG. This product contains new ingredients, and we want to see what results different types of people get when using it.

    Please evaluate the WAGG for at least 2 weeks, using it for at least one week on its own. If you have a favorite product or mix, you can try combining it with WAGG for the second week.

    Then, answer these survey questions and get them back to us as soon as possible after you’ve completed the test period!

    Section I: It\'s All About You:
    (For each question, pick the best answer unless otherwise specified.)

    1) My age is:
    under 18
    56 and over

    2) My height is:
    5\' to 5\'3\"
    6\'6\" and over

    3) My body type is:
    Athletic (work out 3 times a week)
    A few extra pounds

    4) In a group, I consider myself:
    The leader of the pack
    Not the leader, but not a follower
    One of the guys
    A follower
    I don\'t hang out in groups

    5) Women tend to think of me (when I\'m not using pheros) as:
    Intimidating - I make them nervous
    Sexy - they admire me
    Average - some are attracted to me, most don\'t pay too much attention
    A good friend - they tend to like me as a friend, not as a man
    Women usually don\'t even notice I\'m there!

    6) I am currently:
    in a monogamous relationship
    in a relationship but I also date
    dating several women
    dating occasionally
    trying to get a date

    7) Before trying this product, my favorite product or combo was (fill in):

    8) When I used this product, I used it:
    by itself (answer the questions in Section II)
    along with other products (answer the questions in Section III)
    both by itself and with other products (answer the questions in both Section II and Section III)
    I did not use this product

    9) Based on my experiences with this product:
    I would definitely buy it
    I would consider buying it
    I probably wouldn\'t buy it
    I definitely wouldn\'t buy it

    Section II:Â Experiences with WAGG alone

    10) How many times did you use WAGG alone:
    three times
    4-7 times
    7-10 times
    more than 10 times

    11) WAGG had an effect on women:

    12) WAGG made women act:
    more comfortable with me
    less comfortable with me
    didn\'t make women feel more or less comfortable with me

    13) WAGG made women feel:Â
    less happy
    didn\'t make women feel happier or less happy

    14) WAGG made women act:
    more animated and conversational
    less animated and conversational
    didn\'t make women more or less animated and conversational.

    15) WAGG made women act:
    more receptive sexually
    less receptive sexually
    didn\'t make women more or less receptive sexually

    16) When using WAGG I found that I tended to get:
    More attention from women
    Less attention from women
    The same amount of attention from women

    17) When using WAGG I found that my amount of sexual activity (hugs, kisses, touches or actual sex):
    Stayed the same

    18) When using WAGG I found that its effect on me was that (check as many answers as apply):
    it made me feel more relaxed
    it made me feel more anxious
    it made me feel sexier
    it made me feel less sexy
    it made me feel stronger
    it made me feel weaker
    it made me feel happier
    it made me feel depressed
    it didn\'t change the way I felt

    Section III: Experiences using WAGG along with other products.

    If you did not use WAGG along with other products, please leave this section unanswered!

    19) When I used WAGG with other products, the other products or combos I used it with were (fill in):

    20) When I used WAGG in combination with the other products or combos, I found that it:
    Worked better than the products or combos alone
    Worked the same as the other products or combos alone
    Didn\'t work as well as the other products or combos alone

    21) The combination including WAGG had an effect on women:

    22) The combination including WAGG made women act:
    more comfortable with me
    less comfortable with me
    didn\'t make women feel more or less comfortable with me

    23) The combination including WAGG made women feel:Â
    less happy
    didn\'t make women feel happier or less happy

    24) The combination including WAGG made women act:
    more animated and conversational
    less animated and conversational
    didn\'t make women more or less animated and conversational.

    25) The combination including WAGG made women act:
    more receptive sexually
    less receptive sexually
    didn\'t make women more or less receptive sexually

    26) When using the combination including WAGG I found that I tended to get:
    More attention from women
    Less attention from women
    The same amount of attention from women

    27) When using the combination including WAGG I found that my amount of sexual activity (hugs, kisses, touches or actual sex):
    Stayed the same

    28) When using the combination including WAGG I found that its effect on me was that (check as many answers as apply):
    it made me feel more relaxed
    it made me feel more anxious
    it made me feel sexier
    it made me feel less sexy
    it made me feel stronger
    it made me feel weaker
    it made me feel happier
    it made me feel depressed
    it didn\'t change the way I felt

    Thanks again for participating!

    Now... the results:
    - Responders who said that they used the product less than 4 times were dropped from the study.
    - All responders were male, except one gay female.
    - Median age was 41-45 years old.
    - Average age was 35 years old.

    Findings - Male responders

    General Findings:
    - Of responders whose favorite products included combos containing both androstenone and androstenol, 86% said they would definitely purchase WAGG.
    - Of responders who said that in groups they were the leader of the pack, 100% also said they would definitely purchase WAGG.
    - Of responders who said that in groups they were neither a leader nor a follower, 75% said they would definitely purchase WAGG.
    - Of responders who said that in groups they are one of the guys, 100% said that they would consider purchasing WAGG.
    - Of responders who said that they don\'t hang out in groups, 25% said they would definitely purchase WAGG, 50% said they would probably not purchase WAGG, 25% said they would definitely not purchase WAGG, and 25% were undecided or did not specify.
    - There was no similar correlation for age, height or body type.

    WAGG alone, effect on women:
    - 30% found that it usually had an effect on women, 50% sometimes, 20% rarely.
    - 50% found that it made women more comfortable, 20% less comfortable, 30% unchanged.
    - 40% found that it made women happier, 60% unchanged.
    - 40% found that it made women more animated and conversational, 60% unchanged.
    - 50% found that it made women more sexually receptive, 10% found it made women less sexually receptive, 40% found no change.
    - 50% found that they got more attention from women, 10% less (or negative) attention, 40% found no change.
    - 40% experienced more sexual activity, 10% less sexual activity, 50% no change.

    WAGG alone, effect on self:
    - 30% found that it made them more relaxed, 30% less relaxed, 40% no change.
    - 20% found that it made them feel more sexy, 80% no change.
    - 30% found that it made them feel stronger, 70% no change.
    - 30% found that it made them feel happier, 10% more depressed, 60% no change.

    WAGG used in a combo, effect on women:
    - 60% found that WAGG in a combo worked better than the combo alone, 30% found it worked as well, 10% found it didn\'t work as well.
    - 10% found that WAGG in a combo always worked on women, 40% found that it usually worked, 40% that it sometimes worked, and 10% that it rarely worked.
    - 80% found that it made women more comfortable, 10% less comfortable, 10% unchanged.
    - 80% found that it made women happier, 10% less comfortable, 10% unchanged.
    - 80% found that it made women more animated and conversational, 20% unchanged.
    - 60% found that it made women more sexually receptive, 10% found it made women less sexually receptive, 30% found no change.
    - 70% found that they got more attention from women, 10% less (or negative) attention, 30% found no change.
    - 60% experienced more sexual activity, 10% less sexual activity, 30% no change.

    WAGG used in a combo, effect on self:
    - 60% found that it made them more relaxed, 40% no change.
    - 20% found that it made them feel more sexy, 80% no change.
    - 30% found that it made them feel stronger, 10% weaker, 60% no change.
    - 30% found that it made them feel happier, 20% more depressed, 50% no change.

    Findings - Female responder

    WAGG used alone - Effect on other women:
    - Had an effect sometimes
    - Made women more comfortable
    - Made women happier
    - Made women more animated
    - Got more attention from women
    - Sexual activity stayed the same

    WAGG used alone - Effect on self:
    - More relaxed
    - More sexy
    - No change in strength
    - No change in happiness

    Was not used in a combo.

  2. #2
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Phero Dude DCW's Avatar
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    Houston TX
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    I got a nice compliment today from a

    lady while weaing a dab of WAGG and Amouage Silver.
    She was coming down the stairs and told me that I smelled

    great. She then turned around and made the comment that people don't say things like that anymore.


    starting to believe that mones and cologne are affective if you skip a day or two.


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