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  1. #1

    Default What do women really look for?

    In the past I’ve heard way too many people assuming these products will work some sort of magic, where every girl is supposed to swarm to you and drop their pants. Now that would be fun, but the idea couldn’t be further from the truth. If you don’t go out to look for women with the right attitude then good luck, cause they won’t notice you either. When you wait for them to approach it appears like you’re not interested in meeting anyone, they’ll glance at you and move on. Simple as that, let me throw this example into the air:

    Imagine the most beautiful woman, the girl of your dreams walking down the street. Picture this, she doesn’t wiggle her hips, doesn’t look around, doesn’t smile, her expression never changes. She looks like a store mannequin, like a block of cold hard ice, no feelings and practically no sign of life. Yes she is beautiful and you wouldn’t mind spending the night with her, but how the hell would you go about meeting her? How about another question, would you even want to take her home?

    Now imagine a woman who’s just above average, walking a few steps behind the ice-queen. She’s got a smile on her face and looks happy, she waves and makes goofie faces at small children as they walk by, so she can see them smile. She stops at the corner and notices a complete stranger has some dirt on his jacket and she reaches over and wipes it off. As he turns she looks up at him and says; there was some dirty but its gone now. She raises then drops her eyebrows as she smiles and walks away.

    Now I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather meet that second girl. She looks like she’s friendly, interesting and full of life. If you approached her and said hello I’m sure she’d stop and chat for a minute, instead of giving you one of those cold (the hell do you want) stares. I think I’d ask for her number, even if she was only ‘average’, cause I’d much rather spend some time getting to know her instead of that first girl. Ohh, have you already forgotten about the ‘ice-queen bitch’ from a minute ago? Me too, cause honestly who the hell would want to take a chance on her? In fact, even if she stopped and asked ME if I’d like to have dinner with her one night I’d shake my head and keep walking. I wouldn’t think twice about her, cause guess what? The other girl already gave me her number and we’re having lunch tomorrow.

    This example might sound a little extreme, but is it really? It’s the same when a girl looks at you, are you worth her time? If you’re that boring ‘ice-kings’ then the answer is no, you’re not worth meeting. When you head out with the wrong attitude where you believing the women are going to line up to meet you then good luck, the body language that’s coming off you is the same as that first woman I described, the one nobody notices or looks at twice. People who look at you have the same thoughts you just finished thinking about the ‘ice-queen’, scary isn’t it?

    You need to become more like that second person, who’s friendly, interesting and full of life. This is the BEST advice I can give you, whether or not you use Pheromones and whether or not you’re trying to meet a woman. Life is fun, but if you aren’t then nobody will want to be brought down to your level. We meet other people that are full of life, who can bring us up when we’re the ones feeling down. Not everyone can do this, and that’s why it’s such an important and attractive quality so start trying!

    Use this information as you like, however if you choose to ignore it then I do wish you luck (cause you’re going to need it).


  2. #2
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    Default Re: What do women really look for?

    I can\'t agree with you more, I find that women are more receptive to you if you have a nice personality and good attitude about yourself. Although some women do come up to you and start a conversation it\'s very rare. Most women want to be pursued by you so they give out signals and body language so you can notice. I said this before and I\'ll say it again to all the lone wolf\'s and Clint Eastwood\'s out there, it wouldn\'t kill you to just smile at a woman either at a bar or just walking by. Always make eye contact and show your having a good time, and the most important thing is to be well groomed. Comb that hair, clean those fingernails, brush those teeth(always have breath mints). Even if your going to the mall were a nice shirt with jeans. When you go out to the clubs were nice clothes that match. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    Once you have her attention, let the Pheromones do the work [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Default Re: What do women really look for?

    But for some of us, we need to look a bit mean sometimes to keep some women away, the combos are so good and I have worked out that sometimes i just pretend to be an \"ice-king\" so that i can get some rest, because it gets emotionaly draining when ive got all these women floating around all of them waiting for me to make the first move, and i am after all only one person, and have to choose who to talk to.

    Just the reverse guys an idea to consider, ok im nice and talkative and everything else most of the time, but one does need some quite time to think at least does anyone agree with me.

    And we know that hormonal women dont really think about what they are doing, they just want the strongest or attractive in their minds highest producing pheromone guy around, and any other words i can put like prince charming etc etc. So one has to turn some of those away and the easiest way is to look like a bastard for a few mintues because that is the quickest way to get rid of those that one doesnt want.

  4. #4

    Default Re: What do women really look for?

    And remain friendly with those that you want to remain friendly with, there are limits of course. Just as long as you know the difference. Works fine for me. Because females dont really notice the difference, if youre body language is bad and attitude wrong they will run quickly and the good part is it works cause they dont think.

    NLP allows us to fool the opposite sex in certain situations.

  5. #5

    Default Re: What do women really look for?


    The reason they’re chasing you is cause you’ve ‘figured it out’ already. You have the right attitude wheather or not you can help it. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] However this message was directed at people who are still complaining that they aren’t getting hits. When it comes down to it, attitude is the key--Period.


  6. #6

    Default Re: What do women really look for?

    Yeah that is a good idea dylan i was a bit tired yesterday so i was a bit out of it, but for those of you that still feel sorry for yourselves get over it and start having some good fun and get a sense of humour please.

    It is best in the long run. Then you can be like me yay. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    Default Re: What do women really look for?

    Only one rule in universe is absolute : \"Nothing is absolute\"

    What work in place A doesn\'t work in place B.
    Even you use traps to catch an arctic bear and mountain bear, you don\'t use the same techniques.

    Life is too short to try and program ourselves for a long time. Watch your health, enjoy your life and all the rest will follow.
    Don\'t wait of course to catch a woman from the sky but don\'t think the pussies are the only thing that life gave us to have fun.

    I salute my friend Dylan that helped a lot exchanging some data i wanted.
    His first reply, (the topic) was actually a reply for me in our email communication and i agree with him completely however i\'m wondering what pheros really do.

    Pheros work with animals to stimulate and attract. We are animals with little mind control. Women choose by their instinct (and with what BS cosmopolitan say) so logical pheros must go to their part of their \"brain\"
    Pheros are chemical and can\'t decide for which person will work or not. The skin can make a difference but I don\'t think clothes work the same as the skin. So why pheros work there and not here or the opposite.

    If you have the right attitude, the right clothes, you\'re talkative, you\'re funny what blocks pheros raise ?
    With all these a positive image goes to unconscious \"mind\" of the woman. If you don\'t make a contact then you will never be sure if that woman received the positive image or not. I\'m sure that there is no men who can\'t go and speak to girls. The problem is failure. For example I have a physical power overload. When I\'m in that state I don\'t care if the chick is away or to think a unique open line. I go to 3-4 chicks. I get 4 failures I can\'t hold my overload and my power go for a walk.

    Now many people say ok don\'t settle with just looking go and talk to her, be funny...
    Ok I will go talk to her and have a date. This is caused from pheros.. no way. I usually get a date but I have a big percent to sort to \'a nice guy\' as Ross says
    Anyway, this is not my problem right now.
    What I want to say is :
    How do you think a simple user want to see if pheros work (for him) or not when he has normal percent of dates when he approaches his victims (and failures of course)

    I guess with glances, stares, giggles and glances and so on .. and that\'s what I didn\'t get for 1.2 months with TE and AE
    Now I\'m trying Attraction, APC & NPA
    First try with APC & NPA combo or APC & NPA & Attraction didn\'t have ANY results
    BUT I believe all of you and I will still try more and more

    The problem with chicks is somehow the same as trade :

    You must give something to take something back
    You give them your confidence, style, your secure feeling and they give you their body

    Don\'t try too much to be Bond, James Bond.
    It\'s hard and worthless
    Try to do what they say for marketing
    Sit down and think what rare or not so rare advantages you have which you think they are related to women ( to collect butterflies is not one of them but it is an excellent opportunity to invite her to your houseā€¦. :P )
    Find these and think how you can underline them and project them to your victims
    Some victims will not byte but who cares try another and another.
    With this system you don\'t try to be Mr. Perfect and it\'s easier than many others

    When you try to sell something you don\'t have there will be a time when the buyer will ask for the specific product you told him you already have and this is a problem. If on the other hand you told him you have a blue car and you show him a red car you have less percentages to refuse the sale only for the color. (PS : I don\'t follow the exact rule for my business, I\'m just mentioning it as an example with chicks)

    That\'s all for now
    Advise : Forget the right syntax when you read my posts. I consume my brain on how I can get nice chicks so I skip syntax at all. [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]


    [ September 15, 2001: Message edited by: PG-29 ]

  8. #8

    Default Re: What do women really look for?

    Hey PG it sounds as if you are really having a lot of bad luck with this stuff. Im feeling sorry for you but you still sound happy so what the heck [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] um i hope something starts to work for you soon, otherwise you might just become another da-sceptick. Now he was useful to pull some of your perceptions back to reality, but something is going on here with this stuff, we need to know exactly what it is, so hang around and pull the rest of us peoples into line when we need it.

  9. #9

    Default Re: What do women really look for?

    Well i don\'t worry about chicks and i keep my good mood most of the time. Maybe because i sort higher my family and my friends my health and my good time. Mr. Champion annoys me sometimes but he understands he can\'t beat me so he rests again. I enjoy a good fuck but i don\'t give all my time and money resources for this. After all we can\'t blame women for their requests, we allowed this to happen. If men didn\'t let loose the strings before some years then maybe now was better place for every Mr.Champion in the world. I discovered pheros and I give them a try to see if they work. All your positive feedback from forum people convinced me they do but you I\'m not an eye-witness yet. Even I share some of da skeptic opinions I will be the first to admit I was wrong if pheros will work eventually. If not i will go to nowhere land and play with Captain Hook and Peter [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    [ September 16, 2001: Message edited by: PG-29 ]

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