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  1. #1

    Default Work place phero use


    1. Has anyone worn the mones and gotten hit on by their boss?

    2. Has anyone gotten unwanted attention from women or men they worked with after using the mones?

    3. How have the mones affected your performance/position in the work place?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Work place phero use

    I wear pheros at work, and have tried the following:
    <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>APC/NPA<LI>PI with e-oils<LI>NPA w/ cologne<LI>TES w/ cologne<LI>TES w/ SPMO[/list]

    And twice (though I don\'t remember what I was wearing at the time) I\'ve had two women get that \"far away\" look in their eyes. One of the women couldn\'t stay focused on the conversation at hand, and the other walked away from my office, kinda staggering like she was drunk, and I know she hadn\'t been drinking.

    Since these two \"events\", I\'ve kinda toned down the phero use because I\'m not lookin\' to create issues.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Work place phero use

    Understandable Lex, but I would like to hear from those with female superiors and how they\'re treated because there\'s a huge upswing in female HR people as well as female bosses. It\'s no suprise to see a female manager or even district manager or such. I mean is it troublesome or helpful? I\'d imagine for us single guys it could be kind of cool but even still you probably don\'t want to date the boss.

    Although one thing Lex, I\'d love to hear more about the stumbling woman. You still come in contact with her? Did you OD on mone or something to get this effect? And when you said you weren\'t looking to create issue what did you mean? Like harassment or such? Because all you could be acused of doing is wearing a lot of cologne if that even. [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    [ September 14, 2001: Message edited by: jambat ]

  4. #4

    Default Re: Work place phero use

    Yes Yes and YES jambat, all the time my boss and also the human resource managers are both young female and fairly good looking. THats my piece anyway.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Work place phero use

    Jambat here are some experiences although not all arte bosses. thjids girl, who is no longer working at my office, one day I was talking to her and she got glassy eyed and strated twisting her her(she never twisted her hair before in the 2 years I\'ve known her). Then she jumps uip out of her chair,grabs the lotion she had on desk and starts to slowly lotion up her legs in one of the tightest mini skirts I\'ve seen. She then jumps up again out of chair and falls back into it as if she is drunk and continues to just stare at me. My boss, who is male, treats me completely different. Whatever I suggest, he justs says ok and keeps looking at the ground when he talks to me. I did have the chance to talk to a female superior while wearing mones. I was in a training class and she kept saying how she and I were going to go for a drink after the class. She told the whole class this. I had forgot my calculator and she yelled at al couple of other trainees who forgot, but told me that was ok. So far, I have sent out resumes, and the ones I get called on I spray with attraction. Always female HR people call. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  6. #6

    Default Re: Work place phero use


    Great stories! What do you use, and how much? I love that resume idea...


  7. #7

    Default Re: Work place phero use

    Yeah same here its funny actually but im still trying resume thing, i have a job so its ok but if i want to move on then yeah the resume thing is definitley the go.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Work place phero use


    ....I\'m with jjs, what the hell you using man? I need some of that right now! I\'m on the job prowl. I got Edge on my resumes but you sound like you got some of the good stuff. Tell me more. I mean how did you respond and all. I\'m super curious.


    Tell me more about your female bosses too. I know your good for a story and I\'m willing to listen so hook me up. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    [ September 15, 2001: Message edited by: jambat ]

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Work place phero use goes. The girl at office with mini skirt. At the time I was experimenting with the unscented TE. I had mixed TE with AE. Now understand, even though that was a great hit, it was the only hit I had gotten then and after. But, I now use TE with the sandlewood, I don\'t spray it on, but open bottle and put dabs on both sides of neck and one on front of neck. Mind you, your finger should not be dripping with the stuff. I now cover with a very light dab of APC and put 2 dabs of APC on wrists. This, at least for me, gets far more hits and girls smiling and starting conversations then spraying TE on. But again Jambat, I have used and still use your mixture of APC & NPA. That alone brought a whole office full of girls coming up to me when I went over there to deliver some paperwork. Right now I am experimenting with PI with Ylang. Again, I put only 1 drop split behind both ears, and cover with APC. I only started this week with this combo. Alot of blushing, girls walking real close,etc.. The resume\'s I have experiemented with TE, but the most call backs I get are from 1 spray of Attraction on resume(spray in air and let fall) and then after you see little alcohol droplets dry, then immediately seal it up in envelope. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  10. #10

    Default Re: Work place phero use

    Sorry guys thats about my story, just a little flirting and that was about all. Actaully it was a wink hit, just smiling, laughing unnecessary and flipping that hair at a million miles an hour and playing with her leg. Sorry jambat thats it, pretty sad aint it lol [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] . Oh well next time.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Work place phero use


    In answer to your questions: Yes, I still see this \"staggering\" woman. She\'s single (not that this is unusual in my company)and works in our accounting and finance group. I see each other daily and converse often.

    I don\'t believe I OD\'d, but then again this was when I first started experimenting with pheros. I\'d read a good portion of the posts on this board, so I was being real careful. I believe that I\'d used two good dabs of PI that day with some e-oils as a mask, but I\'m not 100% sure about this.

    As for creating issues: I\'m happily married, with three kids. I started pheros because I desired to \"stir things up\" at home with my wife. With three kids, ages 11, 9 and 1 yr. it is often difficult to find time where the wife is not just plain tired. With the pheros, my wife\'s tiredness often does not seem to be as big as issue as before.

    But your right about the harrasment thing. We completed \"anti-harrasment\" training, and
    anything that you do that someone else finds \"offensive\" can be considered harrasment. I can see the headlines now: \"Pheroman Causes Office Women to Become Drunk\".

    [ September 17, 2001: Message edited by: Lex ]

  12. #12

    Default Re: Work place phero use

    Well our sexual descimination policy and harassment policy only covers touching and verbal harassment, the thing about pheromones is it makes the women get sexual with me he he [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] and it covers nothing about biological or chemical sexual warfare does it he he and seeing as though we produce this stuff natuarally anyway they simply cannot ban it otherwise all people would have to leave the workplace, i think ladies and gentlement we have ourselves the ulitmate safeguard, and no one can touch us he he god science is good i love phers lol anyway i wonder if someone will put in a harassment complaint if i simply ignore some women and they still come after me, is that reverse discrimination or am i leading them on no they are ocming after me, the headlines and creativity ideas are all over the place, we might just want to throw out sexual discrimination all together the pheros seem to increase productivity anyway by making people happier and work harder so whos going to complain ok now things are getting weird. Does anyone wish to add on ???

  13. #13

    Default Re: Work place phero use

    Lex said...

    As for creating issues: I\'m happily married, with three kids. I started pheros because I desired to \"stir things up\" at home with my wife. With three kids, ages 11, 9 and 1 yr. it is often difficult to find time where the wife is not just plain tired. With the pheros, my wife\'s tiredness often does not seem to be as big as issue as before.

    Ah, I see. I didn\'t know this. I hope that works out for you. Many people don\'t even try to make the home life work so I\'m glad you\'re committed to that and I\'d say definitely a good use of pheros. Keep those home fires burning.

    But your right about the harrasment thing. We completed \"anti-harrasment\" training, and
    anything that you do that someone else finds \"offensive\" can be considered harrasment. I can see the headlines now: \"Pheroman Causes Office Women to Become Drunk\".

    That would make a killer headline. I\'m seeing it now, you\'re beseiged with reporters, \"Sir where did you find this pheromone and where can we get some to \'test\' the potency.\"

  14. #14

    Default Re: Work place phero use

    I\'m married with two kids, and I wear the Stone PPA to work EVERY day - not necessarily to attract women, but becuase it really loosens up everyone in the office, and I honestly can say that not only DID I get hit on by a female boss once, it also very well may have been a contributing factor in an unexpected raise. I think we all need to aknowledge that there are other uses for pheromones than just \"getting laid\".... [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  15. #15

    Default Re: Work place phero use

    I\'ve not got any major hits or DIHL nor any women coming real \"close\" after using the whole arsenal of Pheros I have:PI, Adro, PF, Datemate, TE etc.
    But something I must admit that they tends to make my female students pretty comfortable and relax in my class and sometimes they do come up with some personnal talks, discussions and dinner/lunch date, maybe its the professional attitude that prevent me from making my \'further advancement\' and getting into personnal relationship with students.
    I would says the Pheros works, especially the PF.
    Glad to say that mones are bringing in more and more female students/divers and they really helped in the increasing my business.

    [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  16. #16

    Default Re: Work place phero use

    I just start a temporary position today. This woman comes in with me and all day she\'s talking to me and winking at me when I walk by. Actually she a little clingy but not in a psychotic way so that\'s good. Some of it is being a temp from the same agency but she\'s taken to me stronger than most women I meet in a new position like this. We ate together and I even walked her have way to the train. The shocker is I\'m out of APC/NPA so I got no super hits so I had to turn to TE mixed with Arabian Musk and SPMO. Three sprays and that\'s was my day. Mind you though my three sprays came from my my mini atomizer not the Edge bottle. Although I think a single spray or so of the NPA/ APC mix from the TE bottle my be fine. I still want my APC and NPA.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Work place phero use

    Bumped this one up. Didn\'t want it lost in the shuffle.

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