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  1. #1
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    Default Anthony Berger\'s Advanced Macking E-book

    This one looks interesting. Anyone tried this one or read it? Some of the methods seem a little bit risky.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Anthony Berger\'s Advanced Macking E-book

    That looks real good - but $149 ouch - it didn\'t come up on Kazaa.

  3. #3
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anthony Berger\'s Advanced Macking E-book

    i paid 35, can\'t believe they are charging 145.

    Serach \"dating\" on kazza, i think it comes up

    Basically, it is not going to work, it can help confidence a little, because its big secret, which works, is that the best opening line is \"Hi\" (slight grin).

    That is what i got from it. But the thing is basically premised on females making eye contact with u, which does not happen most of the time. He tells u to appraoch on the third eye contact. Ugl guys don\'yt even get one glance.

    Also, the boob touch, where ypou are contastantly brushing your knuckles against a girls nipple, is not something i am sure is that easy to get away with. The idea is you have a glass in your hand. You have to be in the right positioning. It is not a great system. I haven\'t seen one that is.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Anthony Berger\'s Advanced Macking E-book

    I really liked the things said about voice. Tone of voice is extremely important to me. But that bit about brushing against her breasts ... I don\'t THINK so ... lol

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Anthony Berger\'s Advanced Macking E-book

    I have not read whatever it is you people are reading, but I have to respond to FTR\'s last commment: \"brushing against her breasts... I don\'t think so...\"

    I remember a while back we were talking about signals from women and FTR emphasized the importance of what women do with their breasts; being protective of them, versus thrusting them out, or in some cases, thrusting them right into you!
    I have noticed that for some strange reason, since reading that post and keeping it in mind, I seem to have had an increased amount of interaction with breasts. I sure hope it isn\'t me subconsciously being responsible for this, but quite frequently I am finding myself accidentally touching/rubbing slightly, some part of that part of a woman\'s anatomy(and I mean in a public situation, not in the bedroom). I swear, it isn\'t because I have adopted this as some kind of strategy to turn the women on. I think the women are responsible for it. I think because they are so comfortable with me, and like being in my presence, their personal space really collapses and the old breast contact inevitably follows. I suppose the mentioned strategy in the book could be useful, but only if you can get away with it, and I would think that you are only going to get away with it if the right situation is in place already; meaning, the women is comfortable with you and open to you, and using her body in such a way that she is practically getting her breasts in the way. Anyway, I am rambling, but what I am trying to say is that I have had increased contact with breasts lately, and I know that in some cases anyway, the women get aroused from it and then really warm up even more towards me. But, as I said, I do not think that I am initiating this contact.

    A question for FTR et. al. Do you think a woman can get a serious case of erect nipples from a man that she is not interested in sexually? I danced with a woman for about an hour one night and for the whole time, I was seriously worried that she was going to poke holes in her shirt! This began shortly after we started dancing. It wasn\'t like I was molesting her breasts either. I may have grazed the sides or bottom of them occasionally because of the dance moves.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Anthony Berger\'s Advanced Macking E-book

    The part about touching boobs. It DOES say to do it subtely like it is an accident and see if she responds. And then do it again like a minute later. I don\'t think it is supposed to be blatant. I could see that working but you HAVE to make it subtle or you could probably expect a slap in the face.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Anthony Berger\'s Advanced Macking E-book

    Women have all kinds of different nipple shapes and a very wide range of sensitivity, from almost nothing to being electrified by just fingertips grazing lightly across them. Any contact at all of my breasts, even by my clothes, their bouncing in my bra when I walk, makes my nipples very hard. For a hand to graze any part of my breasts would be arousing at least to the nipple tissue - it\'s kind of like a dick, has a mind of its own and will schwing! at will for any or no reason. Whether her hard nipples actually indicate sexual arousal is another question. Mine are always hard and most of the time it has nothing to do with feeling sexy. It\'s just the contact of my clothes on my skin that makes them stand up. But very light touches on the sides and or bottoms of breasts is extremely erotic to many women.

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Anthony Berger\'s Advanced Macking E-book

    FTR, thanks for the input. If I am lucky, this particular woman is one of the types that finds light touches extremely erotic, as you put it. I intend to check this matter out in the near future.

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