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  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Dec 2002
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    Default Most Embarrassing Story

    I\'d be surprised if anyone can top this....

    I was a sophomore in college. I had a co-op job working for this small software company in the city. I used to party hard in college, for example I did 56 shots of kamikazees on my 21st birthday. The school I went to got honorable mention for the top 10 party schools in the country by Playboy magazine, only saying that this school is for serious drinkers & due to the lack of women at the school 4:1 ratio, they could not list us in the top 10 in the country. I digress...

    I had this job where I worked 40 hours a week while taking 30+ credits a semester & yet still found time to party my ass off probably 6-7 nights a week. One morning I wake up drunk, I get dressed & I rollerbladed down to the PATH station to go to work. I preferred to stand & hold on to the rail with both my hands when I wore my blades. So I\'m looking around & I notice every SINGLE woman is making eye contact & they have a big smile on their face, meanwhile I guess guys are avoiding me, whatever, I\'m drunk, but it\'s that type of drunk where it\'s like after an earthquake you feel those tremors, I want to say like 2nd hand drunk, but I don\'t think that exists. I\'m digressing again. So I am enjoying all of this attention I\'m getting, I bet some of the ladies know exactly what it is I\'m guilty of at this point. So I get to 23rd street & proceed to rollerblade to my office building & I take the elevator & buzz myself in, then when I get to my cube I sit down to take my rollerblades off. And then WHAM, as I look down to unbuckle my blades I realize that I not only forgot to zip the fly in my jeans, but that my johnson was hanging completely out!!!!! I think I had a good laugh at that point, looked around & nobody saw me in the office, stood up & carefully tucked him back in & zipped my jeans up. Needless to say I really enjoy remembering that story because even though it is embarrassing, I was embarrassed around complete stangers & I have no idea if people recognized me from that point forward. I guess the story would have been better if I was around all of my best friends or something, oh well.

  2. #2
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Most Embarrassing Story



  3. #3
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Most Embarrassing Story

    c\'mon what are you afraid of? Just tell us, you realize once you post a good story then it will be socially acceptable for others to share...and no one you know reads these boards so don\'t be so shy!!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Most Embarrassing Story

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    When I was 18, I was dating this ne\'er do well who had a motorcycle and hair down the middle of his back and I used to party with him and his guy friends. We all piled into Donny\'s van one evening to go to Sea Shore State Park in Virginia Beach. I had long been accepted as \"one of the guys\" and felt fine with it. But along the way we picked up this other girl, a stunning blonde, who intimidated me on sight and my competitive instincts kicked in.

    We get to the park and there are biking/hiking trails but nothing but dunes and trees if you get off the trails, so we go up and hill, down a hill, up a hill, down a hill until we think we\'re far enough from the trails to party undisturbed, and we sit in a circle and the guys get out the booze. We\'re playing drinking games and singing drinking songs and we had already gotten stoned en route so were feeling fine when we sat down to begin with. So the beer goes around until the beer\'s gone. The Jack Daniels goes around until the Jack Daniels is gone. The bourbon goes around until the bourbon\'s gone. Then the blonde pulls a bottle of Jose Cuervo out of her satchel. HA! It just so happened I had brought a bottle of Jose Cuervo Gold, so I got mine out, and we eye each other. The guys see it and we\'re challenged to each chug the bottle. She couldn\'t get through hers but I chugged the entire bottle of tequila while the guys sang a drinking song to encourage me.

    So then of course we have to pee in the worst way. We manage to get to our feet and we stagger up a hill, down a hill, up a hill, down a hill, until we think we\'re far enough away from the guys that they won\'t see us, and we each try to pee in a squat, holding our jeans away from ourselves, but realize we\'re too drunk, we\'re gonna end up peeing on our clothes, so the only thing to do is take our jeans and panties off, which we do.

    So there the two of us are, no jeans, no panties, bare-assed naked to the world, when four Dobermans come galumphing down the trail toward us, barking their heads off.

    The place we had staggered to was a big tree right ON the hiking trail.

    These big dogs look like the hounds of hell to us and, terrified, we commence to scream our heads off and the more we scream, the louder the dogs bark.

    The guys hear us screaming and all come running.

    About that time the dog\'s owners, an older couple, catch up to the dogs.

    And there are me and this blonde, bare-assed, backed up against a tree, surrounded by 15 guys, 4 dogs, and this elderly couple all gaping at us and the dogs won\'t shut up.

    I thought I would die.

    Worse. The next day I get this phone call from a woman who says she - uh - met me yesterday at the park, did I remember? yes, well, I had dropped my wallet and she picked it up, and it was at her house if I\'d like to come pick it up.

    I had to go over there the next day, hung over and red faced, and get my wallet from that woman.

    That\'s the last time I ever drank tequila straight.

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Jan 2003
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    Default Re: Most Embarrassing Story

    well i was once in a park and was really getting into it with this one guy and we was out in the weeds away from everyone on a nice soft blanket had a few drinks of wine and was really down right enjoying every min of it and just as we were getting ready to get off really good when we herd a noise and we rolled over and looked up and we had this nice little crowd of frizbee players clapping there hands and saying more more.. that was not cool... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

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