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  1. #1

    Default New Guy with a Game Plan...maybe.

    I\'ve actually been visiting love-scent for quite a while, but never had the money/need ratio to purchase anything. Then I saw the Newbie kit, The beginners special to be exact, and just couldn\'t pass it up. I ordered it less than a week ago, and I got it today. I\'ve never had anything get to me that fast for that shipping method. So I must compliment on the wonderful service.

    As I said, I\'ve been coming here on and off for quite a while. Reading a post here and a post there. I also did a bit of research over the past few days since I ordered the kit.

    First, The Edge does not smell like BO. When I got my Kit 12 hours ago, The Edge was the first thin I smelled. \"Good God!\" were the first words out of my mouth..fallowed by a lot of coughing. I guess I don\'t fall into that 25% group that can\'t smell their own stink, because this stuff smells like moose pee. Not that I know what moose pee smells like, but it can\'t be any worse than The Edge!

    Anyway, onto my plan. I was reading, and reading, and reading about mixing this stuff. One wrist The edge, One wrist Cologne and rub them together. Mix with the oil in the spray bottle. And all kinds of ratios. But, I have a plan.

    I filled the empty spray bottle half full of CKB (The only cologne I have up at College with me) and started adding The edge in small amounts. What I\'m looking for is this, the MOST amount of The edge I can have in that bottle before I can notice it.

    Does that seem like a good plan? As of right now, I smell like a freaking farm animal, but being 2 am, that\'s ok.

    My other question is about cologne. Does the edge mix better with a lighter smelling cologne, or a heavier smelling cologne? In case it would help, my own \'smell\' after not showering overnight is more along the lines of stale, blunt smell (like dirty hair) than a sharp BO smell.

    Lastly, I\'ve read a few times that the Sent of Eros gel makes people in general a bit more friendly around you. Is this the sort of thing you could wear to a job interview?

    Thanks for the help you guys can give me. I\'m sure the answers are in the forums, but there is just so much information there, it would take days for me to sort it out.

    Thanks again.


  2. #2

    Default Re: New Guy with a Game Plan...maybe.

    First off, welcome to the Secret Society of Pheromone Users.... shhh.. Just kiddin, its not that secretive, but it\'s still a great group of people here.

    While I\'m not as knowledgable as some people here. Let me offer some of my personal experiences.

    I have always prefered to use The Edge in its original spray bottle. I normally apply 2 sprays of TE on either side of the collar bone, and rub it in with my wrists (this gets a bit of the scent to my wrists without ODing). Then after I have my shirt on, I spray 2 sprays of my cologne over the shirt.

    In this aspect, it\'s roughly a 1:1 ratio to the cologne. What works best is the cologne is on my shirt, and the phero\'s directly on my skin, some below the collar, some on my neck. It will be quite strong the first 30 or so minutes you wear it, so you want to apply it about 30 minutes before going out, this way you don\'t feel like you stink like mouse pee, as you put it [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]. Also, a normal night out, around 4 to 6 hours, you will not need to reapply it.

    On to your second question, I found the Edge to mix better with a stronger cologne like Cool Water, or Drakkar (Le Male perhaps too). I don\'t particularly like the mixes I get with something like Aqua Di Gio for example, because it\'s a very light cologne. I don\'t use CKB so I can\'t comment on that mix.

    And your final question: SoE should work well in an interview. It will probably be more effective with a younger interviewer (under 30) that with an older person. But I\'m not very knowledgable of SoE, as I do not have any yet, and I only know about it through these forums. I\'ll leave this up to someone who knows.

    Hope I helped a bit.

  3. #3

    Default Re: New Guy with a Game Plan...maybe.

    Thanks for your input. It makes logical sense that a heavy scent would cover another heavy scent.

    About what you told me. I mixed, and I can still smell The Edge after a half hour, all be it faintly. only when I hold my nose somewhat close to where I sprayed it. Does that mean I am still putting too much on, or am I just too close to it, and other people won\'t notice it?

    I haven\'t had a need to leave my dorm today, so I\'ve been testing a lot of mixtures. So far, I still stink!

    Also, what kind of luck have you had with The Edge?

    Thanks again!

  4. #4
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: New Guy with a Game Plan...maybe.

    Couple quick bits of advice with getting started. Use small amounts and work up. Apply to wrists. This gives you a better idea of how much you \"stink\". :-) You can sniff ground zero very easily. Remember, a very faint amount of the \"pee\" smell in the air actually works. It doesn\'t have to be covered completely. It sounds weird, but check out the threads on EW. That stuff smells like crap... literally, but in very faint doses, it is a powerful aphrodisiac.
    Strange but true,

  5. #5

    Default Re: New Guy with a Game Plan...maybe.

    Along with Bruce\'s advice, it does sound to me like you got the right amount on for starters. Unless you stick your nose right to it, it should not be an obvious smell around you. I say work with that current mix, as it sounds light enough and if things seem a bit stale after a good 5 uses, increase the amount of TE a bit.

    At this stage it\'s all trial and error to see what works. As if you\'ve been trying out different phero combo\'s all day, I would suggest a shower before you head out, use from anti-bacterial soap to rinse off all the old phero\'s and then apply a clean application of your current mix.

    As far as my successes with TE, I haven\'t used it much. A good friend of mine gave me his collection when he got engaged. I had a few different phero\'s to choose from so I like to mix it up as I haven\'t found a great combo yet. But, I have had women approach me with interest. I have had women I approached just become totally into me, and sometimes sexually aggressive in public with me. I think it depends on the character of the women, some will become overly sexually agressive (rubbing my crotch or telling me how bad she wants me), others are just mentally into me, she hangs on my every word and is just so engrosed in me I could make a fool of myself and she\'s probably be even more turned on. But all for all, I\'ve had good hits with a couple of the phero\'s I have, but none of them seem to stand out above any other.

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