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Thread: Enlargement

  1. #91

    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    Well, I\'m not watching him anymore. First he talks mean to me and won\'t apologize, and then he wants to play in my makeup. Spoiled, that\'s what I call it. Ungrateful.

  2. #92

    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    Yeah I really think it was out of character talking to a lady like that.

  3. #93

    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    Yeah I really think it was out of character talking to a lady like that.

  4. #94

    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    2\'s better than one lol it happened to me now [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  5. #95
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    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    Yep, this is the tragic price society pays for trying to \"mainstream\" those who are clearly unsuitable.

  6. #96
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    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    i think the jelqing helps. I got the program from and I have been doing it for about 3 months or so. I don\'t do the stretches and I don\'t jelging as much as they say. I have noticed a little improvement in length, a noticable improvement in girth and it is def. more vascular.

  7. #97

    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    here\'s the hax0red version of that I found on the net ( ) just for the guys who can\'t affored it or just want to preview before they join.

    Yeah I do both Jelqing and \"The Squeeze\" Technique for extra girth, they seem to really work if you put some effort in.

  8. #98

    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    Bart, I don\'t know if you need professional psychiatric help, or if you\'re just a jerk, but I\'m totally sick of your attitude. I could care less what I think.

    But, you wrote in an earlier post \"In fact...No, I don\'t get girls like you\'d think.\" Bart, I\'m not surprised. If you\'re anything in person like you are on this board, then that\'s probably why you don\'t get girls. Who wants to be around somebody like you with your attitude?

    Twenty years from now you\'re probably going to look back on the things you\'ve written and be totally embarassed about the way you\'ve acted. In the mean time, you need to work on doing some growing up right now.

  9. #99
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    Those that arent mainstream are put to the edge of societies sexual obsession.

  10. #100
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Enlargement

    What\'s wrong? Are you aware of how stressed you sound?

  11. #101
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    >However, think of the Indians.....Sure, they smoked crack, but they didn\'t go and od and get hammered, and drink alcohol until passing out, and etc\" )
    excuse me!!!!!!!!!!!! Indians, hey watch that crap!!!! smoked crack i dont think so and as far as drinking, well hey we drank but it wasnt what you think, let alone i could drink you under the table, Dont you be acuseing us of crap pal!!!!!!! Thats straight from me a blackfoot indian!!!!!!!!!!!! And to top that all off us indians make better lovers than you could ever imagin!!!

  12. #102
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    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    i\'ve never met anyone who was full native american! Is anyone here actually full native american it seems like not only did \"americans\" leave crap rumors but they also outbreed many native americans.

  13. #103
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    you go girl [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  14. #104
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    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    \"Sorry, but I don\'t have time to make it short¨ - Ernest Hemingway

    Ok, some dude on this forum has a quote on each of his posts which says something like an ounce of practice is worth a pound of theorizing, or something along those lines...

    Everyone on this thread keep quoting doctors, body- builders and internet sites who is supposed to know what theyre talking about, some say that if you\'d like to enlarge your schlong, exercise, pills, herbs, vacuum pumps or whatever works, others, and actually most \"experts\" says only operations can enlarge your pole. Yet, on just this one discussion- thread there are several guys who says they can prove that one way or another works. Some of these guys may lie, but why would they? They have no commercial or financial reason to say these things if they\'re not true, so either they\'re all compulsive psycho liars who gets a kick out of convincing others that they too can get a bigger penis if they want, or maybe, just maybe some of them are telling the truth. If it is true, then they have just proved that 8 out of 10 so-called experts (97 per cent of all statistics are fake [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]) are wrong, and that there are ways to enlarge junior without cutting him first.

    Theories and medical terms and all sorts of doctors mumbo jumbo sat aside for two seconds (just because they say the earth is flat, dont make it so...) I don\'t know bout other ways to enlarge your penis, but I know for a fact that vacuum pumps work. I have spoken to several independent guys who have had an increase both in length and girth, using pumps. I have seen pictures and the results myself. This is NOT relative, these are PHYSICAL and PERMANENT changes in penis size, not placebo, not an internet scam and not photo manipulation. Go to any fetish site on the net, and you can see people pumping they\'re scrotum, penis, nipples, and labia and even they\'re assholes to the size of...well, something pretty damn huge! Now, I don\'t know if there are muscles in the penis, or why it is possible to pump it up, but when it is possible to pump up your assh*le to the size of a king- size donut, it shouldnt really be a problem to do the same thing with your penis?

    Everyone assumes that \"professionals\" knows what theyre talking about... may I remind you fellas that if you go on any other forum on the internet or talk to your local doctor, neighborhood expert, teacher, drug dealer, or your damn gardener, you\'ll have a pretty hard time convincing them what pheros are and that they actually work...\"perfume that makes you attract girls? Yeah right!\"... Now, you can continue discussing male anatomy and what the penis consists of, but it won\'t get you anywhere! If you want you can find a doctor or professor or whatever that is convinced that penis will grow if you smoke 40 cigarettes daily, so the only thing I trust are users. I asked around on some \"expert\"- forums about pheromones before I found love- scent, and not one of them believed in them, and none of them had any proof or shred of evidence that in fact it was a scam, and thank god I believed some dude that told me about love-!

    I just spent 20 minutes writing this post to try and \"prove\" that pumps are for real, but most likely no one will believe me anyways. And why would you? I\'m probably just some compulsive psycho liar who gets a kick out of convincing others that they can get a bigger penis without spending thousands of dollars on surgery or accepting that \"size don\'t matter\". Size matters damnit! Maybe not to wives or friends or mothers, but to the person who feels he has a small penis. Tell him whatever you want, it won\'t do any good, he wants a bigger penis and will do almost anything in his power to get it. The least you can do is accept that.

    And when it comes to using vacuum to enlarge your Clinton, don\'t think this is something fancy new bogus- invention, it has been in different cultures for several hundred years, maybe even longer. Instead of referring to retarded docs, take a search on the internet and find a some pump- users. I guarantee you that it works, but like I said earlier, it takes time and effort.

    That\'s all folks, please don\'t harass me for this thread, I put a lot of effort in it, hope I didn\'t step on anyones toes.

  15. #105
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    Dude , its not Ice Age....
    and not all doctors claim , that the earth is flat. Some of them actually study for years. [Be it anatomy , science , whatever]
    After this study , they are experts indeed.

    Another thing is : If those pumps really worked , there would be some REAL studys on them. (Not just crap everybody can find on the net)
    It wouldn\'t be unusual or uncommon to go to the doctor , tell him you want a bigger penis , and get a prescription for a pump. However this is not common or usual. Go to the doctor/professor and ask him about pumps or any techniques. He will agree , that it increases blod flow , but he will laugh and tell u that it won\'t make anything grow. [+ There is high risk of permanent damage to the member]

    Look , there are 3-4 Billion people who call a penis their own , on this planet.

    If it worked , the word would spread kinda fast amongst everybody...not just internet bullshit scam sites.

    A doctor will tell yah:

    thirsty ? -drink
    hungry ? -eat
    overweight ? -sports + -diet
    ill ? -medicine
    arm ripped off ? -surgery
    small dick ? -penis pump ? Muahahha never ever heard that anywhere outside the internet.

    + If u could do all the enlargement with a pump , why bother with the only DOCTOR approved method of enlarging [wich is risky surgery] . Doctors would prescribe pumps , wouldn\'t they ?????

    And you are not quite right about this :

    \"Now, I don\'t know if there are muscles in the penis, or why it is possible to pump it up, but when it is possible to pump up your assh*le to the size of a king- size donut, it shouldnt really be a problem to do the same thing with your penis? \"

    Its not a problem to pump up your penis. But all u do is FRIKKIN PUMP = let lots of blood flow into the desired area.
    = massive increase in size , girth whatever.
    But as soon as u put the pump away , the blood will flow back and u will be back to normal size after 1 hour.

    Unless u can prove to me the opposite with REAL WORLD STUDYS. I will not believe anything u said [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    No offense though , everybody is free to believe whatever he wants. But only because u believe in it , doesnt mean its true for everybody else , now is it ?
    If it [penis enlargment with pumps] was true for everybody else , than this would be a scientific result.

  16. #106
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    exercise i might could believe as the penis IS a muscle and all muscles can be \'worked out\' to increace size ans hardness(though how one does that on the penis is a toughie), however there is evidence that pumps are very dangerous and can do massive damage..permanent type damage too...breaks down the blood cell chambers and they cant regenerate.

  17. #107
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    The penis is formed of erectile tissue...
    This erectile tissue is composed of venous spaces lined with epithelial cells separated by connective tissue and smooth muscle cells. Smooth muscle is throughout the body, and is involuntary and nonstriated (not banded). Smooth muscle causes peristalsis (wave-like contractions) that aids in food digestion and transport among other things.

    I don\'t see how this tissue could respond to\'s involuntary.

  18. #108

    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    Poor guys they think they have a bicep in there croch, your penis is divided into three chambers which are made of a spongy tissue. This tissue absorbs blood as it rushes to the penis, creating an erection. You can go here ( and learn to enlarge you penis without pumps they also tell you which methods are dangerous and not recommended,... go there it\'s free and has all those popular streching and \"milking\" that work.

  19. #109
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    Jelqing(milking) is supposed to work but how the hell someone \'strokes\' it 200 times w/o getting a erection is damn sure beyound me [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  20. #110
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    \"hell someone \'strokes\' it 200 times w/o getting a erection is damn sure beyound me \"

    You do it in front of a picture of your grandmother.

  21. #111

    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    I do it while watching the food channel it actually works lol.

  22. #112
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    sure glad i don\'t have the problem to start with.

  23. #113
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Oxytocin Release

    <<I do it while watching the food channel it actually works lol.>>

    I bet when they start kneading the bread dough, you almost lose it. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  24. #114
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Oxytocin Release


  25. #115
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    Default au contraire, mon ami!

    now this is exactly what i\'m talking about. there are more than one person on this thread that says and believes that this jelqing works. and why don\'t every doctor in the world tell people with small penises to jelq off (hehe)? because they\'re not aware of it! like i said, go to your doctor and ask him about something you read on the internet, about socalled \"pheromones\" that you can apply and instantly people will like you... the nice doctor will probably call some nice men with white coats on you, and they will probably give you a niiiiiiiice shirt where your arms are attached to your back :P

    and you can actually get pumps on prescription, but with the purpose of use if you have a hard time gettin it hard.... THERE CAN BE NO SERIOUS DAMAGE WITH THE USE OF PUMPS! you might get some red spots on your skin if you overpump, but thats about as dangerous as it gets, and they will be gone by tomorrow.

    i know that some doctors now believe the earth is round, but i just used it as an example since it\'s not too long ago since we thought it was flat, and you would actually get executed saying otherwise. docs today are of course alot better at their jobs, but this don\'t mean they\'re right if they don\'t believe in penile enlargement methods or pheromones. How many doctors have an actual reason to turn it down other that they\'ve never heard of it and might be sceptical... another thing is that there are alot of things that doctors turn down just because they\'re sceptical or because there hasn\'t been that much research on the topic. that too don\'t make it true.

    another thing is that scientists disagree with each others every single day! today it\'s healthy to drink one glass of wine a day, yesterday that could kill you. so, like i said, i don\'t believe in \"experts\" who infact are just plain old quacks trying to impress. of course many of them are right, but there are enough rip- offs out there that are so are really wrong, infact some are so wrong it\'s not even right [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] !these guys often have a reason for telling to this or that, whether they wanna make money by recommending something else or they\'re afraid you\'ll sue him if he\'ll promise something false... since there are so many from the US on this forum, you should know what i mean! no offence but americans (not all americans, but the justice system will allow it) can sue their own mother before breakfeast, because the coffee was too hot!

    of course there are real studies of these on the net, but its not easy to find because of all of the bullshit reports and \"studies\" on the net. you wouldn\'t know what was true since there are always some expert saying otherwise, and i\'m gonna tell you a little secret: not all of them knows what the hell they\'re talking about.

    and THATS the reason why i relate to user stories. if John Doe and Jack [bad word] have tried out pumps with great results, then i trust them way more than some fancy dude with a title longer than a good year saying \"nothing exept suregery will enlarge you Johnson\"!

    And yup, your penis shrinks when you stop the pumping, but it will be larger than usual for more than 1 hour, more like 1 day or so... i\'ve freakin tried pumping myself and i noticed results even though it was one of those sucky pumps for erection, and not for enlargement.

    none taken, and i respect your believes(even though your wrong, heheh ;D), but don\'t set all your believes to science reports. there are for plenty of unknown or hidden reports, for instance one made by WHO (a little of topic, i know) which clearly shows that cannabis is more or less harmless physically, and like many other reports these where hidden, destroyed, shushed down and so on, because several countries made cannabis illegal at a time where they thought it was very dangerous. no one want\'s to be proven wrong, ateleast not when it can change the entire morals, laws and attitudes towards something we today refer to as addictive, poisonous and so on, so the reports where kept quiet. these things happen every day, but the truth is out there! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  26. #116
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: au contraire, mon ami!

    Hehe ! To sum up what u and I said :

    LEGALIZE DA GANJA ! Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Hmm , maybe because of all the internet bullshit there actually will be more docotrs researching on enlarging .

    If Jelq-technique really worked , think of all the new job opportunities for women [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Eventhough my size is good enough to get any job done , I would go to a modern openminded doctor , get a prescribtion , and then I would have nice women [hired in Poland] jelq me off on a daily basis.

    Oh was I dreaming ?????

    Oh and btw , I dont believe in wonnabe-experts/internet studys whatever. I said I believe in doctors who become experts after years of study.

    And I will believe anybody , who shows me his member before and after 6 Month of jelq/pumping whatever....

    I would require visual proof because , I don\'t trust statistics I haven\'t faked myself , same things goes for before/after photos !

  27. #117
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    Default Re: au contraire, mon ami!

    \"...not only did \"americans\" leave crap rumors but they also outbreed many native americans.\"


    I find your comments offense. My ancestors came from ireland (came here in the early 1900\'s) --except my paternal grandmother who was 1/2 native american.

    First if anybody \"outbreed\" the american indians (if you mean mixed with) it was the spainards. The coca plant (which crack is dervied from) grows in south america. Native americans introduced europeans to marijuanna and tobacco.

  28. #118
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: au contraire, mon ami!

    Druid ???

    \"...not only did \"americans\" leave crap rumors but they also outbreed many native americans.\"

    I never said something like that , why do u reply to me dude [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Keep CooL man !

  29. #119
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    Default Re: au contraire, mon ami!

    [-ehal greka tscherez reku,widit greka w reke rak sunul greka w reku ruku, rak za ruku greka zap!]=-

    What does that mean? Is that russian?


  30. #120
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    Default Re: au contraire, mon ami!

    i forgot who posted, someone posted it on this thread like 2 pages ago. it is just that you were the last reply so I clicked reply from your messages. sorry for any confusion.

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