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Thread: Enlargement

  1. #1
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Enlargement

    I have always felt adequete down there but just the other night last week, after falling asleep with the tv on, i was awoken at like 4 in the morning to a informercial about penis enlargement.

    I saw they had a webstite, so i searched the company the next day and found all sorts of sites (but not for that partcular company). I am intrigued, because supposeivelly you can gain like 2 to 3 inches just taking a pill for a couple of months. I don\'t know about 3, but I would take 2. Now I know that on a discussion group for people who use phermones that there has got to be guys who have tried this stuff. Can you tell me if it actually worked? I read some reviews on the net that said it did. I always thought it was a crock... some of them have mnoney back guarantees

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh
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  3. #3
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlargement

    bjf- Do a search on the Off Topics forum. There is a thread called \"Enlargement.\" I\'ll bump it up for you

    Never mind [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Krish already posted it

  4. #4
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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  5. #5

    Default Re: Enlargement

    I hope you have a really good anti-spam program. Ever since that thread when I clicked on some of the sites mentioned, I\'ve been getting pop-ups and messages about making my dick bigger. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] I\'m starting to get a complex.

  6. #6
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlargement

    Renee- You have nothing to worry me [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] you are in good shape [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  7. #7

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  8. #8
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    that\'s what has been keeping my interest since the infomerical....i get these pop ups on this forum and stuff about penis enlargement. BTW - I am not interested in people\'s experiences with exercises - no way am i doing that or surgery. Just wanting to know if the pills work. I don\'t seee how u can take herbs that work on one part of your body,t hat\'s what i don\'t get

  9. #9

    Default Re: Enlargement

    That\'s like those breast enlargement pills. You look at the ingredients and they\'re all estrogen related herbs. God only knows what effect those huge doses would have on the rest of the woman\'s body/cycle. I\'m awfully skeptical.

  10. #10
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlargement

    after reading the archive post on enlargement, i don\'t think i would try it unless any memebers have done the pills and can say it works. it seems that alot of u guys have done exercies. I am not going to mess around with pulling my dick so it stretches, it deserves a lot better than that. But what is wierd to me is how on a site like their were reviews for these pils and said it worked. I had heard that phermones only worked if a owmen was within a foot away and never believed in them until i clicked on a spam email for APC a month ago. Now i know they work. Not as well as I would like, but they work.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Enlargement

    Yeah. I thought about that too. I\'ve seen Xenadrine ads and thought those pills and others like it were hogwash in a capsule, and then people here start talking about them and they have results. Makes you wonder. Maybe it wouldn\'t hurt to try them.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Enlargement

    I think that infomercial is working on the P.T. Barnum theory......

  13. #13
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Enlargement

    there is a site that offers a program to enlarge, it\'s a pill that goes along with a exercise program to work togeather to do the job. now if it works or not, i cant say. but in a way it does make sence(the exercise part does anyways)

  14. #14
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    I think most infomercials work on that theory...

  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Enlargement

    as a thought here, why cant it be enlarged through exercise??..every other \'muscle\' we have can be [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  16. #16
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    i think that the pills may just be for your body\'s circulation and the exercies, if you can actualy do them, do the real work. I suspect it is easier to sell the thing if you are giving pills rather than just a sheet with instructions for exercises. But if people have just taken he pills and they work, let us know

  17. #17

    Default Re: Enlargement

    Ok, I\'m stupid and I don\'t own the equipment, but answer me this: if pulling on it made it bigger, wouldn\'t every guy have one down to his knees???

  18. #18
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    I think depending on what the pills contain it may prove old are you bjf? There are probably certain things you should and shouldn\'t take depending on age an testosterone production...

  19. #19
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlargement

    with those exerices, that is what is all is. pulling and stretching. It just takes a lot of time and it is just too difficult to get it down to your knees let alone add an inch or two. Just went toa thing, and i sw a post someone wrote about how people wer all saying the pills were a rip off but some of the exercices can do stuf.

    i guess pills are a joke. i don\'t see how they can sell them though and make so many claims

  20. #20

    Default Re: Enlargement

    >>i guess pills are a joke. i don\'t see how they can sell them though and make so many claims <<

    I think the key here is that they probably know it\'s not going to work, but just count on very few people ever taking the time to send it back for a refund. Most guys will just not bother....and they can keep the money.

  21. #21
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    oh definitely. alot people don\'t bother with the guarntees, i know i don\'t. But isn\'t making the guarntees about growth like ridiculously explcicit false advertising?? The pills don\'t have any herbs that affect testerone levels btw. Somoene had asked me that

  22. #22
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Enlargement

    To clear some things up :

    !!!There is no pill in the world , that will make your penis grow !!! No , nada , niente , njet !!!

    I checked the ingridients on most of those pills , and its totally HOAX.

    The only thing it \"might\" do is increase blood flow to the penis.
    This is due to ingredients like Tribullus, Ginseng and other herbal viagra alternatives. Erections will be much quicker , harder , and you will be able to hold it up longer.

    A healthy life-style will do the same but its a good thing for oldies and impotents.

    Aight , Enlargement :

    Working with \"stretching\" and \"milking\" techniques will not result in any kind of growth. It will just make your organ a little healthier , through increased blood circulation / blood flow...again resulting in quicker / harder / longer stiff-on\'s.

    There is only one thing known to me that really works is a tool called PeniMaster.
    Look , this is no advertisment for it just the facts.
    I did some research in this area (never wrong to have few extra inches.....) and have found this product . Now let me tell you , I\' ve seen lots off fake/hoax sites claiming bullshit , and this is the only one so far that actually has a forum with real members who report their results.
    I also like their honest attitude.

    They have a money back garantuee / working Hotline with good support / and they replace all the small parts of the tool for a life time (for free)

    The thing I\'m talking about can be found on the site
    U should get an idea of how it is supposed to work by looking at the pic. Or reading this text :

    \"Growth of the erected and flabby penis:
    0,75 cm and more per month
    total 2 up to 7 cm and more
    up to 1,5 cm and more

    PeniMaster stimulates the cellular growth of the penis by forcing a durable pull to the tissue and softly stretching the suspension tendon inside the body.\"

    This is a real claim. As you can see the english forum aint up yet, because this is a german site. However I read through the whole german forum to find out how it worked for the \"real users\"

    Results are : some really grew in length , some grew too but only by very little. However ,all long-time users (atleast 2 month) experienced an increase in girth (thickness) of the penis. [I\'m sure every woman agrees , that thickness is actually way more important than length - but tastes differ)

    So well , I read lots of those user testimonials , I knew that it obviously really works and.................. I decided not to buy it.

    The thing that stopped me from doing so is :
    I already happen to be the owner of a good sized red-helmeted warrior , and having to go through 2 - 6 month of serious pain for few \"useless\" extra inches is not worth it.

    Just think about :

    All the successfull forum-PeniMaster users drew the conclusion , that u have to wear this thing daily !!!!! for atleast 2-3 hours in order to be effective.

    In these 3 hours u will not be able to walk around or work and by the end u will have to deal with your dearest member turning blue from the constant pulling and blood-cutoff.

    This for 6 month scared me off....Not worth the fun ...

    But , for they guys out there who have a really small willie this thing is the only one that could possibly work for u....incase u have lots of free time , and aint affraid of some pain

  23. #23
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlargement

    if i was three of four inches, i would probably do it. i mean the pain of that type of embarassement is worse. But i think i am somewhat average, considering how much people lie on those penis studies, so there is no way doign anything liek that to such a delicate part of my body would be worth it

  24. #24

    Default Re: Enlargement

    I think by doing anything that stretches you, you run the risk of doing some serious permanent damage. Why risk it?

  25. #25
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Enlargement

    exactly ! why risk it unless totally desperate....

    Work on the technique ! Your girl will thank you [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  26. #26
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlargement

    I\'m pretty sure there are tribes in Africa that lengthen their penises by hanging weights, etc from an early age -- but it turns out to be more a form of self mutilation, I think. I\'ve seen some photographs, (here come the wisecracks [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img])and wouldn\'t care to try it...

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Enlargement

    try pumps! yes, it\'ll cost you 30 minutes a couple of times a week, and yes, it takes a couple of months before you\'ve gained considerable and lasting results, but i know they work. pills are just scam, or else averyone would have used it...nothing is free, and here is where you start paying... in sweat! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] seriously, people pay thousands of dollars and go through painful surgery to gain an inch or two, if you\'re lucky, wouldn\'t they just take a pill instead?

    but i know vacuum pumping works, i\'ve seen pictures of girls pumping their labia(don\'t ask why) to the point where it\'s hard to recognize and also seen lots of pictures (from actual useres, not those stupid commercial before/after pics) where they\'ve got good results. but, like exercise and bodybuilding it doesn\'t happen over night...

    the only thing is, buy a pretty expensive pump and not those cheap ass wannabe pumps from sleazy porn shops...i have been told by an independent user (with nothing to gain by encouraging me to buy from this site) that this one is very pro. they even ask for your measurements and give you customized stuff....check it out if you will, this dude, joel kaplan, is also a well- known penile expert of some sort, i\'ve heard several other experts quote him, and not just on the highway of bull sh*t, also in serious magazines...

  28. #28
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enlargement

    i thought pumps were just tempoary. i can\'t see how something using air could be long lasting

  29. #29
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Enlargement

    ive heard that pumps only help with length. i think girth is more important.

  30. #30
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    the ones i\'ve talked to (and i was sceptical as well, i talked to some guys on this discussion...) told me that it was actually easier to see results with girth than with length. and, like for instance body building, you see results straight after the training, but then you slowly go back to normal size, but when repeated enough times over some time, the results where more and more lastin untill you one day have permanently gained size, and allthough that day may not come for atleast a couple of months, you will, if you use it frequently, be \"pumped\" just like when you go to the gym, you gain temporary muscles that disappear in a couple of days.

    hope you catch my drift here, i\'m very tired, therefore...i can\'t think very straight.... zzzzzzzzz

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