Well, I surely dont have any other thing to check about why pheros dont work on me. Do pheros lose potency while being shipped? Say in a cargo postal plane after a certain altitude, do they lose their effectiveness. Hush! Dont laugh! Its serious business here.. I dont have any other explanation about half a dozen of pheros which never ever worked on me since 3 years. I am 20 now, I know how pheros work and dont work. I do notice responses and I am not a boor towards girls and I know that these pheros dont work specifically on me because of something strange. Neither -nol NOR -none products (of different concentrations).

-Athena 10X (hoax though)

have been experimented throughout a 3 year span on different social environments and unfortunately none of them did what they promised. This requires some expert advice as this is not a question that can be answered by a simple \"check your mood\" kind of reply. There is a technical flaw and I seek serious expert assistance on this.