Slightly more testosterone?


Intresting. Do you get your information off of t.v.?

Why are you still thinking as in sports performance?

Every GOD D*MN TIME I post it gets turned into SH*T...An WHOLLLLLE nother subject!

Black guys have more tesosterone! Mexicans have more testosterone than whites!

Simple as that...Where did this go into sports performance? I mentioned like a few things on sports performance and there it is!

My post was mostly about... The fact that.....

The None pheromone SEEMS to work BETTER on girls that are attracted to Blacks and Mexicans, which would SEEMINGLY accordinate to their tesosterone levels.

This is what happens...

Someone posts....Someoen sees 1 reply...Doesn\'t bother...Utnil a BUNCH of people relpy.....and FINALLY they respond. They instantly look at the last few posts. Noone seems to be intersted in the TOPIC do they! LOL Just arguing about what some d*mn thing they saw on t.v. or their dumbass thoughts on things.
