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  1. #31
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Hi puchi --
    Here\'s a story of a very pretty girl growing up into an attractive and desirable woman with a problem.
    Ever since she could remember, people had been telling her how pretty she was. She was such a pretty baby the nurses took pictures with her, people kept cuddling her and bringing her presents just so they could look at her, her uncle preferred to spend time with her than with his own daugther of roughly the same age... From the earliest days of her life on, she was a beauty queen and grew up not knowing what it\'s like not to be so lucky.
    She ripened early and was already attracting older boys at the tender age of 9. And every year she grew prettier and more desirable, every year she attracted more glances and received more compliments.
    She was accustomed to getting at least a dosen compliments a day without even noticing them or caring for them. It was as common as breathing to her and she took it for granted. The only time she noticed it was when for some reason, she didn\'t get her usual amount of compliments. That\'s when she became very insecure.
    She was used to walking into a room and attracting every man\'s lecherous look and making every woman jealous. It was life as she knew it.
    She got the attention of 99.9% of men. Yet those who got away made her feel so insecure that thousands of admiring male eyes wouldn\'t heal it. Not being adored by every man she met was like suddenly lacking enough oxygen, as she was so used to flattery it became the most common feature of her life.
    She was highly intelligent and achieved remarkable heights in the intellectual circles. She won the hearts of everyone with her natural warmth and intellect, yet to this day, despite having dealt with the problem as well as she could, she feels slightly inadequate if the praise of her work or intellect is not accompanied by a covetous glance of a man or an envious one of a woman.

    Hope this helped a little; most good looking women tend to have the same problem as the heroine of the story above.

  2. #32
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    <yet to this day, despite having dealt with the problem as well as she could, she feels slightly inadequate if the praise of her work or intellect is not accompanied by a covetous glance of a man or an envious one of a woman.

    So, she needs praise and glances? This is a problem? Uh, oh...I feel the earth shaking!

  3. #33
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    <<<So, she needs praise and glances? This is a problem? Uh, oh...I feel the earth shaking!>>>

    LMAO [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  4. #34

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Well, well, look who popped out of the Barbie dream house. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Key word here is ADDICTION ladies, look it up, don\'t show your ignorance so disgracefully.
    Over and out --

  6. #36
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Puchi is Pet [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] They are both lonely in the end [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

  7. #37

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?




    Why are you always here? You don\'t post but you\'re ALWAYS HERE. All anybody has to do is pm you or make a post down your alley, and up you pop. If your life is SO busy, why are YOU always here?

    Addiction. What happened, did your mirror break?

  8. #38
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    She said \"Over and out\"
    let\'s see if she really pretends to go away

  9. #39

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    She never goes away. She lurks and pms. ALL THE TIME.

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Well now, what happened to all that respect you showed me in your PMs?
    Comment as you wish, I just wanted to share this with puchi who unfortunately isn\'t acdepting PMs. I don\'t really care what you make of it or what you make me into yet again, I just wanted to help her.
    Oh and as for me always being here, I read the posts on the forum daily, but I only post when I really feel I have something hopefully helpful to say, unlike some people.

  11. #41

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Your story was sooooo enlightening.

    I\'d have thought you\'d be busy shopping in Italy so you could get your ass pinched and enough admiring glances to satisfy you.

    Oh, I forgot. I hate you because you\'re beautiful. That\'s what it is.

    You\'re so beautiful and you\'re SO smart. Why are you still lonely in the end? I just don\'t understand it. Tears, I shed salty tears for you.

  12. #42

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Elana, you\'re very beautiful, witty, and charming. How are your relationships with other women? maybe you have some tips.

  13. #43
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    I love people in general. I am nice to everyone. In my college days I was very aware of women giving me dirty looks and bad mouthing me when they saw me dancing on the tables and having fun with the guys. I would never in a million years think about bad mouthing anybody for no reason. I don\'t believe that these women have anything against Puchi. I think she is so insecure that she is expecting people to dislike her. Why would these women even take time out of their fun lives to trash talk her?

    I get along beautifully with both men and women

  14. #44
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    And thank you FTR [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  15. #45
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Dearest Pet,
    I don\'t know you and I think I\'m glad....I do know that you don\'t have a clue about the women you are blasting.

    I\'m not addicted or ignorant, and I\'m certainly not a disgrace - nor did I appear to be any of those hateful terms. But, I am and have always been a Queen Bee - I love it!!! My only complaint is that I can only be married to one at a time. I love men, I love looking at them, talking to them, playing with their beautiful bodies, and brains (when applicable).

    You know what I\'m sick to death of...having women generically considered to be \"bitches\" because of women like you and Puchi. The Beez have the guys because they AREN\'T insecure and needy, stupid.

  16. #46
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    <<<The Beez have the guys because they AREN\'T insecure and needy, stupid>>>

    Amen, my fellow Queen bee [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  17. #47

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    I haven\'t gone back to count the times Pet complimented herself on her looks in that oh so very enlightening post. Pretty, prettier, prettiest ad nauseum. You know what kills me is that Elana\'s beautiful. And you NEVER hear her brag about it. EVER. Nor is she lonely, nor does she have problems with other women.

    Gee, what\'s up with that?

  18. #48
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Pet is obviously so \"ignorant\" that she doesn\'t even know that a Bee isn\'t required to be physically beautiful...showing a beautiful personality and not being butt ugly works. Those men just flock to that silly stuff.

  19. #49

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    I love a braggart, myself. Can\'t resist that in a person. I\'m beautiful, I\'m smart, I\'m charming, I\'m gorgeous, I\'m the 10 of 10\'s, I\'m the IT of ITs...and if you hate my effing guts and wish I\'d die tomorrow it\'s because you\'re jealous ... of ME, because I\'m beautiful, I\'m smart, I\'m charming, I\'m gorgeous...

    I really enjoy that. Live to be around those people.

  20. #50
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    FTR said it all, Puchi. Maybe if you were \"a little sweeter\", you\'d get what you want? By the way, I didn\'t intend to treat you harshly. A lifetime of dealing with whinning women has programmed me to be attentive to provocation.

  21. #51

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Lucky, don\'t apologize to Pet. \"she feels slightly inadequate if the praise of her work or intellect is not accompanied by a covetous glance of a man or an envious one of a woman.\"Covetousness and envy are what she thrives on. It\'s a waste of time to try to be friends with her. Harden your heart and keep it hard.

  22. #52
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    her or him....the jury is still out

  23. #53
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Alright, one last post before I split. I know it\'s probably futile but I\'m an optimist so let\'s see how it goes.
    I did not write the post because I wanted to brag about myself. Had I wanted that, I would have joined the rest of you in the sex topics so I wouldn\'t have been the only vain one (actually, judging from the things I\'ve read on this forum, I must be the most modest woman on here! I just happen to be blunt about it, I don\'t coyly remark I used to be a lingerie model (nothing personal E.) or casually mention the trully hard to believe sex stories and achievements). The only reason I posted on the forum was because Puchi isn\'t accepting PMs and I really wanted to share this story with her, so it would help her understand why that friend of hers reacted the way she did or why other women might feel threatened by her on occasion. I didn\'t say anything to offend anyone, I didn\'t offend you Red, nor Elana, nor Lucky, until you/they started offending/mocking me. (And by the way Lucky, I didn\'t say you were addicted, I said my heroine was addicted to flattery - a serious problem, believe it or not, and it would be ignorant to make fun of a person\'s addiction - that\'s what I meant).
    I am not the exhibitionist you would like to believe I am, after all, I\'m not the one reporting about every time I have sex on a forum. I knew I would be attacked for writing that, as I usually am, but I have gotten used to attacks from women, even though I am never anything but nice unless provoked.
    So, if you want to keep on attacking me feel free, if nothing else, it will give Puchi an even better answer to her question.
    Goodnight ladies...

  24. #54
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Goodnight Pet

  25. #55

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Incredible sex stories? Like your outings with a transvestite flasher? Probably so you can attract attention, since that\'s what you like, and begrudge any other woman to have any ...
    Or should I write about you in the 3rd person, as you write about yourself, the HEROINE ... do you sing to yourself in the mirror? \"Did I ever know that I\'m my heeero....\"

    But you\'re right, Pet. You\'re obviously the MOST MODEST one here. AND the prettiest. AND the smartest. AND we\'re all envious.

    Aren\'t you envious, ladies? I know I\'m just dying of envy.

  26. #56
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    The juice dripping down the leg was kind of.....ummmmmmmm, a little much to say the least.

  27. #57
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Pet- I was a lingerie model for a good part of my life. It wasn\'t a hobby. It was my job. What is wrong with me posting that? It is what I did. It is who I was.

  28. #58
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Puchi has no question. She just wants to whine.

    <So, if you want to keep on attacking me feel free, if nothing else, it will give Puchi an even better answer to her question>

    Pet, you need to look into S& should find that type of sex to be devine; especially since the sexual activity of other women is so boring to you.
    <but I have gotten used to attacks from women, even though I am never anything but nice unless provoked.>
    Guess which role you will play?

  29. #59
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    >(The Beez have the guys because they AREN\'T insecure and needy, stupid) whoa wait a min.. what planet did you just fall off of... get real!!!!!!!!!!!
    > (showing a beautiful personality and not being butt ugly works. Those men just flock to that silly stuff.)
    and on this one hey im no damn barbie queen and im not butt ugly but theres alot of men who see the real person for who they are and whats on the inside that comes from the heart.. personality is a big plus but if more women would be there selfs insted of trying to play the roll and put on a show in front of there friends or for a man.. they would be alot better off in the long run.. Now whats the term for a bitch well its a female dog... all females are bitches regaurdless thats what we are... you are the one that chooses to be which bitch you wana be, good or bad , queen bee or not,, slutty or not, mean or not, it dont fricking matter, we are feamle and we all are bitches,,BITCH BITCH BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got nothing more to say on this stupid ignorant issue... my 2 cents worth... HA HA!!!!!!!!! and this Blackwidow TOP bitch has spoken... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] LOL!!!!

  30. #60
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Well all righty then BWW [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

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