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  1. #61

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    I\'m sure she knows best.

  2. #62

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    You must not have read my post about how many friends I have Lucky. Please think before you even sit in front of the keyboard...oops, it\'s too already announced to the world how dim you are. Low comprehension level is a sad sign of lack of intelligence...not ignorance.

    And after reading all the posts god...what are your problems, FTR, Lucky, Elana?

    I understood what Pet was trying to say and of course, though her example was a bit far-fetched from what I would describe as the reason for these queen bee behaviors, and of course they aren\'t really the barbie doll type beauties, still, her example wasn\'t so offensive compared to the unbelievable mob mentality I have witnessed by you guys.

    This is such a turn off...I am now even more convinced that your stories about men must be fabricated. Because no sane man would be attracted to females so vulgar and low in intelligence. Unless, of course, they are equal low-lives. Sorry if this is offensive, but you guys really need to behave better...even if it is online.

  3. #63

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    There\'s history there that you don\'t know about.

    Our stories aren\'t fabricated. You ladies just need to get out more. You don\'t even know the half of it.

  4. #64
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]Puchi- You really do need to get out more. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  5. #65
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    BTW Puchi- I received a number of PM\'s from men on this forum that couldn\'t believe you had to ask why people (men) don\'t like you.

  6. #66
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    <<<Sorry if this is offensive, but you guys really need to behave better...even if it is online.>>>

    Why are you telling us how to behave? People like us. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] We must be doing something right.

  7. #67

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Besides the fact that we don\'t scold worth a damn. Waste of your time entirely. We\'re shameless. That Elana ... ok, you may not believe this, but ... she GETS ON TOP!

    I know. Incredible. I hardly believe it myself.

  8. #68
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?


  9. #69

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    That\'s what she said. She told me so. I asked her if she ever did it from behind, but she said no, that\'s how animals do it and she\'s not an animal.

    I\'m not sure I believe that, tho. That\'s just too much.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Oh sure, but did she mention the gravity boots? [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  11. #71

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Actually, no. I\'ll have to check with her on that. Sounds interesting ...

  12. #72

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Puchi, get some PI/w and do about 3 drops on exposed skin, and some PCC and wear that heavy. See how that works for you.

  13. #73
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    after reading the first feew pages of this topic, i was a bit suprised. I knew, as a guy, that women had competitivenss and stuff among them, but i thought that it wa restricted to establisehed social strucures. I didn\'t klnow women will be out-right rude to another woman who is a complete stranger. i can\'t even understand why a women who knows she hot with a ton of guys around her would really worry too much about other women.

    I find that most of the women who think they are so hot are often a 7 (or high 6.5+ )instead of a 9 or 10and women who may think of them seveles in the 7 range ae actually far more beautiful. What is beautiful about a woman is femine eyes and hair, those are the two most important things, not T and A. trust me.

    MMy questiuon for all of u women is, besides saying \"you are beautiful\", how can i make a woman who doesn\'t feel like the alpha femaleactualy realize that shes on top-notch woman. How the hell do i erase those false feelings of inadaquecy, which I can\'t stand to see women have, it annoys me cause i know the truth. What do I say? Tell a women she is hotter than, not she is hot?

    How can i get women to realize that what i see is the reality, not the bsthat they have been dealing with their whole lives?

  14. #74
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    hi Puchi,
    here is an opinion from a french gay woman.
    I\'ve always appeared to others as someone alpha, sharp-tongued, highly intelligent... with a hidden feminine side. The point is that I\'ve always felt so shy, so unsure... a few people who really know me know that and there is no problem : they consider me as a great person. But I\'ve always felt the need of a protection (showing as alpha, high education... are protections).
    The question is : what do you think of yourself ? how do you see yourself ?

    I have also envied those girls who had a lot of people around them, who were very socialized. I don\'t anymore... they are who they are, I am who I am. And I will not transform myself into someone else - it would\'nt be me, I haven\'t got the tools to afford it.
    Just be yourself.

    You say some queen bees tend to dislike you.
    Maybe that\'s because you can see through them and you make them feel insecure (it is of course unconscious). It means you have a power over people : guys notice it, and their gfs do too. Maybe you have more sexual power than you may think...
    BTW, I suppose this guy who was attracted by you is a big boy enough to take his own decisions on who to meet - his supposed best friend had nothing to say unless she was his gf.

    These queen bees (BTW I like the expression... I\'m glad to learn more english !) seem very happy. But having a lot of friends, a lot of guys around them doesn\'t mean they have the right friend or the right guy. Remember Don Juan, Casanova... Being a queen bee is a form of protection too : never stop, always take the fun and leave the pain away, sometimes hurting the others, and get over busy to avoid being hurt... this always has an end.

    Sorry to be so long...
    So no advice... I just wish you will find the balance between your feminity/attractivity (because you sure have a lot of it, you just don\'t know what to do with it) and self confidence.

    Pheros may help but I have noticed that the better you feel in your mind, the better they work. They are just an external stuff to help you gain a phero signature and confidence too.
    I have tried several of them and I prefered those which made me feel cool, soft, nice... in other words those which eluded the alpha signature. Among my favorites : AEw.
    Confidence first !

    My 1 euro cent,

  15. #75
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Hi puchi,

    I wasn\'t going to comment here but:

    Read this post as a statement. Not as a interpretation of what you are asking......

    You sound like a woman who has obvious attractive qualities. And can possibly be OK???

    I can only relate to a couple of experiences:

    Recently -
    There was a female at a wedding (reception) I went to recently. Shoulder length brunnette, natural curls, very smart, VERY attractive, wore glasses (stereo-type!!. hehehehe ) I spoke to her too! Came accross as VERY cluey, smart and (at the very least) acted nice. Didn\'t get along with the other girls that night. No guys hung around her much the whole night. But I tell you what!, just about all of us guys were throwing eyes her way at some stage anyway. She was an unknown entity (???). Some other females were definitely picking up on that and did the bitch routine about this woman they didn\'t even know!! (BTW. I really don\'t think she cared. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ) Why would they do that??? She didn\'t try to get along with them, maybe that didn\'t help the situation. I\'m not a woman, but why can SO many girls of different attractiveness and personality get along and not you???

    Form the guys point of view: Even though she was a stunner, I didn\'t want anything to do with her. Neither did the others. Why?? (To me...)She was giving off \"I\'m not into the FUN thing!\" vibes.(to put it simply as I can.) Maybe she would be fun if we knew her better?? Doesn\'t matter there were more openly FUN girls there. Sorry, but her body language said EVERYTHING. Even if it weren\'t true.

    Does it matter to guys how other women treat her?? NO! She scared us off all by herself!!
    BUT, YES I have avoided a girl because a girly friend hasn\'t liked her. Solution. Prove yourself to the guy personally OR make friendly convo with his girly friend. find out the \'dirt\' as Elana said.

    Another time -
    Different woman. Same \'vibe\'. Could walk into a room and come accross as VERY strong and stubborn (and as if she is better/smarter than everyone else). DIfference??? She KNOWS she comes accross like that. (She\'s a friend of mine...kinda).
    How does she break it?? She compliments another girl (\"Oh wow!!! Did you get that from <insert store name>...??\")and \'BINGO\', breaks the ice and the night is all good. They carry on and party together all night long talking and relating to each other blah, blah blah. I saw her do this and it worked for her. She is smart enough to FLIRT too...

    YOU gave me a bad impression by immediately not taking in Elana, FTR, and so on\'s side of the story. No matter how they meant it, they gave you some insights that you should have \"taken in\", instead of bagging them about it. You put them in a box and marked them \"alpha girls\" and unintelligent, which I\'m affraid they aren\'t. Are you saying I have them figured wrong??? . ..You\'ve done that, ALL without knowing them personally.

    You aren\'t always getting locked out by Alpha girls as are scaring most guys off all by yourself!
    We want a fun girl too. My guess is you are attracting the over-serious guys???

    I don\'t know. I haven\'t met you in person, but you have done that to me ( scare ) with simple words. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    Take in what the others first said as reference material. Give them some credit for having a different point of view.

    Another perspective:

    I\'m a \'too nice\' guy. But I\'ve found I have to hide that a bit to get girls to take me more seriously. I more often than not attract the type of girl \'I\' aren\'t interested in as well. I have to SHOW them a hidden part of me to attract the type of girl I like.

    You\'re going to have to hide a part of you I think. Or show a hidden part of you. We expect it anyway. Why not do it??? Give guys a chance to see your \'playful\' side! As I said, we want someone who is fun to help counteract lifes bullsh!t. You HAVE to show that part of you. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] I\'m sure it\'s there. Let us see it!

    You can stick to your morals and still do that.

    PLAY with us.
    You don\'t have to necessarily be openly sexual to do that!!

    I\'m tired. I hope I said things right.

    I\'ll sum it up:::

    And I\'m not necessarly meaning sex.

    Live by that and you\'ll attract the guys. Sh!t if you live by that rule, you could be a 6 or 7 out of 10 and STILL attract the most intelligent, fun guys.

    As for the girls. Can\'t you at least read what the other girls here are trying to tell you about this???

    My thoughts puchi. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  16. #76
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    [*Insert Melody here*] Ooooooooooooh Giiiiiiiiiirls they juuuuust wonna have Fuun...................................

    Yeaaah !

  17. #77
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Yeah damn that frikken song...
    Been stuck in my head since I wrote that. LOL [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  18. #78
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    I\'ve noticed this Queen Bee phenomenom and always wondered about it. Seen it both amongst women and men - it seems for the Queen Bee it is about ego, power, narcissism, and ultimately in a sad way an insatiable need for attention to quench a desperate loneliness.

    Said Queen Bee marks out a territory for his/her reign and usually there are always willing sycophants who love nothing better than agreeing with everything the Queen Bee edicts. I don\' have time in my life for folks like this as they spread negative karma wherever they go, but I do have a degree of sympathy funnily enough as I understand their motivations and I guess we all have our faults. I know this comment will not be popular here but I don\'t worship Queen Bees and could care less what they have to say.

  19. #79

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    and I\'m sure the feeling is mutual

  20. #80
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    <<it seems for the Queen Bee it is about ego, power, narcissism>>

    It is clear to me that we have a different understanding of the expression \"Queen Bee.\"

  21. #81

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    I wonder about those alpha males, those King Bees/Harem Masters. You know, I\'ve observed them, and I\'ve come to think it\'s about ego, power, narcissism, and a desperate attempt to quench their loneliness. Kinda sad. And the poor guys who want to be just like them. Sycophants, wannabeeez. ... buzzzzbuzzzzbuzzzzz

  22. #82

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Queen Bees like Proteus is talking about -- I had what I thought was a girl friend like that, actually. Married, had two lovers, and many men friends who she casually had sex with as the mood struck, one of whom she actually recommended to me. I don\'t get to see the person I have a crush on that often and would apppreciate occasional other company if I could find any that I liked, but it\'s not easy. I met this guy M that she recommended and he was sweet and funny omg funny, fun to be with. Which was fine until he made it known how very much he liked me - as in, he liked me better than he had liked her. And then it was not fine at all. I asked her a couple of times didn\'t M ever ask about me, and she said no, huh-uh, shrugged it off. I was a little hurt/disappointed, but oh well, can\'t win them all. As it turns out, he had been asking about me, too, repeatedly. That group would go out for drinks often and I don\'t drink much if at all, so they\'d come over to my place after or I\'d go to one of their houses if they were all gathered there. He would ask, every time they got together to go out, for someone to call me, and he asked them for my number repeatedly, and one night he said he really, really wanted to see me, if no one would call, then he was going to my apartment himself, what number was it again? My \"friend\" told him I had moved and refused to tell him the number (same building, four floors down) and that I didn\'t want to see him and said to him, \"You don\'t want to see her.\" He said he was going to let his hard dick be his compass, then, and just keep walking whereever it pointed, that I was the sexiest woman he\'d ever been with and he\'d walk all night if he had to. (ok, he was a little tipsy) Finally one of the guys in this group\'s conscience got the better of him and he told me what had been going on, so I could \"know what I was dealing with.\" That woman and I are no longer friends. There\'s more to it than that, but that\'s the part that pertains to the Queen Bee thing. That\'s not a queen anything. That\'s a desperately controlling person, just for starters.

    Different from a woman who men flock to because she\'s fun and appreciates them and has a healthy, robust enjoyment of her own sexuality and celebrates other women\'s sexuality, too. That kind of woman is fun to be around.

    Puchi, don\'t hide your light under a bushel. Didn\'t you say you try to be as non-sexual as possible so as not to threaten them? Never mind THEM, it\'s not good for you, I don\'t think. Any rate, it doesn\'t seem to be working, so what the hell. Unbutton a button, let your hair down, put on some lipstick. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  23. #83
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    <<My \"friend\" told him I had moved and refused to tell him the number (same building, four floors down) and that I didn\'t want to see him and said to him, \"You don\'t want to see her.\">>

    oooooooooo.... That type of female, really sh!ts me. Thankfully I\'ve only ever witnessed them a handful of times ever. I hope I haven\'t been the victim of this in the past, I\'d be pissed. If I was that guy you described I wouldn\'t want to be her friend either.

  24. #84

    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    I felt pretty betrayed. I\'m sure the guy who finally told me what was going on also told him - but at that point, months and months down the road, he had gotten involved enough with someone else that he wasn\'t available to see me casually anymore.

  25. #85
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    <<he had gotten involved enough with someone else that he wasn\'t available to see me casually anymore.>>

    It\'s pretty serious really. Screwing with other peoples lives. Nuff said. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

  26. #86
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    I am joining

    Ssssssst in the bumping of old threads. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

  27. #87
    WorldEater Icarus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?




  28. #88
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Hi puchi --
    &lt;br&gt;Here\'s a story of a very

    pretty girl growing up into an attractive and desirable woman with a problem.
    &lt;br&gt;Ever since she could

    remember, people had been telling her how pretty she was. She was such a pretty baby the nurses took pictures with

    her, people kept cuddling her and bringing her presents just so they could look at her, her uncle preferred to spend

    time with her than with his own daugther of roughly the same age... From the earliest days of her life on, she was a

    beauty queen and grew up not knowing what it\'s like not to be so lucky.
    &lt;br&gt;She ripened early and was

    already attracting older boys at the tender age of 9. And every year she grew prettier and more desirable, every

    year she attracted more glances and received more compliments.
    &lt;br&gt;She was accustomed to getting at least a

    dosen compliments a day without even noticing them or caring for them. It was as common as breathing to her and she

    took it for granted. The only time she noticed it was when for some reason, she didn\'t get her usual amount of

    compliments. That\'s when she became very insecure.
    &lt;br&gt;She was used to walking into a room and attracting

    every man\'s lecherous look and making every woman jealous. It was life as she knew it.
    &lt;br&gt;She got the

    attention of 99.9% of men. Yet those who got away made her feel so insecure that thousands of admiring male eyes

    wouldn\'t heal it. Not being adored by every man she met was like suddenly lacking enough oxygen, as she was so

    used to flattery it became the most common feature of her life.
    &lt;br&gt;She was highly intelligent and achieved

    remarkable heights in the intellectual circles. She won the hearts of everyone with her natural warmth and

    intellect, yet to this day, despite having dealt with the problem as well as she could, she feels slightly

    inadequate if the praise of her work or intellect is not accompanied by a covetous glance of a man or an envious one

    of a woman.
    &lt;br&gt;Hope this helped a little; most good looking women tend to have the same problem

    as the heroine of the story above.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">


    this chick for real? [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img] For you guys who are looking for the perfect

    woman! Look no further! She\'s right here on the L-S forum. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

    [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] Why she\'s so perfect, I\'m contemplating changing my sexual

    preference. [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

  29. #89
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    Who the hell

    notices the 0.1 percent not looking at them when 99.9 percent of men are? That chick can\'t be for real, and if

    she is, she takes the prize for being the screwiest woman ever to live.

  30. #90
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    Default Re: Alpha Female Problem?

    </font><blockquote><font class=\"small\">Quote:</font><hr />
    Who the hell notices the 0.1 percent not looking at

    them when 99.9 percent of men are? That chick can\'t be for real, and if she is, she takes the prize for being

    the screwiest woman ever to live.

    <hr /></blockquote><font class=\"post\">

    You\'re just

    jealous that you\'re not that perfect bjf! [img]/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
    I know, I am!


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