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  1. #1

    Default Money back guarantee ($$A hit at the bank$$)

    Long but intersting hit/non-hit????
    Whoever said pheromones can\'t make you a millionair? Well, I don\'t know if pheromones are responsible for this bizzare story, or if it was just a beautiful coincidence.

    I\'m currently living in Thailand. I\'m a basically good-looking guy in my mid twenties. I do some modelling and have a lean physique. No, this is not dating resume, but I think it\'s important for the readers to know my profile. I have a hard time differenciating between hits because people used to turn and look even before I got pheros. I haven\'t noticed much of a difference since after I started using pheros but I\'ve been too busy with my personal business to get out and do much experimenting.

    Yesterday I went to the bank to withdraw money. Needless to mention, I was wearing pheros. I had the equivalent of about $3,000 in the bank. I have several personal accounts and sometimes shift my money back and forth (it helps show a good turnover in your bank statement). But I\'m not here for an accounting lesson [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]. So anyway, I go to the bank and fill out a \"withdrawal slip\" for $3,000 and stand in line. Again, the usual looks, could have been the mones or maybe just people generally looking at me. Now when I finally get to the front of the line, one of the bank staff took down the \"please use the next counter\" sign and gestured at me with a smile. I walked over and handed her my passbook and withdrawal slip. She started asking me general (small talk) questions. \"Where are you from?\" , \"Are you a Eurasia?\", \"Withdrawing all your money? You better be back to deposit more?\" Blah Blah Blah.
    To make a long story short, about 5-7 minutes later she finally gives me back my passbook with $3,000. As I walk out I take a look at my passbook and it says $3,000 under DEPOSIT. And under account balance it said $6,000. I actually stood there for a couple of minutes making sure I didn\'t read it wrong. Then just to push my luck, I filled out another withdrawal slip for $3,000 and got back in line. This time I eneded up on a different counter and sure enough, I was able to withdraw another $3,000 with the balance showing $3,000 more. In the morning I had woken up with $3,000 in my bank account and now I still had $3,000 in the account and $6,000 in hand [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] . Talk about a hit.

    Now here\'s the bummer. Unfortunately, I\'m a good customer of the bank\'s and they know me pretty well. So that evening I get a call from the bank saying how they made a major mistake and begged me to return the money or the bank staff would have to pay it and would lose her job, and they would have to file a complaint with the police station. I\'m do alright financially and not really hard up enough to go through major trouble for $6,000, so I had them come pick me up in the bank limousine and escort me to the bank so I would return the money.

    I won\'t sit here and analyse if this was just a conincidence or the mones were responsible for what happened. But I\'ll leave it up to you to decide for yourself.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Money back guarantee ($$A hit at the bank$$)

    \"\"Withdrawing all your money? You better be back to deposit more?\"\"

    What bank employee would say that..? That sounds very strange and unpolite to me (even it is a joke).

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Money back guarantee ($$A hit at the bank$$)

    To me it seems like the lady wanted you to come back pretty bad. With the statment she made on the withdrawl etc...

    I wonder if she wanted it so bad that she did that on purpose hmmm doubtful.

    Did she seem off or kind of weird in any way?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Money back guarantee ($$A hit at the bank$$)

    \"I wonder if she wanted it so bad that she did that on purpose hmmm doubt\"

    I don\'t believe she would even consider doing that on purpose.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: Money back guarantee ($$A hit at the bank$$)

    I know I run the risk of being flamed for being \"judgemental,\" but I don\'t care. I can\'t believe you kept the money that wasn\'t yours, and you sound as if you planned on keeping the money.

    I\'m sorry, but you should have immediately gone back to the teller who made the mistake and pointed out her mistake to her. If the pheromones were effecting her at all, just imagine how much more attractive you would have been to her if you had pointed out her major mistake to her. She would have thought \"what a great guy. Other people would have taken the money and cost me my job. But this guy is different. Wow, I was already hot for this guy, but now.. . . . \" Instead, after taking the money from her mistake you\'ve wiped out any goodwill the pheromones created and now she probably just thinks you\'re a jerk.

    Of course, you shouldn\'t have needed any ulterior motives as I described above for doing the right thing anyway......

  6. #6
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Money back guarantee ($$A hit at the bank$$)

    I spent quite a bit of time in Thailand and that sounds like typical goofing around to me and if the teller was a young woman waiting on a young handsome guy, I am not surprised. I\'m sure she was smiling/giggling the whole time.

  7. #7
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Money back guarantee ($$A hit at the bank$$)

    I don\'t know maybe it\'s just me but I would have went back and told the teller the mistake instead of trying to rip off the bank. You know they will check the records anyway and find the screw up she did eventually,it would just be embarrassing if they called me at my home asking for the money back. Plus I wouldn\'t want to be responsible for someone losing their job over this.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Money back guarantee ($$A hit at the bank$$)

    Funny you mention that... two days ago I had a run in with a lady in the bank. I gave her 100 dollars plus ten dollars in coins and she gave me back 10 dollars plus deposited 110 dollars. I said hell yea, 10 extra dollars and took off. Later on checked my bank statement online and they did a correction and took 10 dollars away from my bank account [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

  9. #9

    Default Re: Money back guarantee ($$A hit at the bank$$)

    You guys have to realize, it\'s not that easy to rip off a bank. The reason I went back and withdrew more money was just to see whether my passbook had this error or was the money actually deposited into my account. An attempt to proove to myself that something so unbelievable just happened to me. And I\'m not trying to make excuses or justify my actions, but it\'s just what was going through my mind at that time. Besides, I\'ve seen this kind of a thing happen before, you can never get away with it. All you can do is have a little fun with it while it lasts.
    And like I said, I\'m not here to analyse what happened, but simply to report a hit.

    By the way, in case any of you guys are curious, here\'s what I was wearing:
    I have a small, ordinary, screw-on spray bottle.
    I casually poured in about 10 drops of NPA into the bottle without any measuring what-so-ever, and 6 sprays of LaMale while keeping the cologne sprayer really close to mouth of the bottle.
    Screwed on the bottle, thoroughly shook it and sprayed once above my chest close to my throat area and spread it in well.
    Plus 1 drop of AE on a wrist and rubbed both wrists together.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Money back guarantee ($$A hit at the bank$$)

    To answer tallmacky\'s question, she was very talkative and didn\'t have a DIHL expression. In fact she had a constant eye-contact and giggled a lot (as Bruce rightly guessed from his experience in Thailand)

  11. #11
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Money back guarantee ($$A hit at the bank$$)

    This happens not just at banks - ive had this happen several times and always tell them the mistake. However i once had this guy (got real aggressive when i was wearing 2 small drops of AE behind the ears) anyway i shop at this petrol station, and they have a small supermarket attached (7 eleven here).
    Anyway he is always ripping me off or trying to anyway, you know i give him a 20 and should get 15 change and get 10 instead and stuff like that.
    He is aggressive towards and just ignorant to customers anyway, i put some AE a few months back as i normally do and just went to get the paper some milk and other supplies. Anyway he should have given me a 10$ note and instead i got 2x$100 notes and when i got outside and checked i decided just to keep the notes, given his nature and he also owns the place and must be making heaps as he dresses quite well and the prices are quite high. Anyway i figured that he was rude and short and had no customer service skills so i took the money and kept it.

    Just to show that this can happen but dont count on it. With a bank however or major financial transaction i say let them know immediatley because they will catch you out otherwise. Morals aside so many people dont thing twice about ripping us off in business transactions every day so i say why not.
    Fortnatley bruce is NOT one of these people and provides good quality customer service and if he credited my accounted instead of withdrawling money for a purchase i would promptly let him know about it and arrange for it to be corrected.

    But if you have an attitude towards the world well u deserve to be ripped off if you do it to others - consider it sending karma back to this arrogant guy.

  12. #12
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: Money back guarantee ($$A hit at the bank$$)

    just chill out with all that judgemental stuff....all of a sudden everybody is on a moral high ground.

  13. #13
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Money back guarantee ($$A hit at the bank$$)

    I think all this war talk recently is really getting people judgemental or perhaps forum overload. We aint ignorant just stressed in everyday life, its karma really i think not good or bad just karma. The attitude of so many people coming together and posting thoughts can get some opinions conflicting, we all deserve our points of view though. Fornatley bruce with his good customer service skills makes this forum possible.

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