Ok it is said that a nice smaile, a friendly outlook, and smalltalk will enhance the effects of mones.

But lets face it, it could be that, that is all it took to get a girl interested and the mones did nothing. So lets try to isolate results just to mones and nothing else.

Situation A: No Eye contact, no smile, no talk. Count hits.

Situation B: Situation + mones. Count hits.

Hits defined as someone getting your attention and conversing with you,or positive body language once THEY get your attention.

Sure its not as good as a nice personality mixed with mones but is an isolated way to prove if mones work at least. With mones there should be more people approaching.

Anyone try this experiment out? The people who say they converse with women, and smile and are friendly are probably getting results with little help from mones. How can they attribute it to mones when most women these days would consider you hitting on them if you even smile half the time! Its the new outlook - give credit there.

Mones get credit with situation (mutes/mones) I discussed above.