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Thread: WAGG

  1. #1
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default WAGG

    Hi Folks,
    Got a \"now it can be told\" story for you. Several weeks ago we began testing a new and very different/unique unscented pheromone product prototype. Some forum members were involved in the study, which unlike the EW beta test required submission of a survey. So, we asked test subjects to refrain from posting anything about the product (codenamed \"WAGG\") until we had collected all the surveys, which we now have done.

    I hope to post the compiled results of the survey soon, but a number of forum members who took part in the testing are anxious to open discussion so..... have at it.

    Thanks to all those who helped with the study. It looks like we have a very interesting new product which may well open up a whole new direction in pheromone technology.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: WAGG

    Can you tell us what was in the bottles you sent us, Bruce?

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG

    All I can tell you at present is that there is absolutely none of any of the pheromones you have ever used before, which shows you the change of direction here.

  4. #4
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG

    How exciting! When are we going to hear more?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: WAGG

    You can ask some of the established forum members. They have experimented with this stuff for a few weeks now.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG

    well franki..seems you did, so SPIT it out, what it\'d do for you??????

  7. #7
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    Default Re: WAGG

    I think it was named after this guy...

  8. #8

    Default Re: WAGG

    It smells like clean pit sweat. I really like the smell. It didn\'t attract anyone when I wore it. And it had the odd effect of giving me violent nightmares if I slept in it. I think it\'s very testosterony. That\'s my Wild Ass Guess.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: WAGG

    This is one of the things I wrote in the survey:

    > Note:
    > The only thing I noticed is that it maybe made women
    > more comfortable with me than when I am using TE
    > (without TE). In the few times I used it I got some
    > attention (from TE or WAGG) without the intimidation
    > factor of the none. That is my SWAG. I could be
    > totally off base ......

    I did have a very interesting hit with it with a young woman very openly flirting at the train station (underground), but that could have been from the TE I was wearing. Actually I don\'t want to draw my conclusions based on just a few observations.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  10. #10
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG

    well poo, i get that w/o -mones at [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  11. #11
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG

    Ooops. One thing I should have mentioned is that this product was designed, and quite carefully so, to be used for men. We had two women (1 lesbian) participate in the study just to see what might happen, but all other testing has been on guys.


  12. #12
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    Default Re: WAGG

    I (almost) never have women flirting at places like train stations. Usually they are very reserved. The girl in question used quite a bit of body language, spreading her legs (while she was sitting) etc,

  13. #13
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG

    It\'s still fun hearing about new products. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Let\'s hear from more of the testers.

  14. #14
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG

    so Bruce, who makes it?? and will will it be available to general public 4 use?

  15. #15
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG

    I guess I might as well say what some subjects have guessed already that WAGG stands for \"What a great guy\", which is the effect the manufacturer maintains guys should notice with this stuff.

    As I have mentioned before, androstenone-heavy products are often the kiss of death to the image of guys who are already suffering from the CEE (Clint Eastwood Effect); ie: lone wolf or otherwise threatening-looking. WAGG was designed to conteract rather than augment this common male problem.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: WAGG

    Hey, that means I was right about counteracting some of the negative influences of NONE [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  17. #17
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    Default Re: WAGG

    Hmm . . . very interesting . . . .

    I really didn\'t notice hardly any difference when I wore mixes such as SMD#1 or JB#1 . Now by itself was a different matter.

    I\'ve had a lot of people (mostly friends and aquaintences), both male and female, come up to me and initiate conversations. Unlike the more zany/chatty/flirty conversations that I got from SOE the ones from WAGG were long somewhat serious discussions. Everyone also seemed to hang on every word that came out of my mouth.

    As for anything remotely sexual, I did get hair flips from this one gal that I sat down next to on the bus, but that was it.

  18. #18

    Default Re: WAGG

    From a woman\'s point of view, it\'s another one of those nice products to have around as a Virtual Sweetie. It\'s a really good guy smell.

  19. #19
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG

    Red did it turn you on in any way?, or just smell nice to you?

  20. #20

    Default Re: WAGG

    It didn\'t make me instantly hot but it did give me very pleasant thoughts about men. Specifically, lying with my head on SDR\'s shoulder (so my nose is near his pit) after sex and thinking how much I like him.

  21. #21
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG

    heh, ought to be named LovePotion#9 then [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  22. #22
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    Default Re: WAGG

    Some of my other observations while using TE/WAGG: A woman following me around in the gym, girls that were all going to sit near me in a allmost empty classroom, ..

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  23. #23

    Default Re: WAGG

    That\'s just \'cause you\'re cute.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: WAGG

    Maybe I am cute, but I am scaring people away too (I am tall), especially when I wear none. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


  25. #25
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG

    I can\'t wait for you to announce the product and give some specs on it! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Ah, I\'m experiment crazy I tell you! lol.

    - Krish

  26. #26

    Default Re: WAGG

    OK, a few of my impressions on WAGG. You might go to the restroom right now, and get you something to drink on the way back by the kitchen, as this is going to be a bit long.

    First, I\'m glad to know what WAGG stands for. I had really been wondering.

    But, learning what the product is SUPPOSED to do helped me look back on my experiences with it with a different outlook on the results I got.. I kept a journal of my results, and applications, including when I wore WAGG by itself and when I used it with other products. I spent most of my time evaluating it from the standpoint of sexual hits rather than \"what a great guy\" sort of hits. So, I sort of filled out my survey from that perspective. Now, I\'m looking back at my result from the \"what a great guy\" perspective.

    My first thought... on the survey it asked me if I found that women acted differently around me. In all cases, I checked that I saw no change. Of course, since I\'ve used pheromones almost any time I\'ve been around women the past 7 months or so, I was sort of basing this on the fact that my life has already seemed better than the old days before pheromones. So, seeing no real difference wasn\'t necessarily a bad thing, it might have just meant that WAGG works equally as well as the other products. It would be interesting to test the product on people who have never worn pheromones to see what they observe while using it.

    Now, I’ll give some impressions. I think I’ll give some examples of day to day encounters from my journal. I experimented with the product 13 or 14 times. First, I noticed from my journal though that I never really observed the more intimate type reactions, ie touching, hugging etc. when I wore WAGG by itself, but I did have some good experiences with it on. I did seem to have a lot of younger women (being in a college town I find that 95% if the women I come across are young college age) who did want to spend time talking to me. This isn\'t totaally unusual with mones on, but I did have more of this than I normally do the first night I wore WAGG out to eat. Eating at one of my regular restaurants one night, I had severel waitress stop to talk to me a little while. I get this a lot from waitresses I already know....but this particular night with WAGG by itself, I had several who I had never seen before come over to join in conversation with me as well. Could have been a coincidence.... might have happened anyway...don\'t know. But, the results were a bit out of the norm so this possibly was due to the WAGG. The reactions were friendly, not touchy feely or anything. But, I did sort of feel like I had become a focus of attention that night with many waitresses taking turns stopping by and visiting with me, some of them sitting down to visit.

    I just checked my log of results and found another response at a restaurant on a different occasion while wearing WAGG alone, it says that a \"short chick with freaky hair\" that I\'ve never seen before (who was one of the waitresses, but not mine) seemed to enjoy herself talking to me a bit too much when passing by my table. I didn\'t count that as a hit. But, again, I wasn\'t looking for these types of reactions from WAGG, but now that I\'ve learned what it was supposed to do, some of my comments in my journal are standing out a bit more. But, I\'d say the reactions from WAGG alone were more social, more like I\'d expect from SoE, than what I normally expect from -none. However, it didn\'t seem to me that the kinds of friendly reactions I got were as consistent as what I get with SoE. But, I\'d have to do more testing to really verify this. It\'s just an impression, but not something I\'d argue stringently as being accurate. I\'d be curious to see what others think about its consistency.

    I did find though that things seemed more like what I expect from pheromones when I combined WAGG with NPA. I essentially used a full dosage of WAGG (3 or 4 dabs) along with 1 drop of NPA, and the reactions were more touchy feely, with more dilated pupils and all. I was walking out of this same restaurant I mentioned earlier, but on a different occasion with WAGG and NPA. As I was heading out the door one of the hostesses saw me leaving, rushed over to open the door for me (which they usually do when they can) but when I walked up she held out her arm as I approached to give me a hug. So, being the \"what a great guy\" that I am, I obliged her with a little hug on my way out. Anyway, that was a bit out of the ordinary. Can\'t say that it was WAGG or not as I don’t really think I spent that much time around her for her to be affected by the mones. But, it did happen the night I happened to be wearing the WAGG.

    I also have one other interesting reaction in my WAGG journal that I made note of at that same night in the restaurant. I had a cute 23 year old waitress that I met in there a couple of months ago. She will normally stop to speak to me when she sees me so I’ve established a friendly relationship with her already. Well, she was my waitress this particular night. But, they were very busy and she didn\'t have much time to spend helping me, and I didn\'t try to engage her in conversation since she was busy. Toward the end of my meal, she came to refill my drink, and when she finished and set it down I said \"thank you\" and went on with my meal. But, I noticed that she didn\'t leave, but was just standing there staring at me. I looked up at her and she was just staring at me with this smile on her face that I had never seen from her before. I just looked at her and in a puzzled voice asked \"what is it?\" She said \"you\'re not very talkative tonight” and continued to look at me with that smile. I said \"sorry, I\'ll do better next time.\" I kind of felt our conversation was pretty much the same as every other time I\'d been around her. So, who knows if this was due to the WAGG + NPA effect or not. Maybe it put her in the mood to want to do more talking with me? Don\'t know, and I hate to read too much into everything that happens, but just pass on the results for what they’re worth.

    Sorry if this post was kind of long, but for the sake of really helping evaluate the research project, and for the sake of those who weren\'t in the test group I just felt I had to kind of give a farily comprehensive impression of the product and how my day to day interactions went while wearing WAGG. Perhaps the WAGG did help soften the impressions that the NPA would normally have given off. Then again, as far as I can tell I seldom really suffer from the Clint Eastwood effect. I don’t really think I’m normally that intimidating a guy. Regardless, I hope to hear some of the experiences from the others and see how they compare to mine., as well as see the results of the compiled surveys. I don’t know if it’s supposed to be a standalone product or if it was intended to be an additive, but I suppose if the product does what it’s designed to do, I’d consider using it as an additive with every product or mix that I wear. I couldn’t hurt if it makes me seem more approachable.

  27. #27
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: WAGG

    i hope everyone else is as percise as that..heck with it being long, i want the facts as ppl see them [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  28. #28
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: WAGG

    These comments have not been influenced by others comments, and are taken from memory of my impressions. I was one who guessed what WAGG meant.

    As I said after the first day of use, what I noticed was a kind of \"taking familiarity for granted, sitting around the kitchen table comfort kind of response.\"

    I noticed no improvements in random sexual hits, but did not use it in a date situation.

    I used it only in combo, and found myself wanting to reduce the dose to no more than 3 dabs. My best hit was on the day after I stopped using it. See below appendix here.

    My one concern is the LJBF effect!
    Therefore I suspect it will be crucial to consider the ratio between WAGG and -none/-rone, as we don\'t want to saturate the VNO with secondary mones.

    Appendix to my post for scientific types, such as the WAGG inventor (don\'t be a stranger, dude! We are a resource! JVK likes us...):

    We don\'t know yet how the VNO works, and it\'s not clear that it\'s just a \"shape of receptor vs shape of molecule\" thing. There is one theory that it is the vibration of a molecule that determines smell, not it\'s shape, and this might also apply to pheromones/VNO. p;u=/fo/20030122/bs_fo/2ceea75ada6866852dfc6f7fa55e9294

    If this were true, then proportion and harmony among pherochemicals would be EVERYTHING. This is why I still like the idea of using the phi ratio, and musical mathematics, etc., in phero mixing, as this is how nature achieves harmony and proportion. Call me crazy.

  29. #29
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    Too long? Not at all. It\'s good to have all of that detail.

    In all it looks as if you pretty much had the same type of results that I got when wearing WAGG.

    Now that I know what it is designed for, I kinda wished I used it on my interview last Wed [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] . In fact I was considering, but decided to play it safe with my proven arsenal. Oh, well.

  30. #30

    Default Re: WAGG

    Boy, I need to be in bed. It\'s late here, and I\'ve trying to go off, but I keep seeing new posts and just have to check one last time before going to bed, and then feel the need to respond.

    But, SwingerMD, you mentioned using this on an interview. We see this question pop up on here from time to time, as well as an occasional question about what the best pheromone is to use on a resume. I\'m wondering if perhaps WAGG would be the pheromone that might fill this niche reaquirement for interviews and resumes? Don\'t know, just a thought.

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