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  1. #1

    Default Need some getting started advices please..


    I just received my androstenone pheromone concentrate.

    At the board you\'re talking about drops, and how many drops you use.. there was no such device coming with this bottle. Do you buy such a \"drop-device\" at a local pharmacy or something?

    Also, how much should i use of this?
    ..It\'s suppose to be double strength or something..

    I only have this bottle, so i won\'t do any mixing like I read about a lot of you doing..

    Am i suppose to use it in concentrated form or mix it with water or anything?

    How does it work when working out (combined with perspiration)? Will it last for a shorter period of time or something?

    How does it work when i\'m consuming alcohol? ..i read somewhere that it should be mixed with alcohol.. are there any alcohol in our perspiration when we\'ve been drinking?

    A hit, how do you know if the \"hit\" is \'caused by the scent or just you being yourself and a girl getting interested?

    A friend and I bought this bottle together.. how will it be if we both use it and are at the same place, can that make the effect be like an OD even though we haven\'t separatly OD\'ed?

  2. #2
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need some getting started advices please..

    Did you get you APC from here? Methinks not.

    1. Using dabs is fine, but you need a lot of dabs of APC, it has the lowest concentration of pheros on the site.

    2. People report hits from APC at 5-10 dabs, well spread out and rubbed in.

    3. Use it in concentrated form? This stuff isnt concentrated, sorry for the let down. There are products here 50 times stronger.

    4.\"How does it work when working out (combined with perspiration)? Will it last for a shorter period of time or something?\"
    Good question. Combining an application with some of your own smell is good, but just make sure the smell isnt bad.

    5.\"How does it work when i\'m consuming alcohol? ..i read somewhere that it should be mixed with alcohol.. are there any alcohol in our perspiration when we\'ve been drinking?\"
    Don\'t know where you read that. No.

    6. It\'s never a good idea to share the same scent as someone else.

  3. #3
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    Default hvor lang tid og greier?

    halla, endelig en annen nordmann her (sikkert mange andre, men ingen jeg vet om)!! hvor gammel er du? er dette ditt første møte med feromoner? og vet du hvor lang tid det tok fra du betilte til du fikk pakken? jeg har bestilt før selv, men husker ikke hvor lang tid det tok, og skulle gjerne beregnet det til at pakken kom når mor og far ikke var hjemme...

    måtte bare skrive på norsk, mest fordi jeg hadde muligheten [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4
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    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    LOL, let`s see how good I am with guessing ...

    \"er dette ditt første møte med feromoner?\" Is this the first time you use pheromones.

    \"halla, endelig en annen nordmann her \" Hello, finally another norwegian (scandinavian) here

    \"men husker ikke hvor lang tid det tok\" it took long before the package arrived (.. ?)

    \"hvor lang tid og greier?\" How long did it take to get it ( ...?)

    \"hvor gammel er du?\" How old are you ( ...??)

    Just a few guesses, please tell me I am not far off base Qrius. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: Need some getting started advices please..

    I like Vikings ....

  6. #6

    Default Re: Need some getting started advices please..

    Hey CptKipling

    No, i didn\'t buy the pheros from here.. I found this site first after my order at the other site...
    This is where i bought mine:

    3. This is some of what they say in the FAQ: \"Value - We give you more for less. Our pheromones products are DOUBLE STRENGTH concentrations of human pheromones, packaged in 1 ounce bottles, compared to the \"industry standard\" of 10ML!\"

    Are you sure we\'re talking about the same product? ..please take a look and tell me, \'cause i\'m really new with this so i don\'t know the different names etc, might have said something wrong..

    4. Do you know if it will wear off much faster?

    5. I did a real typo on this one, so i\'ll try again:
    How does it work when I consume alcohol? ..i read somewhere that is should NOT be mixed with alcoholic things, like perfumes with alcohol or deoderants with alcohol. If this is correct, then is there any alcohol that can come through our perspiration and \"damage\" the scent?

    6. Why is that? Will it have some kind of negative effect?


  7. #7
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Need some getting started advices please..

    That was where I got my 1st bottle of APC.

    3. Yes we are talking about the same product.

    One thing to be aware of when looking on the internet for pheros, and other similar products: People will use lies to sell their products.

    Here are some extracts from that site:

    \"Does Pheromone Concentrate™ smell bad?

    Absolutely not! The pheromones are odorless\"

    Big lie, the pheromone that this product claims to contain at \"high concentrations\" is androstenone, which in fact stinks. This isnt to say it doesnt work, but thats another question...

    \"Why should I buy your pheromone products?

    Quality - The effectiveness of our pheromone products has been proven! Why take the risk?\" (so far ok)
    Integrity - We believe in honesty. That\'s why we put more pheromones in our products. (Bah!, this is a joke)
    Value - We give you more for less. Our pheromones products are DOUBLE STRENGTH concentrations of human pheromones, packaged in 1 ounce bottles, compared to the \"industry standard\" of 10ML!\"

    The last point is just silly. I\'m not sure what they are trying to say, but if they are trying to convinse people that the product is double strength just because it is double volume, they need to be kicked in the teeth.

    \"Dear Friend,

    Imagine yourself being simply irresistible to sexy men or women (whichever you desire)... Getting more eye contact, more smiles, more conversations, more flirting, more sex. Sound impossible? Not anymore!\"

    I\'m sorry, but that\'s just a load of bollocks. Maybe with some stronger and well balanced products or mixes, but not with plain APC and not without a lot of work from you.

    4. Perspiration will \"wash\" the pheros off yes, but if you apply them to a normally dry area you should be ok.

    5. \"i read somewhere that is should NOT be mixed with alcoholic things\"
    More rubbish that rip off sites tell people. Alcohol does not damage pheros, this was a ploy by APC resellers to convince people that other alcohol based products wouldn\'t work, but you only need to look as far as NPA or TE on this site to see that they work just aswell.

    6. Sharing scents makes it dificult for people (most importantly women) to tell who smell like what. Your smell is supposed to be unique.

    A final point, you can trust Bruce and his site, his customer service is excellent, and operates in a no bullsh*t style.

  8. #8
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Need some getting started advices please..

    Hehe here i go again, norweigan king you have like many others have been ripped off.

    For example you can buy Andro 4.2 here for $45 and it is 25 times as strong as APC, please do not purchase anything else from the website you mentioned. Half the information on that website has been ripped off this forum/website and the rest is bullshit information.

    1.) They mention \"double strength\" that is double normal human strength production of androstenone. And of course andro 4.2 is 50 x strength human pheromone production. It is \"industry standard\" 10mls mostly stone labs that is - information rip off.

    2.It will wear off after 12-24 hours. Please take note of all the information we give out here.

    3.) Alcohol is a netural carrrier for this stuff, it is used in the manufacture process and actually preserves the pheromones contained in the product and does not \"damage them\" it allows them to last longer.

    - Compare APC with Andro 4.2 you will notice a real different.
    -APC is sold here for cheaper i think, BUT around here we consider it a perfume only and the lightest concentration of androstenone.

    Here you can get real Androstenone,Androstenol and androsterone. As well as androstadienone and couplins take a look around the homepage which runs this forum and hopefully you wont be ripped off again.

    Note: bruce is a reseller who buys the products wholesale and sells them retail and only GETS THE BEST products around the world so he isnt affliated with any one brand but any product that works and doesnt rip consumers off he will get a hold of and set up a supply deal and sell it here.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    heh, you\'re a pro, franki! here\'s the exact tranlation:

    er dette ditt første møte med feromoner?\" Is this your first encounter with pheromones?

    \"halla, endelig en annen nordmann her \" Hello, finally another norwegian here

    \"men husker ikke hvor lang tid det tok\" but can\'t remember how long it took

    \"hvor lang tid og greier?\" how much time and stuff?

    \"hvor gammel er du?\" How old are you?

    as you see, the translation where almost perfect, just some words you missed out, but you got the big picture... i certainly don\'t understand that much german, though...

  10. #10
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    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    i forgot to ask, since you (franki) is, like me, on the lower age- bracket and a phero pro and all, what do you think of AE?i think i\'m gonna order it since neither RM, Soe or NPA worked for me...

  11. #11
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    I think you shold create a DD mix to start with and if all else fails add the RM. (small batches of course - or just use more in an OD situation)

  12. #12
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    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    Thank you qrius.

    WHAT ABOUT AE? Hmm. I don\'t know. I am sure it is a very good product. I like the fact that with AE you are very easily able to balance out your phero\'s, since you don\'t have to use another product (most of the time).

    On the other hand I haven\'t used it very much, and I don\'t have success stories like I got from SOE/NPA and SOE/TE.

    Hope I helped. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  13. #13

    Default Re: Need some getting started advices please..

    Watcher, Andro 4.2 is twenty five times as strong as APC?? Are you sure? While we\'re saying that this website is the best for buying pheromones because of its integrity, it seems like it would be important to have your numbers right so as not to mislead anyone. Did you make that up?

  14. #14

    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    Prøv og blande cs rone med ouzo(eller vanlig alkohol) 0.1 ml rone til 5ml ouzo og bruk apc til lukt(ca like mye som ronet)

    dette gir 0.02 mg rone pr ml Du kan blande en liten mengde TE til dette (er ikke helt ferdig med testene men....lovende resultater så langt(landet jobb på første forsøk(kvinne i slutten av 30 årene utførte jobbsamtalen)))

    Det ser ut til at Ronet får dem til og senke guarden ganske drastisk legg til litt none til dette og.............!!!!
    Ronet gir også en \"kompis\" reaksjon fra andre menn(respekt uten aggro)


    PS: mg mengden med none(fra TE ellen NPA) bør ikke være større en Rone mengden

  15. #15
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    Standard English, anyone?

  16. #16

    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    I\'d settle for ebonics at this point. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  17. #17
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    Wussat u say? Wuh u tukin tuh me?

  18. #18

    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    Das right. watchu gotta say \'bout it.

  19. #19
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    Wah? naw u goin rahnd shoootin ur moot off, das it lady...

    Pardon? Pheromones? Whats all that about?

  20. #20

    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    What\'s all this talk about \"slutten,\" anyway? What\'s that, the plural of \"slut\"? And he wants 30 of them? Good grief! I think that\'s a little greedy.

  21. #21

    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    slutten= the end of

    Will make a separate post in english in few days about it!!


  22. #22

    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    mix your chem set rone with ouzo? is that what you said? Will that get you 30 slutten?

  23. #23
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    No, but \"a little -none will get drastic leg\".

  24. #24

    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    Oh, yeah. I know DraasticLeg. About 10 miles from Oslo as the crow flies. Nice little town.

  25. #25
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?


    I wonder if there is any of his post that he needs to translate, now we\'ve done it so beautifully already.

  26. #26

    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    I\'m off to mix my rone with ouzo and some yellow vanilla alcohol and see what that does.

    Amazing the intuitive flair you have for languages, CptKipling.

  27. #27

    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    >>slutten= the end of<<

    Wow, I\'m glad to know that\'s what \"slutten\" means after all these years. I spent several summers traveling by train through Europe and used to see variation\'s of \"slutt\" posted in Scandinavian train stations a lot. I used to hang out there thinkiing that was the place for visitors to find a date. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] This expains so much. Live and learn.... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  28. #28

    Default A new mix is born - RONONE -

    the hell with it!!!

    0.1mg csRone to 5ml alcohol giving 0.02 mg rone pr ml
    IF u you ad none(te/npa) make shure the none content is lower than the rone content

    Makes the women lower their guard and makes them feel\"safe\" about the sexual feelings the none is giving them also has the effect of lovering my inhibitions(makes me more relaxed relative to my actions)


    PS: I diluted my TE about 50% using a 0.02 mg rone/ouzo mix and use 2 sprays(troat and wrist) together with several(5-6) spray of the rone mix scented with apc(equal part to the rone) the rone seems (to me anywhay) to increase the none smell(increased effect???)

  29. #29
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: A new mix is born - RONONE -

    Could I suggest you go to the recent -rone thread and post hit results for this, Satan? They are requesting these.

    Did a lot of people call you Santa over the holidays?

  30. #30
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: hvor lang tid og greier?

    kvinna i slutten av 30 : Women in end of 30-s..
    Good luck, FTRh!

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