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  1. #1
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    Default About Photoreading

    Who on this board is familiar with photoreading? (\"reading\" at a speed of 25,000 words a minute). Could you please give me some more \"information\" on it? (more like personal experiences really). It\'s something I\'d really like to get into if the results are really THAT good.

    For the people who have never heard about it, there\'s some more information here: and amongst others.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: About Photoreading

    As you can see, the course is rather expensive and I\'m not all that keen on spending SO much money on it.

    Also, what\'s up with saying that PR will result in you reading three times as fast as you normally would? (that \"normally\" would then be 5,000 words a minute which is faster than the Speed-Reading champion at about 4,000 words a minute)

  3. #3
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  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: About Photoreading

    You won\'t learn anything doing speed reading IMO. Anyone can read fast, but the question is are you understanding the concepts? It takes a lot of time and effort etc. I\'m sure y\'know to learn anything new and there is no quick route like speed/photo reading. Now some folk are born with photographic memories etc. but this is something entirely different. The valedictorian of my university had a photographic memory but even she said it only helped as far as recall went, but without her ability to understand the concepts that ability would have been wasted - so she felt her grades were more a result of her ability to \" think\" than her photographic memory.

  5. #5

    Default Re: About Photoreading

    It\'s also true, however, just to play devil\'s advocate, that how you have trained yourself to look at the words on the page can make a difference in your speed at reading AND cognition. Some people read word by word rather than take in the sentence as a whole, and the process is arduous for them. Some techniques might not be a bad thing, if you are a slow reader and find yourself overwhelmed by reading you\'re required to do for school or work. I find it hard to believe the claims for speed they make, but I guess you never know till you try. At worst, you could increase your speed somewhat while not losing comprehension, and that would be good.

  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: About Photoreading

    Ok folks ive had experience with speedreading, it can increase read speed up to 1000 wpm(my experience) without losing comprehension on say newspaper articles some posts on this forum etc. Stuff that you may not want to remember specifically but good for purusing.

    The best accelerated learning technique i have is mind mapping which allows in conjuction with speed reading (intake) mega memory type of utilisation(memory and intergration) and mind mapping (reorganising for personal understanind and incorparting colour for way better retention) all work with each other and ive had great advances in learning and knowledge

    Another thing to do is associate new knowledge in some way with existing knowledge you may have on any subject.
    Radiant thinking is another descriptive term used.

    Good u are however playing devils advocate FTR. There has been heaps of discussion on the forum in the past - mostly instigated by myself in the early days. You dont get overwealmed just through useless data more quickly.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: About Photoreading

    I read the photoreading book. Watcher, they actually cover mind mapping in the book/course. The thing about photoreading is even though you \"read\" at 25000 wpm, you later have to \"activate\" the material. A lot of people that are into the whole self-improvement scene believe it\'s a load of BS, and others say it actually works. I haven\'t experimented enough to test the validity. The people who say it\'s a load of BS say any improvements in reading are probably due to better previewing/prereading techniques.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: About Photoreading

    On the reviews on a photoreading are either 4/5 stars or 1 star (the lowest). I thought that people giving 5 stars were full of **** and that they probably did this because they\'re related to the author or so. BUT that didn\'t seem quite true: there we\'re also a lot of people that gave access to their other reviews and several dealt with other mind-expanding techniques. Enough to proof that those were genuine reviews. So it DOES work.

  9. #9
    Phero Dude Xehupatl's Avatar
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    Default Re: About Photoreading

    yeah I\'ve got the course! and I think it\'s really good, actually! sure it\'s expensive, but I\'ve learned a lot. there\'s lots of confirmation that it works on the learning strategies board. basically you preview the book, photoread it (=download it to the subconscious), then speed read and mind map the passages that you \"feel\" are relavant to your purpose. It teaches you to go through books more often than once, and get the most important information out of the book. yeah, it\'s one of those things where people either hate it or love it, but I think it\'s really worth it.
    And now I\'m really gonna throw my positive ramblings into the wind by stating: I\'m selling my course on ebay! I know you\'re gonna think that I just wanted to sell you out with my praising the course, and that I haven\'t experienced anything positive with mine - but the truth is that I desperately need some money [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

    haha I\'m such a loser ... but I\'m going to tell you this: you don\'t need the $250 course to \"get\" photoreading - just buy the book! sure, the course contains lots of information, guides you through the process of learning the stuff, comes with a dictinary, a paraliminal tape, the photoreading book AND the \"natural brilliance\" book, but if you want to learn the system, you definately don\'t HAVE to buy the course. and if you have to, there are always some schmucks like me selligntheirs cheap on ebay.


  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast nonscents's Avatar
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    Default Re: About Photoreading

    When I was in high school my friend and I took the Evelyn Woods Speed Reading Course. By the end of the course we speed read Hemingway\'s The Sun Also Rises and I was truly amazed.

    Then I went to college and couldn\'t do it. The texts were very dense.

    Fast forward a few decades. I did the Photoreading Home Study Course. It consists of a set of audio tapes as well as the book. I spent many months playing with the technique. It just never came together for me. I returned it and Learning Strategies Corp. was polite and refunded my payment without delay.

    I still read their discussion forum. There is no doubt in my mind that it does work for some and not for others. The creators of Photoreading overhype it and they go overboard putting down other reading systems.

    I don\'t mean this in a bad way, but, the true genius of Learning Strategies is their marketing skills.

    What I like about Love Scent is that Bruce doesn\'t send me letters with the fake yellow highlighter in every paragraph telling me how his newest product is going to <font color=yellow>change my life today!!!</font color=yellow>

    Here\'s the scoop. Evelyn Woods did most of the heavy lifting when she created speed reading. You can get lots of books on that. One good one is called Breakthrough Rapid Reading, or something close to that. Speed reading has the reader use their finger to increase reading speed. Then some guy decided to come up with something called Subliminal Dynamics (see <a target=\"_blank\" href=>this link</a>) which is basically speed reading without the finger. Paul Scheele took the Subliminal Dynamics course, refined it, threw in some NLP mumbo jumbo and marketed it brilliantly.

    It\'s guaranteed. Give it a try and see if it works for you.

  11. #11
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    I see this is a

    very old thread, but the topic is still very interesting...

    Did anyone on this forum ever learn to photoread?

    Anyone beside nonscents test it out?

    Please give me your experience with photoreading / other self

    developments towards better/faster learning etc..?


  12. #12
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I took a college course in speed

    reading back in the 80's. It was one of the smartest things I did to help my studying. They used a machine to help

    train your eyes and break bad habits we all have in reading. While nearly tripling my speed it also helped my

    comprehension go from the 80% bracket to close to 100%. I never use it when reading for pleasure but if I need to

    get through some studying and want to really grasp the content I'll use those techniques. It still helps me because

    my work requires me to stay up on technology.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  13. #13
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    Do you remember the name of that

    speed reading course?

    I went to an evelyn wood information thing last week and am considering to take that

    course. It is expensive though, so i want to be sure that it will actually help me.. And when I first invest a lot

    of time and money into this sort of improvement I want to go with "the best one"...

    Thanks for your feedback

    belgareth - nice to know that it's at least working

    More people out there with experiences around this?

  14. #14
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheViking
    Do you remember

    the name of that speed reading course?

    I went to an evelyn wood information thing last week and am considering

    to take that course. It is expensive though, so i want to be sure that it will actually help me.. And when I first

    invest a lot of time and money into this sort of improvement I want to go with "the best one"...

    Thanks for your

    feedback belgareth - nice to know that it's at least working

    More people out there with experiences around

    No, sorry. It was something done by the college I attended. For all I know they may be doing it


    Along with the machine they taught what is a really simple concept. When you read, you don't really see

    each individual letter, you see and recognise words. You can do the same with whole phrases. Those two things are

    the main concept of every speed reading course there is. Rather than go for marketing hype, look for a course that

    teaches what you need to know.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  15. #15
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    Yes, this evelyn wood thing was

    that sort of speed reading. They also used their finger to help the eyes in order to increase the speed (the only

    trick they thought us in the information thing..)

    So maybe I should go for that course in stead of the photo

    reading thing then...?

    I'll wait a while and see if anyone else got some more good feedback also though

    ..I can't take this first seminar thing anyway (which is this weekend - I'm already signed up for

    another self development seminar about getting better at studying..) There is a evelyn wood seminar in september

    again though I think, so if I haven't found anything better by then or found some people who actually manages the

    photoreading thing I think I'll go for it - but time will show

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