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  1. #1

    Default Why I decided to try pheros

    Here\'s a little experience I had: (this was before I\'d even heard of pheromone products)

    My friend and I were talking outside a computer lab at uni a couple of days ago. A girl in my course walked out of the lab and past us (I had my back to the lab door, so she came from behind me). Just after she reached us, her head snapped around and she gave me a really intense look that sent shivers down my spine. It seemed like an aggressive/angry glare, yet she seemed to be smiling too. She kept eye contact for what seemed like 10 seconds as she walked down the hall (note that this required her walking without watching where she was going [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] )

    This is a girl who I\'ve never spoken to in my life. While she\'s not stunningly attractive, she\'s in with the \'cool\' group and I guess you could put her in the ice-queen category, even though i don\'t know what that means exactly. Basically she would not normally acknowledge my presence.

    Anyway, I thought it was strange, but I continued the conversation with my friend. About 30secs later, one of the girl\'s friends walked out of the lab and TADAH! did EXACTLY the same thing. Now I was totally freaked and wondering if someone was playing a joke on me (Do I have something on my back?!?). This kind of thing just doesn\'t happen to me. The first girl hadn\'t gone back into the lab yet, so she couldn\'t have told her friend to do what she did.

    I mentioned it to my friend who jokingly said that I was a stud, why wouldn\'t they look at me? This is a word that just does not fit me at all. Average-looking, \"nice\" and the occasional \"cute\" (argh!) fits better.

    But my friend had a sly grin on his face and eventually told me that he\'d bought a pheromone spray and had used quite a bit of it that day... He was a little bit annoyed actually that I seemed to be getting the reactions that were meant for him! Do you think this happens much? As I understand it, a human\'s sense of smell is not overly (at all?) directional so I guess it would be possible for a girl to target the wrong guy in some situations. Maybe because I was familiar to these girls (from lectures etc, my friend does a completely different course) and in the general location of the smell, they chose me as the target? I dunno, just a theory.

    Well that\'s why I decided to try TE. I can\'t wait until it arrives!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Why I decided to try pheros

    prepare for fun, sir.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Why I decided to try pheros

    SO there are other aussies here, hello murb, its an aussie here anyhow my experience is that women think completley differently to men, from our point of view looks are important but the female brain is structured differently so they find different things attractive in men then men do in women, the smell parts of thier brains are by way larger than in men. So to all the men viewing this board and thinking of trying these products look at it from a womens point of view instead of your own and you will go further and quicker eaiser forget the egotisitical point of view and get with the program otherwise you remain ingorant for all time. Just a helpful bit of advice they will only take it so far before you have to take over. Be nice and change those nasty and arrogant attitudes they will shut you out even with pheromones.


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