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  1. #1

    Default Re: Help with PI and APC

    Welcome to the board, Bull!

    PI is very concentrated, and as you\'ll find from reading other posts here, it is best to start out using a little amount first, then build up gradually.

    To start, one drop divided between your two index fingers, applied to the neck by your ears, and covered with a good cologne or nice e-oil mixture.

    If you\'re really bold, you can also use another another drop divided between your two wrists, again covered with a good cologne/e-oil.

    One of the other posters, Jambat, has had good results from mixing 70% APC with 30% NPA. I\'ve also done this, though I was lighter on the NPA side.

    In addition, I\'ve also mixed APC with PI. I use one drop of PI mixed with two big dabs of APC.

    I hope this helps. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  2. #2

    Default Re: Help with PI and APC


    What have your findings been with the NPA/APC mix?


  3. #3
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with PI and APC

    I have both PI and Lure.They complement each other well in that PI is an unscented Androstenone-only product,while Lure is a scented Androstenol-only one.

    Combining PI and APC would be redundant as APC is also an A-None-only product (though I\'m told it has a GREAT fragrance and many guys swear by it!).

    I\'ve used pheros for some time and I\'ve never yet actually mixed products together.I prefer to \"mix\" them on my body, rarely actually applying two products to the same area, but more often \"zoning\" them in different locations.

    With PI you really only want to start out with one drop,which I usually spread thinly on points below the neck.Then Lure to wrists,neck temples, or wherever you like.Lure does have a heavy scent so,don\'t over do it.

    Once you\'ve mixed stuff together,you\'re stuck with the results. So experiment first. Then if you MUST mix,use small quantities and you won\'t risk pissin\' away ALL your goods. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Good Luck,
    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with PI and APC

    I do the same as Oscar. Sometimes I like to mix on the same spot though. I started mixing apc and PI on my wrists a long time ago and I still enjoy it. Admitedly apc is only good for fragrance in that mix as apc has nothing to ad phero-wise, just a really nice fragrance to mix with the PI smell.


  5. #5

    Default Help with PI and APC

    Can anyone tell me a good mixture for PI and APC? I\'ve got APC and Lure and have been using them together, which seems to do ok. Only thing is is that I have not seen any clear results yet. Of course I\'ve only been using it over the last few days. I ordered PI to see if it would do better because of the higher % of pheromones. If anyone can give me some pointers it would help,because I\'m new to this.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Help with PI and APC


    As I\'m married and I use pheros just to \"play with the wife\",Jambat is probably a better source for how APC/NPA work.

    However, in my experience with the wife, I\'ve found her to be more cuddlie with I use APC/NPA and/or AE than if I\'m using a stronger mixture like APC/PI. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    At Bruce\'s suggestion, I use the \"drop\" of PI covered with APC, but my wife reacts negatively to that. If, however, I take a good portion of my APC bottle and augment it with PI, I get \"nicer\" reactions from the wife. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    Default Re: Help with PI and APC


    Welcome! I agree with Lex - if you\'re looking to \"bring \'em in close\", the AE/NPA or AE alone is much better than a PI/APC mix. PI is slightly more concentrated than AE, but it\'s not scented and does turn women off if you don\'t cover it creatively. To me, APC is a good cover but it doesn\'t seem to last as long as other fragrances. AE contains a masking fragrance that is not strong, but gets the job done.

    Good luck!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Help with PI and APC

    That was a welcome to Bull, not Dylan - sorry gents....

  9. #9

    Default Re: Help with PI and APC

    Verf says...

    \"As you know, Primal Instinct is a androstenone only product. When you wear it, you does become more atractive in a women´s point of smell...but this phero conveys such a strong dominant male overtone, that it can trigger a feeling of fear in the females, .

    If you wear a strong product like PI you can become a masculine version of the queen beauty icy Princess. If a woman is so overwhelming beautiful and drop dead gorgeous, few guys will try to approach her. If you use a strong androstenone only phero, few gals will dare approach you (even in the phisical sense!) as well.

    So you must use a phero containing androstenol (like datemate, PF, xcite wipes, AE, attraction, if you wanna attract unknown gals, without scaring them off...\"

    And that sounds about right. Although I\'ve found that women will approach you if you seem interested. It\'s but maybe it\'s something you should consider.

    I always use APC for mixing because of it\'s smell plus the added pheros but you might try a nice scented oil and just mix PI in. But don\'t use too much of it on you once you\'ve mixed it.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Help with PI and APC

    MMM the smell plus the pheros, hey jambat i wonder if the fragrence really has anything to do with it, or whether that it is just a conscious trigger.

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