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  1. #31
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Don\'t waste those Roses!

    Yes. You are right! I\'ve actually thought about it too. Lost interest in the field I was in, IT, that was something I was playing with the idea of, even as a small project for something to do. Thought of it again a few days ago when someone wrote something about rose oil or water.

    Now that you have mentioned it, I should get more serious about research into it.

  2. #32
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Don\'t waste those Roses!

    i would think there\'d be a market to sell them w/o having to process them (someone else processes them maybe)

  3. #33
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Don\'t waste those Roses!

    I don\'t know wether it was for a wedding or what, but we had a request for REDICULOUS amount of rose petals earlier on in the year. We had to refuse the request, we were too busy. Maybe it was for this purpose?? Dunno

  4. #34

    Default Re: Roses... Adding Phero\'s to them...

    What about if you wrapped the rose in gift paper? You know how they make a cone of paper and put the rose in it when you get one from the florist? You could put the pheromones on the paper instead of on the rose. You could also, speaking of the discarded roses, send them to me. ! No, what I meant to say is, you could make potpourri out of them with very little trouble. Potpourri is expensive, good potpourri that\'s not mostly wood shavings with nasty chemical smelling scent sprayed on. You could make yourself a small fortune, I would think, with real rose potpourri.It\'s interesting - you\'re finding out the same thing I did about a pure rose scent. It will bury almost anything and still smell as sweet. You can -none it, you can EW it, and it still stays pretty true.

  5. #35
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Roses... Adding Phero\'s to them...

    now thats a damn good idea as well [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]..damn i love smart women, beats the hack out of smartasses [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #36

    Default Re: Roses... Adding Phero\'s to them...

    Right? A small investment in cellophane and ribbon, an essential oil or two, maybe some cinnamon sticks, make up a big tub and scoop out 1 cup measures onto the cellophane, tie it up, et voila ... $10.00 easy money.

  7. #37
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    Default Re: Roses... Adding Phero\'s to them...

    \" It will bury almost anything and still smell as sweet. You can -none it, you can EW it, and it still stays pretty true\" - FTR

    I\'m glad you said that. I was wondering that, being male, I might not be smelling any bad effect. Though I\'ve found I\'m reasonably sensitve to the -none scent.

    With the -none, wether It can be buried in the scent or not, the last thing I want to do is seem threatening. Hopefully a little -none will be enough to to bring out \"Hey! this guys not too bad!\", and still keep that \"I can trust him\" -nol effect.

    This will all come together in the next couple of hours. Will try to psych myself into the right attitude soon. The main thing that\'s spooking me is that \"her best friend likes me\" stuff. If it wasn\'t for that it would be a lot easier. She knows now that I\'ve shown a bit of interest in her not the other, so I\'m hoping it\'s \'cool\' in some way by now. Scary! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  8. #38

    Default Re: Roses... Adding Phero\'s to them...

    I don\'t think it\'s your responsibility to protect their friendship. It is your responsibility to act in your own best interest, however, because nobody else can do it for you.

    So if you can, put away your anxiety about this girl who is standing in the way, and at least make your interest known, as you have been. The girls will have to work it out between the two of them and even if they fall out over it, it\'s likely there are more reasons than just this one incident. True girlfriends don\'t break up over guys.

    Oh, about the rose thing - I was at my wit\'s end trying to figure out what to do with my ProEdge sample, nothing would cover it and experimenting was using up what little bit of product I had to work with. Rose took the cat pee smell and buried it. Unfortunately, it raised its ugly head once the cologne wore off. But it did the job for about 4 hours, which was all I needed.

  9. #39
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Roses... Adding Phero\'s to them...

    Yeah, thanks.

  10. #40
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Roses... Adding Phero\'s to them...

    Allright then....we\'re all dying with curiosity. So what did you decide to do and what occured?

  11. #41
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    Default Re: Roses... Adding Phero\'s to them...

    Im with aaron on the curiosity part, how did it all pan out. U out there bundyburger. Did u decide to use the pheros on the roses and did u get any action or results as a result of super rose laced pheromones.

  12. #42
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    Default Re: Roses... Adding Phero\'s to them...

    Ummm... Sorry guys, it all went pear shaped late last week.

    First of all I was going to catch her where she is working. They (the group) were let off early for some reason. So I missed her that time.
    I happened to come accross them later on at a club/disco. And it went something like this:

    Girl #1 = The one that likes me.
    Girl #2 = The one \"I\" like.

    Bundyburger gives too much attention to girl #2. We are dancing together, talking a bit , etc and she is doing a bit of \"mirroring\" of my body languauge even. Girl #1 dissapears. Girl #1 Re-appears . Girl #1 dissapears again. Girl #2 receives SMS message from someone. Girl #2 dissapears. Don\'t see them for a while. I go to the mens room and on the way I notice both girls and two other friends of theirs coming out of the ladies room together.

    I don\'t know what happened in there, but ever since then that entire group are just strangers to me.As if we hadn\'t met. They actively avoided me the rest of that night too.

    So FTR (or Elana or Wolfe or someone) was right, if they are true friends a guy won\'t get in the way. Looks like they are true friends. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    As for the rose, I\'m very keen to try it some time still. It\'ll just have to wait until next time. Can\'t just do it to anyone though. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

    As a side note:
    The only place I could put the mones without damaging the rose was on the stem or leaves. With the leaves being non-absorbent. So that left the stem. Also the rose scent went well with the SoE. It made for an excellent cover scent.

    Sorry everyone. I\'m just as curious as how the rose thing will pan out! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  13. #43
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    Default Re: Roses... Adding Phero\'s to them...

    tough luck, ok time for a new target u got anyone else lined up as targets for youre superphero roses. If you know anyone else assoicated with this group of 4 target with pheros. Oh heck im bored im going out to cause some mayhem. I wish bruce would make the secret announcement soon.

  14. #44
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Roses... Adding Phero\'s to them...

    I should clear this up... I wouldn\'t have \"superlaced\" them. There wouldn\'t have been any need to. But that is something that can be tried in the long term for curiousities sake, but I think it would have to be on willing test subjects. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  15. #45
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    Default Re: Roses... Adding Phero\'s to them...

    Ok im going to find myself a willing test subject and give this roses laced with pheromones thing a shot, will post my results soon.

  16. #46
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Roses... Adding Phero\'s to them...

  17. #47
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Roses... Adding Phero\'s to them...

    I\'ll save you the trouble of reading through that long post...

    You know I bought her a rose? Well of course I couldn\'t pass up the opprtunity and laced it with pheromones! I hve a (pheromonaly) weak mix with some Calypso Patchouli oil. Put a few small dabs of that on the (forget the name, sepal comes to mind, but the green petals beneath the main flower) and stem. Also some SOE on the actual flower. This is what happened:

    She picked it up, looked at it briefly, then at me, DIHL, then looked at the rest of the presents, kind of dazed.
    Her friend took the rose, and said, \"Oh thats soo nice! (smells it, DIHL) Mmm and it smell really nice too! (DIHL).\" lol Went well, me-thinks

    The cake maker man

  18. #48
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Roses... Adding Phero\'s to them...


    Irrc, the patchouli oil had TE, SOE, AE, RM...

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