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  1. #1

    Default Lady friend can\'t figure it out

    Today I went to her house walked in and sat on the couch by the front door. During a 45 minute period she kept walking by and then finally came over and gave me a hug then pushed me down on the couch. She sniffed a few times and said \"Why can\'t I resist you? I tried and I just cannot do it. Your not wearing any cologne today, why not?\" She was smelling the area that I put the formula about 1.5 hours earlier. I told her that I was and was surprised that she could not smell it. She continued to kiss my neck in that area for nearly 20 minutes..... The funny part about it is that she was there looking at the bottles and helping me mix the stuff. She must not have been paying much attention to what the ingredients were.

    What amazes me about all this is that her and I have know each other for over a year and nothing has ever happened between us. We have always flirted but that was it. Until I started using the pheros. I had wanted something to happen between us for a long time and thanks to the help of the pheros it has. I\'ll NEVER be without them again!

    Today we were going to go to the mall but she decided to just rent a movie so we went to rent a couple. After picking 2 out we went to the register the lady told me the total and she would not stop looking at me and was so \"out of it\" that she nearly shorted me $10 on my change. I couldn\'t help but smile and hold in my laughter at the way she was acting and looking. My lady friend got pretty jealous about that too! =)

    I never would have believed the impact that pheros had until last night and today!! I am going to introduce my friends to pheros because it would be fair for me not to share such a secret.... or would it? ;-)

  2. #2
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Lady friend can\'t figure it out

    Hi Cavalier!

    Welcome to the forum and congrats on getting results so quick! I remember when I first started I was very doubtful about pheros, until I got that first hit [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] . I have yet to find that special swing dance partner, but I\'ve met so many people, made tons of friends, and have had wonderful adventures in the past year (Whoa I guess it has been about a year).

    As for introducing pheros to your friends, go for it! Just be careful to not create too much competition for yourself [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] .

  3. #3
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lady friend can\'t figure it out


    Please post what you were wearing when posting hit stories. Thank you!

  4. #4
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Lady friend can\'t figure it out

    I think that this woman always wanted you, and used the pheros as an excuse to jump your bones.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Lady friend can\'t figure it out

    What no recipe? C\'mon...If everyone kept their \"secrets\" in the first place would you ever have worn pheros to begin with? The chances of competing with a fellow forum user for the same girl(s) is a lottery winning at best...Share and share alike!


  6. #6
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Lady friend can\'t figure it out

    From an earlier posting, looks like he was wearing KR#1 with some AE. I\'m not 100% sure though.

    - Krish

  7. #7
    Banned User
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    Default Re: Lady friend can\'t figure it out

    I KNOW why this is happening....PLEASE read the Moral Pheromones thread..Something like that...up at the top...Just replied...Like I said in that...

    10 guys, if you are one of them, you will get picked.

    You were ONE of the guys she WAS attracted to, she was attracted to you ALL ALONG, either you may not have had the right clothes, or maybe friendship got in the way, however, or maybe she didn\'t like you the MOST however, if she WAS with you, she WOULD f** you or whatnot (f** wouldn\'t apply to THIS) however, you get the point...

    You wear pheromones to people that didn\'t like you before, (becuase of visual, not just others dressed better and whatnot) you\'re not going to get it....

    Now, you MAY think that you weren\'t visually attracted to her, that\'s wrong, because, think of those people that don\'t look good until they get all dressed nice, this is because of ratios and proportions however, you may have zits or skin not good enough or something, however RATIOS are still there, so when you use MAKE - UP get it MAKE UP, it puts back what you DIDN\'T have, but you still had the ratios and proportions adn things.


  8. #8

    Default Re: Lady friend can\'t figure it out

    Voodoo - I was wearing KR#1 with some AE added in.

    Bart - You\'re right... I think that she was always attracted to me but I believe the friendship thing was getting in the way. Like I said, we flirted a lot but it was always pretty innocent. Looks like the pheros helped to \"break\" that ice.

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