This is off topic, but I\'m putting it here because I want guys to read it -- sorry to be a pain and give you something to move, Bruce.

There\'s a famous Gary Lawson (Far Side) comic strip that goes:

What we say to dogs

Okay, Ginger! I\'ve had it! You stay out of the garbage! understand, Ginger? Stay out of the garbage, or else!

What they hear

blah blah GINGER blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah GINGER blah blah blah blah...

FarSide by GaryLarson, 1983

Sometimes conversations with men make me think that they hear women in the same way that Ginger hears people. Women go blah blah blah blah, every once in awhile you get a glimmer of what she could be on about, but generally your reaction is wtf.

Or, worse, you think you know, and you butt in before she\'s finished talking.

This has been done better in so many other places - if anyone can site work on the communication styles between men and women, it would be helpful to us all, I think.

What I\'m getting to is this: YOU HAVE TO LET HER TALK

because this is what it\'s like for us, and it sucks. ...

Woman\'s Internal monologue: I think this guy is someone a cut above the herd - he shows evidence of being someone who I could talk to. I\'m going to talk to him. I think I can trust him to talk about something personal.

Aloud: I was walking in the park last night, and

MAN: Well, you shouldn\'t walk in the dark.

Woman: Yes, dear, thank you for that. As I was saying, I was walking in the park last night and thinking about the conversation I had with my friend So and So last week and I\'m still a little upset about that conversation because

Man: What you need to do is make some new friends. So and So will never change. Learn to accept it and move on.

Woman: I\'m sure you\'re right. What I was saying is that the conversation still upsets me because it reminds me of the conversation you and I had that time when we went to that place.

MAN: You\'re still thinking about that? You think too much, is your problem. You need to get out more.

It just becomes too much work when the man keeps butting in to solve what he thinks is the problem every time the woman stops for breath.

And every time you jump in with a solution and cut her off, it feels like a slap in the face, and I\'m not kidding. It hurts. It\'s about the worse thing you can do.

If we can\'t talk to you, we lose interest in f*cking you. That\'s the long and the short of it. (I\'m talking about relationships, here, not sport f*cking, which is an entirely different thing.)

Women don\'t talk intimately to get solutions. Most problems are fairly obvious and they can solve them themselves. They talk intimately to share experience and to bring you close.

If you keep butting in and fixing things, you know what you end up with?

I\'m leaving you.


I don\'t want to talk about it.

Must be her hormones. Women are incomprehensible.