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  1. #1
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    Default MY LUCK? or something else? (now a dilema)

    listen up, i HAVE HAD NO LUCK WITH MONES! none! my second day of college starts tomarrow. i dont know what the ##@# im doing wrong.

    ive researched proper doses of my collection. I have.. AE new scent, SOE gel, and TE. I have had TE since october i believe, i have tried lotsa different doses and combos. i am getting ready to send the stuff back.

    Tuesday was my first day of class. I put on 4 drops of AE, a little chunk of SOE (like quarter pack). NOTHING happened and this girl i liked seemed to blow me off when i asked her if she wanted to go to lunch.

    I dunno whats wrong with me... i am a thin guy, 6\', not really ugly i dont think.. i dont act too nice i try to be myself.

    Please respond quick about a good combo for tomarrow... i like this girl and want to make a good impression... its the beginning of the semester. Just make recommendations.

  2. #2

    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? whats going on?

    I can\'t give you any guarantees, but I think you\'ve got a good product there with AE. However, I think in your age group 4 drops could be too much... an overdose. I know you say you\'ve researched dosages, and tried different dosages....but I don\'t know what you\'ve tried to be able to totally give an educated evaluation of possible changes in dosages. But, I\'d stick with the AE and drop back to 2 drops tomorrow and see what happens. Then, if not satisfied with results try 1 drop and see how it goes. You could then try 3 later. Experiment over time and be patient a little longer. Sometimes less is better. And OD can cause negative results...and it\'s possible that 4 drops was an OD for you with this girl today..

    Then, if that doesn\'t work....punt!

  3. #3
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? whats going on?

    Go less on the AE & more on the SoE try half a pack or even a full pack. I\'ve found I cannot OD on SoE but easily can with the -none products.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? whats going on?

    ok thanx for reply...
    AE doesnt have much of a smell to me... i can barely smell 4 drops, unlike TE which smells like pee and bo.

    I guess this VNO thing exists... so, ppl dont really have to smell the AE for it to work??

  5. #5
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    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? whats going on?


  6. #6

    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? whats going on?

    From what I hear...women can smell much MUCH better than we can. So don\'t worry about whether you can smell it or not.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? whats going on?

    well i will let the forum know how things go tomarrow... still i am unsure the exact combo... i guess 2 drops of AE and third of a pack of SOE, should i add TE?

    i am 18btw *and never has luck with girls, i dunno why, maybe im too shy and not confident but i try not to act it

  8. #8
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    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? whats going on?

    I\'d go TE instead of AE, also apply SOE to pulse points (neck & wrists).

  9. #9

    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? whats going on?

    I\'d follow the advice of TE and SoE, just go light on the dosage. Maybe a dab of SoE on both sides of the neck and a dab of TE in the middle. Cover up with a spray of Cologne in the center of your chest.

    Lighter is better, and remember if this is your 2nd day of college. Everyone else is probably more focused on getting into the school grove, wait for the weekends or evenings to get better results.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? whats going on?

    geese this creates a dilemma. TE or AE? i heard of AE being better.

    And, i want to appear friendly to girls...i guess SOE does that. not that ive had any first hand experience yet.

  11. #11

    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? whats going on?

    Try to relax a little and just let things develop. If you want to appear friendly to girls, be friendly to girls. Smile, say Hi, how are you? etc. Give everything time to settle down and everyone time to get adapted. And don\'t put all your eggs in one basket. Look around. There are probably lots of girls worth asking to lunch who would be happy to go, if the one you\'re currently after won\'t. Might do her good to see you with someone else.

  12. #12
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? (now a dilema)

    Luck is a good word.

    Pheros are a numbers game -- some respond well, a few negatively. While experimenting on one person, never make a pass unless she gives you \"mating signals\". Just carry on normal conversation with different combos on. THEN, when one thing seem to get her goat, refine that a time or two more. THEN, make a pass.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? whats going on?

    I refuse to comment only to say they dont always work on my intended targets either, i just go for numbers and then get great results and work with them.

  14. #14
    Sadhu bjf's Avatar
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    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? whats going on?

    regarding your troubles with that girl.

    here\'s some help. first - there are no exact answers.

    second. everyone gets rejected. girls taste are completely random. they could be lookig for someone who looks like their father. also fred durst and george clooney get rejected all the time, straight up. you can\'t see rejection as an indication that there is anything wrong with you,, it is more there tastes, and in some cases there its bad taste.

    ok. a general approach. the key is not feeling like they have to like you or think you are cool or anything, what helps is that when they see you are interested in them -- as a person and women. Then they will at the least respect you. It is not about saying, you are hot. It is about asking questions, and good questions. It is not about being needy questions, it is about poignent ones. And don\'t think so hard. You can talk about anything, but most off, want to know what they think. And when they tell you, make eye contact, don\'t star but don\'t blink too much, and really hang on every word and LISTEN. Then you can ask good followups.

    As far as that girl goes, she may look great. Maybe she is irreplaceable, i don\'t know. But what you have to remember is most girls are, they don\'t have something that you won\'t come across elsewere, so if they aren\'t in to you, it JUST DOESN\"T MATTER.

    Also don\'t feel inadequete, ever. Nobody is inadequete for anyone else. THere is a loophole to that. When you don\'t feel good enough, it winds up that you may not be good enough for that person (unless they havbe confidence problems) and the only reason is cause YOU think it, and MAKE yourself it.

    Remember, there is no girl in the world, no matter how skinny or fat you are (and trust me, they don\'t look at that, don\'t believe this [bad word] you hear on MTV) that is too good for you.

    Now if you do end up drawing the strength from this, and you talk to that BEEotch, let her know that she has poor social skills, that whether she wanted to go out with you to lunch or not you deserve the respect of a straight answer, and that even if she wasn\'t sexually attracted to you, she should have ALL the respect in the world for your game because most guys would be too scared to ask her to lunch. Then tell her, you are worth it, and she should learn to recognize a real man when she sees one. Then tell her maybe she\'s been around too many college boys.

    Hvae confidence in yourself period, don\'t let anyone take that away from you. And do not ever judge yourself compared to other people, because that is not the way it works. Girls with half a brain don\'t sit there thinking, oh, \"he isn\'t muscular (which isn\'t that important to them anyway), they recognize only what you are, not what you are not. So if you realize that it is not about proving yourself to them, and simply it is about showing an interest in them and bantering as well, and lastly understanding for youself that you have that right to show interest in any women you choose to (which they can read if you feel it, and you shoud, because you do), then you will find that although there ins\'t always sexual internest (because remember, girls interests are random and most college girls have the libido of a mummy), there is ALWAYS respect.

  15. #15
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? whats going on?

    Problem is men are genetically conditioned to want the sexiest prettiest most attractive female and when we dont get it we get very emotional and upset, depressed etc, you just gotta recongize that u get depressed because u cant get sex with a hot young female, when i realised this a few years ago the depression i was feeling vanished very quickly. Because those thoughts decrease testostrone levels via a personal realise of certain negative pheromones or a decreased output of Arone which leads to reduced energy and depression.

    So focus on something other than women for a while and u may not get attention immediatley but it will happen also dont listen to that first bit of advice, spread youre social web very far to any single women u can find fat skinny small and tall and just build up a social grouping and from that wide group opportunites may arise.

    Also note that if you are with a girl and a more alpha sexier richer man shows and interest there is very little u can do because all women will jump ship given a better male. They cant help it they just float off - that is why pheromones work so well because women just bounce around looking for raised hormone levels which they attribute to the following.

    Sexual attraction passed off as short term emotional connection. This is why they never make up thier mind because it would be to their disadvantage biologically.

    Lol i know this thread is going to blow up.

  16. #16
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? whats going on?

    also been some discussion on a persons \'state of mind\' and it\'s affect on our natural -mones being produced..IE: a person CAN sense(smell maybe?-which dogs certainly do) fear and or desperation.. Known fact by ppl in Sales that they have to \'feel\' comfortable or the client can \'sense\' thier \'need\' to make a sale and be able to reject that salesman.
    Now by this i\'m gettin back to what FTR told you..relax and just let it happen.

  17. #17

    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? whats going on?

    Just want to throw in my 2 cents on the last comments. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    I agree with the thing about how people can sense our \'state of mind\'. It\'s the exact thing that differentiates confident people from wimpy ones.

    I mean, I saw this Ad on TV one day (I think it\'s for LA Fitness or something) and it was making a point about how people who work out are more confident inside, and are more likely to succeed socially.
    I absolutely agree.
    I love to work out, and I think it\'s made me very confident in life. It doesn\'t always have to be that, different things work for different people, but whatever it is that makes you feel better, DO it. Others can sense it.

    Wearing Pheromones is like wearing an enhancement I think, if you start off in a good position like that, you\'ll get much better chances with \'mones.
    On the same note, I don\'t think you can be sulky, shy, or just not confident, and wear Pheromones and then expect it to do all the work for you.

    If you feel Good about yourself, people will perceive you better. It doesn\'t guarantee a Casanova-like presence, but you know what, even if you get rejected you won\'t be desperate enough to feel crushed by it.


  18. #18
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? whats going on?

    There state of mind is reflected in changes in their pheromone signature but human phero signatures are a signal of their genetic and immune systems. And if they have had low self of esteem could be a biological problem with testostrone levels or energy levels. Now this will be fairly constant through their life and they will always have a certain pull back and state of mind.

    I think some people are born with successful genes and pheromone natural signatures, that is why some people report way more energy with snthetic pheromones as it sends a sexually successful therefore socially successful signal.

    Because social behaviour is driven by sexual related motivation and behaviour in both men and women. Also based upon psychical fitness (why old women and men are more likley to be grumpy reduced hormone levels and general sexual frustration) its all interrelated of course.

    Of course wearing pheromones is an enhancement ive been using and studying the things and knowledge behind these things for 5 years since i was 17 so they pretty well have been there all along. Ive grown used to them and have had time to understand their role down to the fine hidden human interaction roles and this forum has increased that 10 fold.

    Titaniumoxide has the beginning of the theroy but it goes a lot deeper than that.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: MY LUCK? or something else? whats going on?

    lots of good info i am absorbing here... or trying to. thanx for taking the time all of u...

    well today i put 3 drops of AE on with about a third pack of SOE. The girl i like sat next to me, we talked some, like normal... nothing special. I probly need more confidence and social skills.. I talked to her confidently, she seemed to be affected by what i was wearing, acting almost cautious, maybe my smell was too much. we were sitting side by side at a computer table which we will be seating for the year. So, i guess i will try less next time.

    About the girl... she seems quiet and nice, but having many friends, which personally intimidates me. she has lotsa guy friends too i hear her talking about them with others. Well... i guess im gonna have to learn some better pick up skills.

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