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  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Dec 2002
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    Default Cold Winter - exposure outdoors, PI/m + hair gel

    I know this is nothing new or novel, just wanted to post my results.

    Application: 1 drop & a half of PI/m mixed with a dime size portion of hair gel, spread all into my hair, excess wiped on upper biceps & chest. Applied SoE 3\" under each ear & about the same on each wrist. Cover scent Havoc cologne (light scent you can pickup at any Body Shop store).

    Got two hits so far & it\'s only 10:15AM. Took the long way to work, took the subway instead of the bus that drops me off right next to my office. I get on the subway & a cute blonde walks into my car (white, mid 20\'s), I\'m standing by the door as she walks in she turns her head & makes eye contact as if she knows me (2 seconds maybe). I glance over at her a few times (she\'s standing across from me) but don\'t catch her looking. She gets off a stop before me. She walks up to the door waiting for it to open right next to me. As the door opens I glance towards her & she locks eyes with me & gives me a nice smile then leaves when the doors open. I need to get me some business cards & act on those occassions, I\'m still new to this & I\'m not used to the hits (especially at 9AM!).

    Second hit (non-sexual) came 5 minutes ago. Secretary in my office whom I have not gotten along with too much, she\'s african american mid 30\'s married I believe. Comes into my room & sits on the desk between me & my coworker - facing him to ask him a question & says hi to my coworker & then says hi to me. I say, \"Hi, what\'s going on?\" in a quiet voice. Then she says \"Damn \'Fred\', what\'s wrong with you?, you need to talk with us more & be more part of the team.\" meaning her & the other girls in her department. The company I work for is 80% female, unfortunately there\'s only one that I\'d be interested in & it\'s a mild interest, probably not worth getting involved with a co-worker if the interest level is only mild, been there done that, makes going to work uncomfortable when it doesn\'t work out.

  2. #2
    Enlightened One
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
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    Default Re: Cold Winter - exposure outdoors, PI/m + hair gel

    Keep reporting those non-sexual hits also.

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