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  1. #1
    Phero Pro
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    Dec 2002
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    Default -none effects on other males

    It\'s pretty interesting how the reactions I have been receiving from other males depending on the situation.

    A. If it\'s a friend of mine, it seems to get me more respect of the friendly variety.
    B. If it\'s someone I do not know that is not with a girl or is not currently working a girl in the vicinity it also seems to get me some respect, but maybe of the neutral variety if there is such a thing, they respect your presence but not necessarily as strong if he was already a friend.
    C. If he\'s a with a girl forget about it, all bets are off, he is offended by my presence. I got another DIHL yesterday while watching the Giants game, a girl & her boyfriend is with a guy standing near me & my buddy. I made no eye contact and did not flirt with her one bit, once I realized she caught my scent I purposely did not look at her even one more time, she was okay looking but not worth fighting over with this other guy. He goes to the mens room & this is when she complete turns her body facing me (only about 3 feet away). I could have spoken to her, but again why agitate this other guy. He comes back & is standing behind her the rest of the game. I continue to ignore this couple & hang out with my buddy and these two girls who really not even worth bothering with but my buddy was interested in them so I chatted a bit. Now I have to go to the mens room & I need to pass the DIHL & her sidekick. Of course when I walk past him he pretty much gives me a shoulder. I knew exactly what was going on & was not in the fighting mood so I let it pass.

    I assume this type of behavior is typical from other males when you wear -none?

    a drop behind each ear of PI/m, a drop of A1 on the back of my neck & SoE about 7\" strip & then reapplied occasionally.

  2. #2

    Default Re: -none effects on other males

    I don\'t think this report would surprise any of our regulars on the forum ... it sounds like the same response the majority of the people report ...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: -none effects on other males

    Good idea to avoid any confrontation over a girl with a boyfriend. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Phero Pro
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    Aug 2002
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    Default Re: -none effects on other males

    Your experience wearing Primal Instinct for Men falls within the typical, in my opinion. I\'ve had similar encounters wearing PI/m. Some guys are more friendly, a very few exhibit \"challenge\" behavior, and a larger percentage will just show great respect.

    Note: This is specific to Primal Instinct for Men. Other \"-none\" products don\'t yield the same results predictably in other men.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
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    Default Re: -none effects on other males

    I think it can really depend on the amount and the circumstances. I think I must be the king of OD with this stuff. Put one spray of Andro 4.2 on and the reaction I got from a VP at work, who has in his hands my future was awful to the point that I am not wearing mones at work at the moment. He was seriously pissed off with me and I swear nearly clocked me.. He\'s mid-50\'s and one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. He acted though incredibly aggressively when I asked him a work related question. The question I have for the forum and one that may have been discussed before but with both \"good\" and \"bad\" hits, do you think the person remembers how they felt?, i.e. both consciously or sub-consciously?? It would be an interesting discussion on peoples views. If there are people here with direct experience of being on the receiving end would be good to hear.....

  6. #6

    Default Re: -none effects on other males

    Re: the VP incident: Ouch! I\'ll remember that ...

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