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  1. #1
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    Default Why Do Married Women Flirt with Married Men on Job

    Yes, it\'s happening to me and I\'m sincerely interested in your responses. I\'d be most obliged to the ladies as I confess I\'m clueless as to the motivation!? BTW, no pheros are involved at this time!

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Why Do Married Women Flirt with Married Men on Job

    i REALLY don\'t have a clue, but do have a \'gut feeling\' that maybe it has something to do with a need to feel sexy and wanted, that the \'hubby\' doesnt show a interest in complimenting them by telling them how nice they look today or by going up to them and putting thier arms around them and telling them \"i love you\'\' or maybe \'\'damn honey, you sure turn me on looking like that\".
    BTW i \'ve had this happen before myself and 2 things here. one is that most of those ladies would run off and hide if someone actually took them serious and second if they are for real wanting to connect it would be best if YOU ran away.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Why Do Married Women Flirt with Married Men on

    I think we\'re kind of backward and Puritanical on the subject of flirting. Other cultures are way more flirtatious than we are and no one\'s the harm for it, as far as I can see. The difference is that we tend to think if someone flirts, that means they want to have sex. It doesn\'t, necessarily. It may just mean they enjoy flirting.I actually had a conversation with my senior attorney about this when we first started working together. He said the most fun in flirting comes when you both have agreed that nothing is actually going to happen between you. You\'re flirting just for the fun of it, for the repartee and the wit of it, to make each other feel good, to express your appreciation, even, of each other\'s sexuality, but WITHOUT any intent of taking possession. Consider flirting as an art form in itself, not as a means to and end. He\'s one of the most delicious flirts I\'ve ever met -- women love to be around him -- he makes women feel attractive and appreciated -- without feeling scared.Grown married people do this because no matter how much your mate wants you, it\'s important to know that other men could want you too and see you as sexually attractive. If you\'re married and he\'s married AND you\'re working together, you\'ve got a little margin of safety in thinking no one will misunderstand your intent, i.e., think you want sex, when what you want is just to feel good and make the other person feel good.HEY - Somewhere along the line, I hit \"Recovery\"! What comes after that? \"Here\'s A Quarter, Buy A Life\" ?

  4. #4
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why Do Married Women Flirt with Married Men on

    As long as BOTH parties know that nothing serious will come of it, then it should just be seen as a bit of fun.

  5. #5
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Why Do Married Women Flirt with Married Men on

    I gotta agree, a lot of women out there once married the husbands lose that motivation of the chase and of course the complements drop. That has been established and of course women have a need for constant attention so therefore they just go out and get it. Now in the past i got to the point of being single being flirted with by women who married and considered me a safe flirt, and to avoid being led on and signal that im not a using pole or one night stand i ignore them and discourage through my actions this sort of behaviour.

    My approach then changed to flirting back if i knew they were single or if they activley made a move to get with me/to know me and being to mention sex, at this point i knew things could go further and eventaully broke through with someone im on again off again with suits us both so thats good.
    Married women however need to be encouraged to either try to sort issues out with the husband through a process of VERBALISATION or to leave the husband if they are unhappy.
    It is up to men who are married to continue to give attention to their wives or leave them and divorce them if they are unable to do this. This would avoid women having to look around for something better to give them attention.
    Now i would like comments on this post.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Why Do Married Women Flirt with Married Men on

    I disagree. It\'s got nothing to do with whether or not the women are happy in their marriages. It has to do with just enjoying social interaction. Some people are just naturally more complimentary, have more sense of humor, and genuinely enjoy making other people feel good -- goes for men and women.

    Lighten up and flirt a little. Just enjoy yourself and don\'t anticipate an outcome. Married doesn\'t mean dead to the entire rest of the world.

  7. #7
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Why Do Married Women Flirt with Married Men on

    Well i seem to be upsetting everyone today, flirting is good, but going overboard when one is committed to someone else is wrong. That is when someone crosses the line. Yeah sure it feels good and makes others feel good, so yeah society as a whole needs to lighten up, but the expectations of sex are still presence it is after all what motivates people. Outcomes as far as men are concerned are everything it drives our logical sexual behaviour and gives us the energy to do things like fighting making money screwing over the next door neighbours misses while he is at work and then being able to still go out and drink and play sport and of course challange everyone else in the world because he has a big ego problem. Or more like little man insecurities that drive his passive aggressive behaviour towards the rest of society.

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