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  1. #1

    Default Turning best friend into lover


    There is a girl I know since several years, I consider her as my best friend, and she considers me as her best friend.
    I really love this girl, but she never seen me as a potential partner, she sees me as her best friend and a \"nice guy\".
    She also currently has a boyfriend. I don\'t see her very often also.
    I wonder if pheromones could change her point of view on me, and if she could maybe see me as a potential partner for her, and not just a friend.
    I\'ve purchased PI/w and NPA. I tried them a few weeks ago (last time we met), but I didn\'t see any noticeable difference.
    I used 2 dabs NPA and 3 dabs PI/w.

    Any suggestions? Did anyone managed to turn a friend into a lover?

  2. #2
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    Do as you please, but don\'t close out the FACT can get sex anywhere......FRIENDS.....a rare find. Someone else here can/may help you here on this...just had to say it. Good luck! Tater!!!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    First get over your oneitis. You need to meet and date other women. This gal sees you as one of her girlfriends. All the pheromones in the world won\'t change this.

    The only thing that may work, is if she sees you with other babes and feels a tinge of jealousy. If she doesn\'t feel that, you are in LBJF LAND WITH HER FOREVER.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    Follow the advice above. Also, the moment you try to take the friendship one step further, you\'ll probably lose the friendship. It\'s very difficult to salvage a friendship if both of you are left uncomfortable about having taken (or even brought up) the next step. If the relationship doesn\'t work, you may lose a friend, what\'s more important?

    And I would have to say that if she knows you for years, pheromone may not change her perception of you. She\'s already made a place for you in her mind, she\'s less likely to change that, than someone you just met.

  5. #5
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    I\'m with you Ty....he said she was his BEST FRIEND. That tells me that he has yet to learn its true value (BEST FRIEND). I hope that life doesn\'t show him the hard way...tis such an ugly way to learn! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    The problem is, he has the hots for her. It is going to bother him to see her with other guys
    in a romantic sense. He needs to find some good friends who are men. Then they can go out sarging together, meet other girls and move on from there.

    If he developes relationships wih other girls, then he can still be friends with the original chick and deal with it on a stronger level.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover


    Thanks for your fast and kindly answers, I\'ll try to stress a few points that maybe have been misunderstood.

    1) Sex has nothing to do with this
    2) I\'ve been dating with other women, and she knows it
    3) She doesn\'t feel jealousy, because she see me as a friend
    4) We are great friends and have a very deep relationship, we really know a lot about each other. We talked often about this subject even (I mean the fact that I loved her) and she said that she cared a lot about me, but she just couldn\'t help seeing me as a lover. She said that for her love had to do with something that \"happens\", that you feel and you can\'t explain. That\'s also what she told me when I asked her what his partners in the past had that I didn\'t.

    About \"The problem is, he has the hots for her. It is going to bother him to see her with other guys\", well I wouldn\'t really call my situation as having \"the hots\", also I\'m not really bothered to see her with some other guy, well this won\'t make me happy too, but it doesn\'t really affects me.

    About \"If he developes relationships wih other girls, then he can still be friends with the original chick and deal with it on a stronger level.\" there is really no levels clashes or anything like this, she even said me that she would be really happy to have that feeling (love) for me, but that she didn\'t have it and she couldn\'t help, as it should be something that happens by itself, according to her.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    You didn\'t create an attraction of yourself to her.

    So the answer to your orignal question is, no pheromones won\'t make her see you in a new light.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    Now I\'m no expert, this is just my opinion based on very simular experience. You see I too have a friend (girl) that I\'m in love with but she considers me a best friend (she knows my feelings) after a while I just decided that I would \"wait and see\" I date others and still get together with her and we have a great time together. Maybe someday she will realize that a partner for life with your best friend is the greatest thing that could happen to you. Meanwhile I may just find another Best friend and we fall inlove together.

    What I\'m trying to say, I think, is that you can\'t \"make\" someone fall in love with you. Just wait and see.

    sorry for the long post, touched a nerve.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    I was thinking that some -none would, maybe on the long term, create in her that feeling of attraction that is lacking.

    I got it completely wrong?

    Also in reply to tounge:
    \"You didn\'t create an attraction of yourself to her.
    So the answer to your orignal question is, no pheromones won\'t make her see you in a new light. \"

    So pheromones work only if used right from the very start?

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    I\'ve got to hit the road. But in essence, I think that pheromones can help you get some confidence and aid in attracting people you don\'t know yet.

    Once someone knows you very well, their mind is pretty much made up, for better or worse. Pheros generally won\'t change that.

    I have to run, will be glad to answer any questions later. In the mean time, I sure others can more eloquently explain what you need to know.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    Um I am going threw this right now but the very BIG diffrents between the two situations is youve known this girl for years right and the girl Im talking to Ive only known for 9 months or so The only advice I can really give you is continue to work on the friendship and maybe when shes not dating someone you can make your move then.( I dont mean while shes on rebound)

  13. #13
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    No, now look, i was married 25 yrs, divorced but continued to live with the lady in diff parts of the house, 5 yrs now. Six months ago i started using -mones in my dating other ladies, they HAVE started to affect her(my ex)--just took awhile, and -nol was what seemed to turn the tide(it got her talking to me again and it only got better after that)
    now that said, it doent mean it will work in your case and to be honest, i\'m inclined to agreee with some others in that friends are DAMN hard to come by and IF you press this..ya might end up losing it all. I\'d have to ask myself \'is losing her as a friend worth what it?\" Now i know in my case that anser would have to be NO, many fish in rthe sea, rebait and cast out again.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    I think the reason they had an efect on her is maybe because she still loves you or has feelings for you. Just my opinon thow.

  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    the point was it took 6 months before they started to show results(on the ex), and she wasnt even the target as i wrote her off 4 yrs ago and wasnt even interested in trying with her any more. (was tired of beating my head against a wall trying to get her back)

  16. #16

    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    Hi, I wanted to add something to the discussion here. It has been stated many, many times on this forum that pheromones are less effective if the person already knows you, and this may be true, but the idea that you can\'t make an impression on someone who already knows you with pheros is FALSE. It may take a while, as it did in Wolfe\'s case, but people\'s impressions can be changed. They are not etched in stone. Give it time if you really want her as a lover. If pheros don\'t do anything the first time, don\'t worry, just persist, meanwhile don\'t rock the boat with the friendship. And down the road, watch for phrases such as \"I never thought of you this way before ... \" Good luck, Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  17. #17
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    and in the meantime..keep your hook baited and keep fishing

  18. #18

    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    Which mix do you suggest? What is more important here -none? -nol? I guessed that -none would be the way to go, as I read -nol is useful in getting attention and chatty attitute (something already present obviously).
    I have PI/w and NPA. What do you suggest?

  19. #19
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    if you\'re in no hurry go -nol and keep this in mind..-nol converts to -none over several hrs so getting them into a \'chatty\' mood and talking abit isn\'t a bad thing as time is on your side, other hand all you want is a quicky then by all means go -none.

  20. #20
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    There are a lot of people giving you false advice, missinterpreted ideas and such.

    In essence, I aggree with Mobes, cuddles and Wolf.

    1) A friend is a VERY valuable thing. You need to consider just how important she is to you as a friend before you go past the point of no return.

    2) Pheromones can change how you are perceived to others, even those who already know, it just requires an attitude change and persistance. -none and -rone would be the best, but in any combination. Given me a new mix idea [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    3) For her to have romantic feelings there has to be a spark. For there to be a spark the needs to be enough distance between you for it to jump. In other words, back off her a bit, pay her less attention, and create a bit of mistery around yourself. Maybe change how you look a bit at the same time.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    Your problem, is onitis...You BELIEVE that she is some PERFECT person for you. This is false, there is no PERFECT person for you, lol...The only reason you say this, is you probably believe, we are close, she is a girl, she\'d be perfect...

    She doesn\'t like you because you are a. Not attractive to her..
    And, b. not right pheromones...

    Now, you can use pheromones, which, is true...And they work, but, it\'s complicated.

    As for the None. I have used None in front of (girl) friends, and I VERY MUCH have had reactions, more flirting too, but their preception never changed, rather, their mood...Now, I SSUUUUPOSE that, after a while they\'d be like, this guy makes me feel good, etc, so I like him or whatnot...

    HOWWWWWWEVER you must realize, that, girls, aren\'t as smart as they would have you believe. They do not CARE..Whether you make her feel hot happy, whatever, does not matter...If she does not like you, she DOOOES NOT LIKE YOU, unless it is some kind of girl that cares little about looks and personality...

    Now, LOGIC is against you..Logic would dictate that you do not focus on someone that does not like you..

    Now, you can order the pheromones, they would help you out, but, it\'s not with this girl that would help you

    Here, get this though:

    She does not like you like THAT.

    Pheromones won\'t help that


    You know what Casanova\'s cure to lost love...? Find another more beautful...

    Even though you are going out with all these other girls, you may not CARE...I mean, anyone can go out with someone, anyone can f*** someone... But, if you don\'t care, and you\'re thinking of someone else, it\'s not worthwhile...Stop thinking about this girl, and start thinking about all these other girls you can ACTUALLY hook up with...

    Oh, and, you\'re not the only with with a problem like such...Me, and someone else so far...Anyway...My expreience...Seems to dictate it as I have said.

    But, yeah, go ahead...Waste your time, buy the pheors, etc....

    Even if you ended up hooking up with her, you know how much time you wasted ( you\'re probably thinking...Oh...It would be worth it..)

    You know, just as girls are pinged one way...So are you man...

    I\'m not even going to tire my fingers typing this...Because, no mater what anyone says you\'re still going to be trapped...

    Neverthless...You will eventually learn the hardway...

    She does not like you, you are a dumba** for tryhing to hook up with her...Logic...Use logic dumb***

    Nothing against you, but, it takes strong words to get through people with a more THICK scull....


  22. #22
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    There are not a lot of people giving you false advice. Just a 16 year old cake maker. Even HIS 3rd point was correct.

    If you want advice about teenage things than listen to teenie boppers. If you want advice about the realities of life, then pay attention to those who haved lived to be 30,40,50 and older. Nothing beats experience.

  23. #23
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    Experience tells volumes, listen to the older forum members.

  24. #24
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    If there one thing that pisses me off the most its someone saying my veiws dont count because I\'m young. Thats total BS.

    I bet you had to check to see my age, then thought, hey, thats a good put down. I said myself that experience is extreemly valuable resourse, but just because someone is older doesnt mean that they are \"more right\". You\'ve lived your life and made your mistakes and learned your lessons, and me mine. Who is to say who is right? For sure not you my friend, who needs to resort to personal insults to get his points heard.

  25. #25
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    CptKipling- There is not a chance in the world that anyone here could guess your age from your posts. You have contributed more than substantial information to this forum. Don\'t waste another second on that clown.

  26. #26
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    Thanks Elana

    Im sorry the tone had to be lowered.

  27. #27
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover


    Ignore the age cracks. You are one of the most thoughtful and informative people on the forum. Even us old codgers can learn from you. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  28. #28

    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    I agree with Elana 100%.

    CptKipling\'s wise beyond his years.

  29. #29

    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover


    Just consider the source of the comments. Enough said.

  30. #30
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Turning best friend into lover

    hum, i wanna get something straightened out here,,i DID NOT say anything about Cpts posts and the meaningfulness of them, my statement had to do with his age and having sex [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img]
    And i\'m sorry if theres been some kind of mis understanding because of it

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