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  1. #1
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Alright, we all know the difference between KR#1 and DD#1. They are both successful mixes that I like very much. Each one has it\'s benefits over the other, however, I was thinking, why not creating something where you could have the benefits of both, KR#1 and DD#1?

    Since the source of *none in DD#1 is NPA (plus secrets) which is known to bring extremly powerful sexual responses and the source of *none in KR#1 is PI which is known to bring in stable & consistent sexual, confidence, and respect related hits; why not create a mix with SoE that has both - NPA & PI?

    My idea: A mix that consists of 7 parts of SoE, 2 parts of PI, and 2 parts of NPA.

    My theory: Since the amount of *none in NPA is 1/2 of PI, I would assume it takes two drops of NPA to get the *anone from 1 drop of PI. SoE would make you more approachable and look reliable while NPA would draw in the extreme sexual attention and responses, while PI would reinforce not only the sexual power of NPA, rather make it consistent and stable. Also as a result of PI\'s presense, the respect and confidence level increase.

    Now, I want to know what anyone thinks can be done to improve or add whatever input they felt I left out. Overall, what do you think of the idea?

    - Krish

  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Those ratios would have to be 6:2:2 just thought you put up a typo.

    Ideas for the mix are DD-X#1
    or watcher-krtel megamix #1

  3. #3
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    DoH! Yeah, 6:2:2 is the correct ratio. *slaps himself with a rubber chicken*

    watcher-krtel megamix #1 sounds really good. WKM#1.

    - Krish

  4. #4

    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    The amount of *none in NPA is roughly the same as the amount in PI/m, not half. If you want to split the ratio of PI to NPA right down the middle, then you might want to go with 7:1.5:1.5...if halves are an issue, just double the units to 14:3:3.

  5. #5
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Now wait a minute. 1 drop of PI gives you 0.025 mg of anone. 1 drop of NPA gives you 0.024 mg of pheromones. Of this 0.024, how much is *anone and how much is the secret ingriedients. From what I have read, 1/2 of the 0.024 is anone. I would most certainly like to be corrected if I have wrong information.

    - Krish

  6. #6
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Anyone willing to buy all 3 of the big nones to create RM:PI:NPA?

  7. #7
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Sounds like a wiener Big K!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] I\'m no expert, but it would seem that you should maybe up the SOE dosage. Sure they say NPA is half of PI, but two drops is two drops wouldn\'t you say? Like it would be 7:4 vice 8 or 9:4 should kill the poison, no? Just a thought! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  8. #8
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Or 4 with some power andro 4.2 or andro 8.4.

  9. #9
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    I already have all three. I\'ll only have two in a couple of days as I\'m sending RM back.

    - Krish

  10. #10
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    As far as covering the scent? I think 6 SoE should cover it pretty well, but there\'s only one way to find out and thats to try it, and try it I will, once I get my new bottle of NPA which I just ordered today.

    - Krish

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Big K - Are we talking RM or SOE + 2 NPA:2 PI? Thanx!

  12. #12
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    WKM#1 is proposed as 6 SoE:2 PI:2 NPA.

    - Krish

  13. #13

    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Now wait a minute. 1 drop of PI gives you 0.025 mg of anone. 1 drop of NPA gives you 0.024 mg of pheromones. Of this 0.024, how much is *anone and how much is the secret ingriedients. From what I have read, 1/2 of the 0.024 is anone. I would most certainly like to be corrected if I have wrong information.

    I don\'t think anyone who doesn\'t work for LaCroy (other than Bruce) knows for sure. Bruce is the source for the best guess, but I haven\'t read anything other than guesses at what the percentage is. Most of those guesses were made by Watcher [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] What little info Bruce has let through has implied mostly *none with some \'special ingredients\';Board=UBB2&amp;Number=27 21&amp;Search=true&amp;Forum=CatSearch-3&amp;Words=NPA%20ingredients&amp;Match=And&amp;Se archpage=2&amp;Limit=25&amp;Old=allposts&amp;Main= 2699

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Wait a minute. That thread says that NPA/m has only 2 mg of -none and TE/m has 2.4 mg of -none.

    I\'m a little more confused now. Does NPA/m have 2 mg of -none or 2.4 mg of -none ?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    I\'m a little more confused now. Does NPA/m have 2 mg of -none or 2.4 mg of -none ?

    it has 2.4 mg of pheros

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Thank you for the info.

  17. #17
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    I would imagine there is a good amount of the secret ingreidients in there because I can\'t smell anone, but I can smell them, and smelling a bottle of NPA, I get a nose full!

    - Krish

  18. #18
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Someone has been editing my posts arrgghhh, ok well the 2 secret ingredients are meant to target the human VNO directly. So a1 was a possible idea but other ideas have come forward, but its still just guesswork.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    <blockquote><font class=\"small\">In reply to:</font><hr>

    I would imagine there is a good amount of the secret ingreidients in there because I can\'t smell anone, but I can smell them, and smelling a bottle of NPA, I get a nose full!

    - Krish

    OK. All I\'m saying is that we don\'t know, and so any guess is just that. Some ingredients may pack a wallop of a smell even at small amounts (see EW). I don\'t know what the ratios are, I\'m simply pointing out that if you\'re basing a formula on the assumption that NPA is only half none, you may be risking an OD. For the sake of avoiding a possible OD, it might be safer to start on the assumption that it\'s almost all none, and then increase the amount from there after you see some results.

  20. #20
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    I was doing some thinking. We can create WKM#1 in the following ways, and still keep it\'s state as \"hybrid\" of KR#1 and DD#1:

    6 SoE : 2 PI : 2 NPA
    6 SoE : 1 PI : 3 NPA

    In your *opinion* and the assumption that NPA\'s contents is 50% NPA, which is better?

    - Krish

  21. #21
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Why not go in between:

    6 SOE : 1 PI : 2 NPA

    But I guess you would have to see how much \"stink\" the SOE scent could handle.

  22. #22
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Why not go in between:

    6 SOE : 1 PI : 2 NPA

    But I guess you would have to see how much \"stink\" the SOE scent could handle.

  23. #23
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Well, with KR#1, SoE can handle 3 huge drops of PI and still smell good (according to feedback.) so I would assume if can handle 0.25 mg * 3 of anone, it will smell even better with less and can handle maybe a drop or two more.

    6:1:2 sounds good, but while we\'re at it, why not add 1 more drop of SoE to make it 7 SoE :1 PI:2 NPA? Sound like a plan to you?

    I think what I would have to do is create multiple batches of WKM#1 at different ratios to see which proportions give me the best possible results. I know that I am able to handle a boat load of anone without O/D responses so I guess thats a good thing.

    - Krish

  24. #24
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Yeah it would be best to make small batches of the above ratios, or pick 3 or something, and try them out. That one drop extra SOE mite unbalance things, but the best thing to do is just experiment.

    This sounds like the makings of a good mix, good luck Krish!

  25. #25
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Multiple batches sounds like a weiner!!! Please keep us informed as to which one is the keeeeeeeeeeeeeeller!!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] Tanks &amp; Tater!!!!

  26. #26
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    I\'m going to try 6 SOE : 1 PI : 3 NPA to begin with. I should be receiving my NPA on Monday.

    - Krish

  27. #27
    King of the coupons!
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Alrighty then!!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  28. #28
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Yep youve got my support to begin testing lol.
    The following ratios i suggest

  29. #29
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    I got my bottle of NPA today, yay! I\'ll create a batch and start testing tomorrow. Ahh, I can\'t wait! *jumps around all excited*

    - Krish

  30. #30
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Creating a hybrid of KR#1 and DD#1 - Input needed!

    Yeah go have some fun with NPA im just watching were this forum goes in the next few weeks with all this sudden burst of actiivty.

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