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  1. #1

    Default PHEROS and SMOKE. DILEMA!

    Hey Guys!
    What are the effects of cigarette smoke on the Pheros?
    Does the smoke kill the pheros???

  2. #2

    Default Re: PHEROS and SMOKE. DILEMA!

    I think it does seriously interfere with the process, not by killing the pheros but by \"killing\" the VNO, same difference as far as getting results. When I say \"killing the VNO\", I really mean rendering it temporarily useless. I think you have to have a good clean scent to get the pheromone reaction. This is not based on any scientific or biology-related expertise, I\'ll leave that stuff up to JVK, but it\'s my take on the issue. And by the way, not just cigarette smoking, but if you\'re outside and there\'s a lot of pollution, or even if you\'re in a restaurant and the food smell is overpowering. This is my guess, I\'ll gladly take it back if I\'m wrong ... Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: PHEROS and SMOKE. DILEMA!


    Are you asking if the pheromones you are wearing are somehow suppressed by you smoking or being around smoke or are you asking if somebody else\'s smoking dulls their response to pheromones?

    In the case of a smoker wearing mones, if the mones somehow bond to one of the chemicals in smoke, it is possible that a smoker will need to compensate by wearing more. I don\'t know enough chemistry to comment on that.

    Is the VNO response reduced by smoke the way taste and smell are? I doubt this because taste and smell are essentially the same thing and are not related to the VNO which (As far as I understand it) is only receptive to pheromones.

    In my experiences as a smoker and based on comments from other known smokers on the forum, I do not believe pheromones or the VNO are affected by cigarette smoke.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: PHEROS and SMOKE. DILEMA!

    I think it deadens the effect a little, just by overload. But I\'ve had great hits puffing on a Marlboro or a fat cigar. Smoke is a competing odor and causes some nasal swelling in a lot of people, so it doesn\'t help the cause, but from experience adding some extra phero seems to compensate ok.

    Who knows what it does to the VNO. Hell, science isn\'t sure our VNO even works, let alone what smoke might do to it. What little science we have on the human VNO (and it is suspect corporate work) suggests most of the pheros we commonly use don\'t affect the VNO anyway, and probably work through the ordinary smell system.

  5. #5
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: PHEROS and SMOKE. DILEMA!

    There was some discussion about a similar compound to -rone being present in tobacco. Also (again credit to someone else), the reason that mafia types like to have their meetings in a cloud of smoke is that it puts everyone on a level playing field.

  6. #6
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: PHEROS and SMOKE. DILEMA!

    That\'s a DILEMMA - two M\'s

    Plural is \"DILEMMAS\", or, to be really fancy - DILEMMATA

  7. #7
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: PHEROS and SMOKE. DILEMA!

    You would be right its DHEA or Arone, thats why some men wonder around and around smoking and letting the smoke settle on themselves, it coats them head to toe in DHEA. And this raises their testostrone levels while lowering those of the men around them. Similar to the synthetic pheromones we apply but deadly with all those other cancer causing agents and DHEA. I carry around deodorant where possible because if i apply a little it nullifies the smell at least to my VNO or i just pull out the phero themselves and apply or refresh when i bugger off to the loo.
    But be careful the old male with the smoke.

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