Alright people, stop this at once. The story goes like this: FTR started a topic on what her opinion was about Le Male. (she liked it a lot). Months later and after having done a little looking around on the net, I come to the conclusion that I needed to try it (I had however forgotten all about FTR\'s topic, so it\'s not because of her I came to the conclusion of buying it. Instead it contains Vanilla, which I like very much, and it seemed like a classic (see I tested it, liked it, bought it, and then searched if there was any information about Le Male on the forums. Needless to say, I was pleased when I found FTR\'s topic. So I revived it...

A fragrance is good to wear when it smells good, sure, but not if everyone on the whole damn planet is wearing it. A fragrance should add to your personality and yours alone. I\'d never even think about using a cologne one of my brothers use because I want to be different from the rest. Not because I really feel the need to be different, it\'s because I AM different.

My advice is thus to wear it if you like it, I\'m not gonna stop you, but please: do not spread the word! Do not tell everyone who sees that you have success with it know what it is. You\'ll be sorry later on when some guy steals a target from you because he\'s wearing YOUR cologne. I just tell I\'m wearing a Vanilla EO. Works good enough and as many people do not really know much about EOs, they quickly stop asking questions.

I realize that I\'m going a bit too far here perhaps, but the fact is that I hate being like all the rest. I don\'t want to be ordinary, so I don\'t do what other people do just because \"everybody does it so you have to do it, too\". I do the stuff I like, and if that happens to be the same someone else likes, sure, no problem.

I hate that soo much: this summer, it was a fashion to colour your hair blonde. Next year, the exact opposite will perhaps be true: blonde will be looked at as ugly, or not all that nice. How on earth is it possible that what you like at first, suddenly becomes something hideous? To me, that\'s just the proof that the person in question doesn\'t have a well-defined personality and is therefore someone that cannot be trust. The whole idea about fashion is so wrong IMO. Nice clothes are nice clothes period. Something I like know, I will still like a year from now. Something I do not like, will not become my favorite all of a sudden because someone else says so.

What I see in college is lots of people with little personality as all they do is listen to the same BS music, wearing the same clothes, and whatever just to belong to a certain group. Smoking probably being THE example of blocking your own mind, just to be part of the group. 6 out of 10 people will admit they started because there friends did. 3 other are lying when they say that wasn\'t the case for them. Perhaps 1 out of 10 people started smoking because of another reason.
These people alter the way they are so much that it\'s almost scary. E.g. Certain people don\'t like me when they\'re in group but when you meet one of them without their \"friends\" it\'s like the opposite. It\'s as if he/she\'s scared that I\'\'l beat the **** out of him/her, not acting tough at all anymore. It\'s almost funny... I wonder if they know how rediculous their behavior actually is.

Today there\'s lots of people very similar in the way they act, still, the band between this group and another group is pretty hostile. (sometimes even troubles inside the group). My ideal is more of the opposite: a lot of well-defined different personalities who\'ll still help each other out and respect each other. I think I can easily put all the people in my class in about 3 groups. Stereotypical stuff, really!