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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Pheromone effect on the user

    Over the last few months I\'ve noticed that pheros have had a markedly increased effect on myself.

    Generally speaking, the -nol containing preparations turn me into a maniacally gibbering fool. SoE (gel and roll-on), PI/w especially make me talk more effusively than I\'d wish to, and only after, I come to the realisation of \"My GOD!!! Did that drivel really come out of my mouth???\"

    I tend to find that -none based products have the opposite effect. I tend to feel withdrawn, blue, depressed and melancholy. The worst culprit appears to be PPA for some reason. RM has the effect of making me see the worst in a situation and bringing out the intolerant and impatient side of me. With PI/m I have to curb the aggression.

    Personally I find that AE and AFA have very little effects on me (the -none off-setting the -nol effect on me I suppose)

    I\'m uncertain whether these effects on my emotions are a cumulative effect from using the pheros over a long (eight months) period of time. How bizarre.

    Has anyone else seen an effect on their personality using mones? It stands to reason that if they affect others they\'ll affect you in some way. Any interesting stories?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    I have noticed that NPA/TE can have some influence on your mood. When you feel good and confident, they make you feel even better. When you are down, they will get you into an even darker mood.

    \"Generally speaking, the -nol containing preparations turn me into a maniacally gibbering fool. SoE (gel and roll-on), PI/w especially make me talk more effusively than I\'d wish to, and only after, I come to the realisation of \"My GOD!!! Did that drivel really come out of my mouth???\"\"

    With nol it is like you are kind of drunk, right? That\'s why I advise to not use -nol (or any other phero\'s) to exams.

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    Yes, definitely. I OD easily on -nol, get spacey and talk too much; OD on copulins makes me teary and emotional. There\'s no question they have an effect on the user.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    Just to add some info, whenever I wear some none, it kind of makes me more aggressive, more dominant. I don\'t like it. That\'s why I prefer more nol or even cops.

    I\'m very shy, so one would think I need some none (isn\'t it what you said to me some day, FTR ?). But, as a woman, I much prefer to show a more sensible side, so nol is better for me I think.

    my 2 cents

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    Yup I get anxiety, sometimes a dark mood, with any kind of none. A tiny bit is not too bad, but I am using it less and less often. A1 is similar but even worse, I don\'t use it anymore. I also get the effects already mentioned for -nol. Now -rone is great! It lends me a natural (but subtle) relaxed confidence, and a \"purveyor of my domain\" sense of manliness. In fact I have a solution that is 20% chem set strength (0.20 mg/ml), and when I go out I put a drop right under my nose, and it helps a great deal. Also the been working with EW -- It is indeed relaxing, but to a degree it makes me sleepy, lethargic, and slow of wit. And smells worse than rone.

    I am interested in all this because I am prone to anxiety and have really noticed the effects of pheros on my own mood. And -rone helps me stay cool around the ladies. But this probably doesn\'t apply to everyone.... I do tend to be sensitive to chemicals and scents, i.e. many colognes and fragranced products have a bad -none type effect on me.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    Maybe a way of getting around this -none problem is to apply the -none to the lower parts of the body and some -nol very close to your nose to counteract the negative effects...anyone tried this yet?
    The only problems I´ve ever had were with TE/w scented myself. CJ [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    I did try this but results were inconclusive ... Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  8. #8

    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    Well that is indeed a concern of mine.
    I want the feeling of confidence that -none/-rone brings without the negative effects of aggression in myself and those around me (men and women). I want the effects of -nol without the intoxicating effects. Also using -nol/cops the possibility of becoming an emotional \"weenie\". I guess this is more an art than a science - its going to take time and commitment to figure out the \"right\" formula for you personally based on your own personal body chemistry - which of course is sometimes like trying to hit a moving target - that chemistry is changing day to day, month to month and year to year. Its also likely that our emotions at any given moment determine mone output. Look at the studies of sports events and porn movies on testosterone output, etc.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    I have also experienced this too, and have read some info in the love scents site that tells about the effect that APC can have on people, it states that it can be a great mood intensifyer, so depending on your current mood, it can be very bad, or very good as I found the first time I wore APC to the bar, I was pumped and ready to go when I put it on at home, it made me feel great wich also gave me more confidence when talking to the ladies.

    Wearing this everyday, I have seen the effects, normally I am just starting out my day when I apply APC and usually get a headache at first so I try to get out for some fresh air so I am not smelling it so much when I first put it on.

    I thaught maybe waiting until I am in a good mood might be the key, get pumped up about something possitive first and see what happens. I am not sure of the other products but the way pheros trigger peoples senses this is to be kind of expected.

    I will try some tests with APC and post them when I can see if this can be changed by simply not wearing them unless I am in a good mood first.


  10. #10
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    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    I\'ll tell you what...When you have a very high conentration of None on, you REALLY get aggressive.

    Every time I smellt he none from the kit, my heat starts beating really fast, and I\'m ready to fight someone....

    Which usually ends up happening...I know I\'m gloomy a lot of time, but, than, I\'m even MORE depressed and snap out at people, and have a quick temper....

    However, on the OTHER side, when I\'m wearing none I go crazy/happy...Just, crazy, and just kind of go happy happy psycho...

    So, it\'s either, gloomy with none, or, it\'s pscho happy with none....

    You know, I haven\'t used anything but ppa for over a year, and even than, I haven\'t used ppa very much....I\'m going to try out the none from the kit again, drop behind each ear...I\'ll be sure to report the effects on others and myself tomorrow. I don\'t know though. I\'ll see what happens.


  11. #11
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    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    The worst for me seems to be A1.....I feel so down when wearing it...and also hedache.......NPA also causes me to be very depressed.....I am sleeping more since I wearing pheromones.

    I do not performance in the university has been very bad this semester...but I can not say this is due to pheromones since I have had other problems....but I do not know if somebody else has had similar experiences.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    Yes, I\'m saying yes - there are many posts to this effect. Don\'t wear them when you have to concentrate, if your mental performance is at stake. I can\'t wear them to work most of the time -- just on days when things are very light and no real demands are going to be made on me. I\'ve made some really stupid, bonehead mistakes wearing \'mones to work. I\'m sure it would be the same to wear them to school or when you\'re studying.

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    \"I am sleeping more since I wearing pheromones.\"

    Hmm... I have been sleeping more lately too, but I don\'t know if that\'s due to pheros... Interesting correlation.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    Interesting. But, when I first got on this forum and first started using pheromones, some people (I think Watcher may have been one of them) were saying that SoE actually improved their concentration when studying...making them more alert. Perhaps it was another product with -none instead of SoE, but I do know some people have reported mones improving their concentration rather than hindering it.

    Maybe it just vary\'s from person to person.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user seems this way with all pheros in all situations...thats why when other companys market one product to everyone saying this is the dream of every man (or woman) its complete bs. food for thought.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    I think somebody recently reported that \'mones CURED their headaches, too.

    Just, don\'t discount it if you think it\'s affecting your performance. It\'s not unlikely or impossible, and maybe better to stop wearing them so much if it\'s going to affect your grades, right? Or switch up and wear something with a different \'mone concentration. They WILL mess with your mood and your affect, whether for good or bad.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    I think I will wear them less often.....or perhaps, to stop wearing them during exam periods.....anyway, it is interesting to know other people know more......thanks

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    Well, my work at university hasn\'t been all that good either up to now. That is just because you tend to watch for reactions and hits, and you don\'t really focus all that much on what\'s being taught. I\'m not sure if the pheros\' reactions on the wearers themselves play the biggest part in this.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    -rone definitely improves my concentration and focus. Can\'t say that for any of the other pheros though.

  20. #20
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    1 dab of RM certainly improves concentration. A similar dose of NPA/TE gives me the focus, but with added aggression.

    -nol makes me feel drunk and can cure and cause headaches, for some reason. Maybe its -none and -nol in combination that gives headaches...

    Have not tried -rone alone so I cannot say.

    COPS make me giddy, to use a technical term. Oh and extreemly horny, but only sometimes and depending on my mood/company.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    Well, we are not sure about these type of effects....however, I was wondering if some of the possible side effects, at least those already proved, could be eliminated or reduced if pheromones are applied to the cloth instead to the skin.....

  22. #22
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    Probably wouldn\'t change much to apply mones to the skin. The effect is from inhalation not absorbtion.

  23. #23
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pheromone effect on the user

    This morning I used two dabs of RM and noticed that I was bright and chipper when I arrived at work this morning, even though I recovering from some sort of virus from this weekend and am still not 100%. Plus it was raining and gloomy outside.

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