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  1. #1

    Default Top 10 men\'s colognes

    After much discussion with Forum members, including several ladies, and extensive \"research\", I have come up with a list of the ultimate colognes (without pheros) that would make any woman swoon.

    These are not listed in any particular order.

    1. Le Male by Gaultier
    2. Angel Men
    3. Creed
    4. Sander by Jil Sander
    5. Black Jeans by Versace
    6. Egoiste by Chanel
    7. Cool Water by Davidoff
    8. Hugo Boss
    9. Armani
    10. Gucci Nobile

    Now, keep in mind that you would have to find what works for your particular body chemistry. Ladies, one of these fragrances would make the PERFECT Christmas gift for that special man.

    Also, if there are still any others that really work, please let me know and we can enhance the list. However, if it is just specifically ONE person\'s experience, it may not be accurate overall. Anyway, for what it\'s worth, there you go...

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    The three greatest fragrances of all time (for men), according to basenotes, are:
    Eau Sauvage
    Cool Water
    Le Male

    in no particular order.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    To me Untraviolet is the only powerhouse.. girls luv it, but wont get laid hehehehehe [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]))

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    \"What fragrance do you recommend for me? I want something that will have all the chicks going wild! Nothing girly though, I want a real manly scent!\" Ian, New York, USA

    Doctor Basenotes Says: A ladies man, eh? I remember, back in the sixties when London was swinging; my good friend Lionel and I used to spend our nights grooving to the latest pop melodies in some of London\'s finest clubs. Of course, being the suave, debonair gentleman that we were, Lionel and I had the ladies go wild for us anyway: One wink from Lionel would make a young girl\'s heart melt. He was such a heartbreaker. (He wasn\'t actually called Lionel, but he was such a hairy fellow, he looked like a lion in human form. I Don\'t actually know his real name come to think about it...)

    Of course, not all the chaps had the same way with the ladies as myself and Lionel, and tried all manner of crazy tricks to impress the lovely young fillies. I remember one amusing gent who used to bathe in Brut before hitting the town, it didn\'t make the girls go wild, simply because he applied far too much. He was actually the cause of The Great Brut Shortage in 1967, when Fabergé couldn\'t keep up with the demand from this one person.

    Anyway, I digress. I\'m afraid that there isn\'t a fragrance that makes \'all the chicks going wild\'. What I have found in my experience is that different ladies enjoy different scents, much in the same way that my good friend, Edith, likes nothing more than a glass or seven of Australian Chardonnay, but Lionel\'s mistress, Laetitia, will only touch the ghastly beverage of Vodka and Red Bull, but that\'s the youth of today for you.

    Having said this, there are some scents that are pleasing to the ladies. I would recommend splashing on some Le Male, L\'Eau D\'Issey, Obsession for Men, Curve for Men or Fahrenheit. Edith, is a bit partial to Eau Sauvage and Kouros, while Lionel\'s fancy-piece, Laetitia, just likes the smell of a clean man, though Lionel rarely fits that description.

    Lastly, scent alone won\'t be enough: Get a decent haircut, have a shave and be confident. A good personality won\'t go missed either! Good luck and don\'t do anything I wouldn\'t do.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    Essencia by Loewe and Loewe pour homme, are in my opinion miles ahead of your top 10

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    Loewe, never heard of it ...

    Franki [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    Now, this is the thing you have to remember, and, will serve to be VERY important now....

    The question is not, what do girls like to smell, but rather, what makes YOU smell better.

    Example....Colonge A is the best smelling ever, girls like the smell, but, that\'s all it is...It\'s like a flower, they like that too, but, do they start dry humping it? No.

    Now, colognes, like coolwaters, are actually very SUBTLE, and have that thing to them, where it changes to your scent, and it smells like YOURSELF, and soemthing a girl would do.

    So, that\'s why...Girls go, yeah, this and this and this smell good. One girl goes, yeah yeah, Armani, another LOVES Chrome....

    However, I come to school with coolwater, or Romance, and I get girls sniffing around me, and saying I smell good, why, it\'s because IIIIIII smell good and somethign they woudl do, and not..You have something GOOD smelling ON YOU....

    This is why, with the thing Red said, with Le Male...It MAY not work, you see....

    Hopeully SOMEONE got what I was

    In fact, I was reading in a magazine ( They got a lot of stuff from sexperts in there....) that the best colonges are ones that are subtle like coolwater and CKOne.

    So, next time a girl says, this and that smells good, think of what I said....A rose smells good too, but you dont\' wnat to f** it...Air freshener smells good too, lol, but,


  8. #8
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    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    Now, subtle means there is small differences in the smell, and no particular smell, that\'s what you want....You want to smell good, not LIKE something...

    You want to hear from a girl, NOT I like that scent, but rather is that, such and such such and such, and have them guessing, or, have them go, what is that, etc....

    Don\'t listen to me, go buy your nice smelling cologne, but a subtle cologne like coolwater, ckone, and others will get you laid quicker, ladies will like it better. Another example....If it\'s one GOOD flavor you want vanilla, or something, you want subtle, subtle my friend.


  9. #9

    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    Bart\'s right. Which is why I recommended ONE spray of Le Male as plenty. You can wear a powerful scent if you keep it on the DL. But it should just enhance your own smell, not wipe it out and saturate the air for miles around too.

    Maybe unless you\'re out someplace in open spaces with smoke and many other smells. Then maybe you should amp up the cologne.

    Right, Bart, or what do you think?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    I have Eternity (from Calvin Klien) for men. Does anyone know if this blends in well with Pheros?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    What is Untraviolet( or did you mean Ultraviolet?)? Who makes it?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    Yo\' marv14yag,

    You make a VERY good point that I tried to make clear when I listed the colognes. Each man is different and our body chemistries vary. However, as noted on, Le Male and Cool Water have always been great fragrances.

    By the way, today I was in Sephora(a perfumerie) to check out the latest colognes. Anybody can beg to differ with me but FTR was absolutely right; Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male smells sooooo good it is actually almost orgasmic(Can I say that?).

    I believe ALL women would love this scent on ANY man, just DON\'T OD, one spray will do ya fine for the day AND the night.

    Finally, as busy as I\'ve been with work, let me now take the opportunity to wish FTR(Renee), Elana and Marissa a very belated late Happy Birthday!!!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    Eternity and NOL- should blend fine
    Eternity and NONE- not sure but I doubt it ... cologne has to be pretty strong to cover up NONE scent
    Eternity and RONE- don\'t know ... anyone?

    Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    Well, the thing with a colonge being strong is...Even though you put on one spray, that one spray is still in one area...

    This is WHY the cologne MANUFACTURES are doing like this:

    Probably the strongest, and one of the most expensive colonges you can get....Combines lemon and tobacco, is D&G, or, Dolce & Gabanna....

    Now, it\'s REALLY strong, and so, even if you put on 1 spray, it\'s still STRONG, but, in less volume...

    Now, this is why, just like I saw at the mall the other day....Now they got the D&G BODY SPRAY. It\'s a lot better to put on 5 sprays of body spray than 1 spray of colonge because it\'s spread out better.

    Which, is ALSO why, some people spray it in the AIR, a few sprays of colonge, and walk into it. Persoanlly, I think that\'s good, but a lot of it gets wasted, and I don\'t have that kind of money.

    Oh, by the way, what is le male actually smell like?

    But, what I was mostly mean, no particluar scent. How do the colone manufactures accomplish this? Well, I know, for one, coolwater has 9 different smells in it, and they are all very closely associated, with, just minute differences.

    But, yes, powerful, does not matter, you can be subtle nad still have a powerful scent, which is probably why le male smells good.

  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    Uhh, D&G is hardly one of the most expensive.. As far as mass-market (as such) goes, Creed is about as expensive as there is. I love green irish tweed (your cool water is a similar but less subtle interpretation of it) and silver mountain water. All of the creeds I\'ve sampled, and the two I own, are wonderful scents all.

    That being said, I got some very nice compliments this past weekend--Saturday with Escada and Sunday with Gucci\'s Envy, but I\'ll cover THAT in my hit report. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  16. #16
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    Had a good smell test of Le Male the other day.

    My first reaction wasnt good, can you guess?

    Kebab van, not nice. Well maybe nice to eat, but personally I don\'t fancy wearing a medium Donna with everything all day.

    But then it settled, and came out really nice!

    Maybe it had essence of previous bloke you used the tester bottle on it, and maybe he had just finished his medium Donna. It took a while to mature nicely, a little over an hour. Still getting it though.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    What in the world is a \"medium Donna\"??

    Kabob van? What\'s a kabob van?

    CptKipling, you are so strange...rofl

  18. #18
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes


    Ok maybe its a british thing (back me up guys), you have you average van, but with a large opening cut in one side in a food retailer style. Then you have your various cooking aparatus.... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    A \"Donna\" is reconstuted lamb cut off a revolving stick, sometimes called cardboard, which often comes with a choice of salad, onions, and several sauces.

    Medium is one of the size choices, have a nice day! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  19. #19
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    Wow! You Brit\'s are mighty odd[img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  20. #20
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    It\'s mostly hunger that drives us. and chips!

    Anyway enough about food its making me too hungry... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  21. #21

    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    Oh, it\'s a language thing, I get it now. We call that kind of van a canteen and that kind of sandwich is a gyro. I haven\'t seen a canteen in a long time.

    THAT\'S what Le Male smells like to you? A medium gyro from a canteen.

    Ok. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  22. #22
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    Here in California we would call a canteen a \"roach coach\"

  23. #23

    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    Oh, god, even worse. I dare you to go write that in basenotes. \"Le Male smells like a medium gyro from a roach coach.\"

  24. #24
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    It was just a kind of cardboard smell, and a bit greesy. But it was ok after that went. I\'m going to have another go, there were a few bbqs in town at the time so that might have thrown me off a bit, and it was an over used sample bottle.

  25. #25
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Top 10 men\'s colognes

    Sample bottles are great for testing new products like the colonges listed here.

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