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  1. #1

    Default Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    Okay, things are bad at this points. On you trip to London you find out that FullTiltRedhead has been turned into a vampire and on your last contact with HQ she had went into a bloodlust. You figure at this point in time you need to go find her to stop the madness. You gear up, make all the arrangement to go back to America then finally come to your senses. FTR\'s hot but she\'s a dangerous vampire chick and you\'re just you. Not good. You smack yourself on the head and wonder what the heck were you thinking. You chuckle, strip back down to your night clothes, put your feet up on the table, turn on some racy European televison show and chill. You smoke a cig and tear into a pack of \"Grandma\'s Rich and Chewy\" cookies.

    Obviously you\'ve dosed off. You awake to a call from Watcher asking about FTR. He doesn\'t say much but mentions that some chick named Buffy has been asking around about her. You tell Watcher you don\'t know where FTR is and after a brief conversation about pheros and genetics you hang up. Not really your problem. You chill out again, close your eyes and relax. Your eyes pop open. You shake your head and whisper \"Buffy.\" Of course you\'re not going to let Buffy find FTR. You have to warn her, you just hope she\'s well fed before you find her. \"Is it good to hope a vampire\'s well fed?\" you wonder for a second then gear up. Nine millimeter, silver rounds, silenced, flash compressed and chambered. Silver plated sword, with hidden silver ballistic switchblade, stake, Watcher\'s power bands around your and a small flamethrower. How the hell are you going to get out of London. You look at your wrist and muse at the bands you \"liberated\" from Watcher during a chance meeting with him back in The States. You don\'t know if he knows you have them (he didn\'t mention it in his call) and you have no idea what they do.

    You could solve this by calling Jambat and have him find FTR but you know he\'ll only engage you in some religious discussion about crosses and why they have the effect they do on vampires and frankly you don\'t have the time or patience. Elana\'s in France and has all your sharpend throwing weapons. Her last words to you were, \"I\'ve dedicaded my life to this.\" You thought she was kind\'a cute but really didn\'t pay much attention to her, then you realise that was a mistake and start to figure out she\'s a rogue hunter and has declared a one woman war on the undead. Not really your problem yet, but you figure it won\'t take long for her to hear about FTR. You don\'t know what she\'ll do once she finds out. You suit up and get ready to move. You realise another thing. You only have one gun. Cool action heroes usually have two.

    In mid-thought as you comtemplate your coolness factor and get ready to run out the door there\'s a loud explosion which sends you flying across the room. The Vampire Lestat stands before you. He doesn\'t show anger really, he just stares. \"Are you a hunter?\"
    he asks. You frown and dust yourself off.

    \"Do I like a hunter?\" you reply, then remember that you do look like a hunter (considering you are one). He stares at you. You stare at him. You know he could have his fangs in you before you think about moving. What do you do?

    A. Slap the igniter on Watcher\'s bands.

    B. Throw the bands to Lestat and tell him they have some kind of power but you don\'t know what and he should switch them on then tell him you\'ll trade for the whereabouts of a gun shop or a thug who sells nines.

    C. Run for the window, crash through while snatching the curtains. You may get hurt but you\'ll look so sweet doing it.

    D. Shoot the flamethrower.

    E. Make a pass at him and see if Anne Rice was right about vampire sexuality?

    F. Consider yourself dead and ask to be buried in your bright red Mustang convertable.

    Choose or lose. Chose the right answer (or maybe answers) and move to the next stage, screw up and Lestat won\'t hesitate to kill you and drain you dry.

    Hint: Don\'t shoot Lestat. I\'ll laugh at you for such a futile gesture and Lestat will break all your bones crew them to the marrow. (He likes the buttery taste.

    Choose and choose well. Have a nice day kiddies and don\'t play in traffic.

    -The Bat
    Master of Night

  2. #2
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    Wholly have lost your mind [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] BTW- I\'m more than kind of cute.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    Cute, shmoot. How come you get to be in France and I\'m a vampire??

  4. #4
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    LMAO [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] I just stopped by for a croissant and I got mixed up in all of this @$#% I\'m on my way to visit with Frenchie

  5. #5

    Default Re: Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    My question is does anybody do anything? It\'s six choices someone pick something. The irony is 122 people read this and no one bothered to do anything.It\'s always hard to get these RPGs started in forums.

    -The Bat

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    Hmm,well I definitely wouldn\'t make a pass at a male vampire.And I can\'t shoot him.Sooo...I choose C.Hopefully an innocent bystander will break my fall [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img].

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    E. Make a pass at him and see if Anne Rice was right about vampire sexuality?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    Well, I\'m supposed to be sitting around here waiting for Buffy, whose ass I will kick, by the way, but ... I\'d try for B.

  9. #9
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    A) Obviously!

    Cool story by the way Jambat!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    Hmm,well I definitely wouldn\'t make a pass at a male vampire. And I can\'t shoot him.Sooo...I choose C. Hopefully an innocent bystander will break my fall.

    You stare at Lestat. This was something you\'ve feared for awhile, running into this guy without your Proton Excelerator. (A little gizmo you liberated from the Ghostbuster\'s fire station after they changed over to Proton Guns). Without the PE you won\'t be able to pierce his skin. You back up pretending to be afraid (frankly you are a little scared).

    \"I want to know why you\'ve come here?\" He ask.

    \"I was hoping you\'d sign my autograph book.\" you say. He\'s not amused. He moves in on you slowly. You know you won\'t make the door. You toss the flame thrower at him. He catches it then frowns at you. You shoot the flamethrower. The explosion throws you through the plate glass window and torches Lestat. You manage to latch on to the curtains as you fall. You see an outstretched flag pole on your way down and loop the curtains around your hands hammock style then hope to snag it on the way down. You manage to do this but the dislocate your shoulder which causes you to continue to fall, but the pole slowed your fall enough to only hit the ground with a thud versus a splat. You get up and do the smart thing - run off (or limp as it may be). You make it to a train terminal then drop to your knees and scream as you slam your hand down on the ground to pop your shoulder back into place. (You got a lot of attention doing that, you know).

    You call Elana on your cell phone as you get ready to leave London in a hurry.

    Side Bar: I should tell Lestat didn\'t like being toasted. Good chance he\'ll come after you at some point but you know this already, right?

    E. Make a pass at him and see if Anne Rice was right about vampire sexuality?

    You stare at Lestat. This was something you\'ve feared for awhile, running into this guy without your Proton Excelerator. You back up pretending to be afraid (frankly you are a little scared). Suddenly you say:

    \"Umm. I was wondering when you\'d show up.\" You run your fingers through your hair, swing your hip and say. \"I was starting to get bored.\"

    \"I haven\'t got time for your games you tart.\" he says. Yep, Anne was right again. She know all there is to know about this guy. Starts to make you wonder. There are many some vampires actually crave sex but not this one. He only wants blood. \"Why are you here?\" he demands.

    You know he\'s not going to believe you\'re just on vacation, especially after that vampire dive you just torched a day ago.

    You can:

    A). Pick another choice from the orignal ones. (Except for choice C.)

    B). Go for the eyes.

    C). Go for the door.

    A) Obviously!

    Cool story by the way Jambat!


    Thanks dude, but the choice, not so obvious.

    You hold your wrist up infront of Lestat showing him that you have the power (you don\'t know what power but you do have it). You slap the activator and smile suddenly you feel a sharp pain to your wrist, then start to convulge as an undisclosed amount of electricity, chemical activators and synthetic pheros go streaming through your body. You drop to the ground.

    Lestat laughs at you, then grabs him nose as he\'s struck buy the strong phero scent as they assualt his supernatural smell. This will be your only opening now if only you could move.

    Do you:

    A). Try to use your flame thrower.

    B). Try to use your sword.

    C). Take a chance and try to shoot the vampire in the eye.

    D). Make your own move. (Be descriptive).

    Note: In the original Watcher/Jambat story Watcher underwent a genetic process to make his body co-operate with the enhancers.

    Have fun.

    -The Bat

  11. #11
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    Damn genetic processes! Forgot about them.

    I choose....


  12. #12
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    Default Re: Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    Aww. I was hoping to satisfy my curiosity about guys. I guess the pheros I\'m wearing aren\'t working on him, huh ??

    Since all he wants is my blood....from the original choices :

    B. Throw the bands to Lestat and tell him they have some kind of power but you don\'t know what and he should switch them on then tell him you\'ll trade for the whereabouts of a gun shop or a thug who sells nines.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    Damn genetic processes! Forgot about them.
    I choose....
    The cake maker man

    Okay Cpt. Good one.

    Side Bar: I need to explain how this works. We\'re rolling on maximum 7d6 success system. (seven sided dice). I pick a number based on the difficulty of the task and you have to roll higher or you roll against your attacker. You, Elana, Biteme and Buddydust have 4d6. FTR because of her vampiric powers has 5d6, but she\'s just been turned so she\'s not as powerful. Her chances at doing most things will be better (but that doesn\'t mean she\'ll always win the test). There are modifiers that will aid you. By the way, rolling a 1 will cancel out any sixes you roll times each 1 one rolled. So if you get five sixes and a 1, the 1 will bring you down to four sixes. (1 is a botched rolled).

    In theory Lestat should be around 10d6 but since the power level maxes out at 7d6 he\'s toned down. I\'m deducting 4 pts from him for this action simply based on Lestat being distracted by the smell. His target number will be based on his roll.

    7d6 - 5 versus 4d6.

    Lestat: 18
    Cpt: 18

    Lucky you. You act at the same time.

    Lestat lunges. You duck throw youself to the floor, in the process he slashes you with his razor sharp claws. You use the momentum to slide across the wood floor John Woo style and let fly with burst of silver. The shots embed in his body and burn but don\'t penetrate. He moans. You know soon enough those bullets will begin to fall out, but you see something horric - a drop of blood falls from his face. You hit his human eye. You\'re proud of yourself but scared to death. This bought you some time but has also probably put you at the top of Lestat\'s \"most wanted dead\" list. Good show.

    You roll to your feet. Lestat mumbles something but you\'re not interested because you know what\'s about to happen. You run out the door, pain still coursing through your body from the electrocution and his slash. Lestat\'s mumbles grow into audible curses and shouts of pain. Just as you suspected he let\'s it all out in one big scream. The sound cracks the windows and the walls. You jump over the banister as plaster and glass whiz by and you fall three stories, land on the banister and flip off to the next appropriate banister. You do this until you\'re downstairs, then you head out of the hotel, jump in a cab and head to the train terminal, where you call Elana. Now you\'re off to the airport to head back to The States.

    A) Move on to phase two.

    B) Make a pit stop (freestyle gaming).

    C) Pause

    D) Quit

  14. #14

    Default Re: Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    Aww. I was hoping to satisfy my curiosity about guys. I guess the pheros I\'m wearing aren\'t working on him, huh ??

    Those darn Blood Masters. Sex is a thing of the past for them. Too bad. Your pheros didn\'t work because you didn\'t have any on. (Sorry). By the way, check out the post above for some important game mechanics.

    Since all he wants is my blood....from the original choices :

    B. Throw the bands to Lestat and tell him they have some kind of power but you don\'t know what and he should switch them on then tell him you\'ll trade for the whereabouts of a gun shop or a thug who sells nines.

    Lestat looks at you and laughs. He says, \"Trade you? I don\'t barter with food, meat.\"

    He just called you \"food\" and \"meat\" all in one sentence. That can\'t be good. He slaps the power bands on and continues. \"How about I just take these, kill you and walk out of here like nothing happened, because in reality, it didn\'t. You\'re an insignificant fly on the wall. Do you know how many like me there are?\"

    \"Enough to be a problem.\" you say and smile sheepishly.

    \"Precisely. I smell fear on you.\"

    \"Beer, that beer you smell on me.\"

    He smirks. \"High spirits even in the face of death I see. Let\'s see what these do shall we?\"

    He looks at you. You raise a brow. You look at him. He smirks wider. He grins. Your face goes blank. He smacks the activator. He pauses. He frowns. You raise the other brow. His face goes blank. You smile, kick the flame thrower over to him, flip onto the balcony, let loose with the nine and fall over the side. There\'s an explosion that follows you. You ark your body and move into a diving position and cause a big splash into the deep end of the pool below. See, now aren\'t you glad you took swimming instead of volleyball?

    Note: you do 20pts of stun damage on 7d6. Great.

    You don\'t bother to dry off. You snatch a towel from the rack and continue to move. You see a tanker truck coming your way. You latch on to it and hold on for dear life until you see a cab, get to the train terminal and call Elana. Now you\'re off to the airport back to the states.

    A) Move on to phase two.

    B) Make a pit stop (freestyle gaming).

    C) Pause

    D) Quit

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    Stupid snotty Blood Master ! Calling me meat and food in one sentence. Thinks I\'m not good enough for his...nevermind.

    I showed him w/my 20 pnts. HA ! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

    Since I\'m the hot-headed impatient type,

    A) Move on to phase two.

    BTW, what\'s \"freestyle gaming\" ? And cool game, Jambat. I\'ve never played RPG before. You play a lot of RPG ?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    I used to when I was younger. I don\'t do it much anymore. Freestyle gaming is when you do something other than the choices listed but you have to tell me exactly what you\'re doing. Like when I said \"Don\'t shoot Lestat\". Even though I advised against it and it wasn\'t a choice, had someone said \"I\'m going to shoot Lestat in the eye because his one eye is human.\" I\'d take that into consideration and roll accordingly. On to Phase 2 you go.

    -The Bat

  17. #17
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    HAHA! It was my lucky nines (or singular nine) that did it!

    Stage 2 for me aswell.

  18. #18
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Nightmare Inc: You versus Everyone

    Hey genetic modification sounds cool.

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