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  1. #1
    Banned User
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    Default Breath, and pehromones.......Interesting....

    Alright....Now, I take DHEA 25 mg every day, and work out..And, I\'m in high school...Naturally...\"in heat\"...But, anyway...Oh, and I\'m male..


    The only place that bacteria grows in substantial amounts is in the back of the tounge, this is why I gargle for OVER 30 seconds with listerine in ADDITION to the swishing for 30...But listen people, if you don\'t gargle, you\'ll still have bad breath...

    Anyway, I bring that up because...

    Well, AFTER I\'ve gargled, brushed teeth, swished ALL THAT...I STILL, get my brother and sister..They say my breath smells...Like a dog....

    And, in ANOTHER post that I read...Someone said that their girlfriend said RONE smelled like when the dude is about to f*** her if I am not mistaken...

    Which, leads me to THIS question how MUCH pheromones are released in the breath, and, have people become accustomed to detecting pheormones through breath because we wash our bodies in the other parts, and put on deodorant...

    And, while I\'m already talking about deodorant....Pheromones come from the underarms a lot too, however, people put on deodorant/anti-perspirant....Now, if you DONT\', it\'s the STRESS pheromoens that are released, so, when they do these tests...Was it with people that have no STRESS? Becuase, if I have not put any on..It smells, not like none or nothing like, the stress mones, that, and bacteria, so, you have no choice but to put on deodorant, that would attract noone AT ALL...So, is this all you can do for that? Nothing, you just have to put on the deodorant?

    And, has anyone else taken the DHEA and got pehromonal results?


  2. #2

    Default Re: Breath, and pehromones.......Interesting....

    I don\'t know about pheromones in your breath but I do know that gargling with mouthwash is not enough to cure you of bad breath. First of all I think mouthwash only lasts about 20 minutes, it’s the bacteria on the back of your tongue you need to worry about. It hides under a white film of food particles, which shield it from the mouthwash and it also feeds on, and its waste produces that sulfur smell which gives you your bad breath. What you can do is take your toothbrush stick it in your mouthwash and scrub the back of your tongue thoroughly. It might also be wise to invest in a tongue scraper, which you can use to rake that film forward and off your tongue. You\'ll be surprised how much you get off, and then gargle with your mouthwash. They got this cool little gadget you can buy called Breath Alert, which measures the sulfur compounds you breath out to let you know how bad it is. They also have this special mouthwash that uses Chlorine Dioxide because they say that normal mouthwash can actually give the bacteria something else to feast on, kinda a pricey though. I guess it depends on how bad your breath is to weigh against the money you will spend. You can search for both on the internet, hope that helps. Good luck!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Breath, and pehromones.......Interesting....

    When you brush your teeth, brush your tongue, scrub it, with toothpaste. Make sure you floss, too. Go to the dentist and find out if you have any cavities. Cavities will make your breath stink, it doesn\'t matter how much you brush, floss, gargle, scrub.Parsley is good for bad breath. Apples are, too. My best advice is to wear deodorant religiously whether it destroys \'mones or not. Some people are able to get away with not wearing deodorant. Some people *think* they are are able to get away with not wearing deodorant, but the folks around them may think differently. Women hate b.o. worse than anything. You\'re better off on the safe side of that issue. You could have on the most magic \'mones combo -- if you\'ve got b.o., it won\'t matter.You emit pheromones from more places than your pits, and a young, healthy male is emitting pheromones a plenty on his own. You want to tinker with your signature, that\'s cool, but you\'re already cranking them out, is my best guess. Deodorant won\'t render you pheromone-less. Men smell like men, whether they wear cologne or deodorant or not. We can still smell man smell.How much pheromones do people emit through breath, I don\'t know. That\'s an interesting question. I wonder how you could even measure? Distill moisture from someone\'s breath?

  4. #4
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Breath, and pehromones.......Interesting....

    I picked up the habit of scraping my tongue with a stainless steel ribbon made just for that purpose. I do it every time I brush my teeth and a lot of yuck comes out that way.

    Pheromones do come out in the breath though, and it is crucial to romance to have breath that smells good. Work on your diet and general mental outlook. Clean your tongue and try different natural gargle ideas from your local health food store. Forget about the Lysterine and crap like that. Eating Yoghurt every day might help. It can help create the right bacteria in your digestive system. That might extend to the mouth too. There is a new kind of gum on the market now that is supposed to be really good for health in the mouth. It is very popular in Japan and I was chewing it every day. I haven\'t seen it anywhere in the US except mailorder. It begins with an X. Something like Xyitole gum.

    Do all that stuff and I\'ll bet you\'ll be fine. I had a gf once who was very very beautiful; great body the works, but her breath smelled like death. I really just could not hack it. Better lick that problem.

    Good luck,

  5. #5

    Default Re: Breath, and pehromones.......Interesting....

    Lay off the garlic/onions and any sort of curry. It lasts for days on your breath. Scrape your tongue, brush your teeth, see your dentist. I chew gum (Icebreaker) and find that the minty freshness added to the oral-excercise kills about any smell. I\'m a smoker so I\'m super-conscious of my offensive breathe all the time. If I chew gum for about 15 min. most women can\'t tell that I smoke at all. Sure you look like a cow chewing cud, but at least your mouth is kissably fresh!! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Breath, and pehromones.......Interesting....

    smell like a dog ? problem of mouth smell ?
    The first thing is to be careful what you eat... there could be a problem with your stomach or digestive system.
    I know someone who smokes cigar and eats too much good french food. Believe me, I\'m still wondering how even his wife can touch him...
    If my memory is good, you\'re the one who has tons of pheros on... maybe it has something to do with it ? I wouldn\'t be proud to smell like a dog... and I wouldn\'t approach anyone who does.
    I don\'t know if DHEA (BTW you shouldn\'t take any at your age, but you just do what you want...) is a reason or not.

    If you feel it\'s a problem, go to a doctor... he will tell you.

    You\'re young and may not want to listen to older people like us... but someday you\'ll understand what we mean.

    Have a nice day

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