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  1. #1
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Ineresting experience at the Gym

    Yesterday was a casual office day. Since I didn\'t intend to see any customers I didn\'t wear any mones at all. After work, I went to the dojo for a couple hours. One of the other senior members, a lady about forty-ish got real weird.

    She obviously positioned herself next to me for the opening stretches and kept giving me funny sideways glances while we worked. After the stretches, without checking with me first, she requested the master allow us to work together on a particular set of moves. While working together isn\'t unusual, asking the master without my prior approval is a breach of etiquette and unlike her. The thing she wanted to work on I honestly believe she does better than me. It requires a lot of close body contact.

    We worked pretty hard and got pretty sweaty. After about 40 minutes, I noticed she was losing focus, a lot of DIHL. Again, unlike her. She\'s normally ultra focused.

    When the session broke up, I went and showered. She was waiting for me when I came out, fully dressed and wearing make-up! Fastest I\'ve ever seen a woman put on make-up. Wanted to buy me a drink. I\'m married and don\'t play, so had to refuse; she was very disappointed. She and I have been work-out friends for several years but have never seen each other outside the dojo. It had never been so much as mentioned before.

    There\'s been a lot of talk about residual mones and absorption. I have been wearing AE plus a couple drops of NPA, usually 5 days of the week with occasional EW@1:100 for about a week. I had not put any on since the previous morning.

    Stats: I\'m 5\'8\" solidly built at 190 pounds and 46 years old.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Ineresting experience at the Gym

    sounds more like her hormones than your pheromones.

    but really it may be a residual \'in her mind\' from a previous encounter with you; maybe she didn\'t figure out until later that it was you that made her feel \"that way\". This time she was on a mission from god or something.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Ineresting experience at the Gym

    I wouldn\'t rule out leftover mones. Mones may be more tenacious than we think. One thing I have noticed from time to time is getting better results on a day when I hadn\'t put any on, immediately following one when I had. I think what\'s happening is that I don\'t think I\'m wearing any mones so I\'m not nervous about whether they\'ll work or not, so I\'m more relaxed (which always seems to be more attractive) and I\'m thinking now that my relaxed demeanor plus the bit of mone that\'s really still on me is working in my favor. Nothing proven, just a theory. Interesting topic. Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    Default Re: Ineresting experience at the Gym

    drchaos, that\'s a really good theory. I can see that. You kinda like him, you think you like him, you\'re pretty sure you like him ... he starts wearing pheromones and now there\'s no doubt in your mind, so you start positioning yourself for maximum proximity and make it as obvious as possible without words that you like him ... and if that doesn\'t do it, take the bit in your teeth and ask him out ... it just took her a little bit to make her mind up to go for him. Which means 1) he\'s very charming and 2) his pheromones worked just fine...she just got up her moxie to make her hit on the day he wasn\'t wearing them.

  5. #5
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Ineresting experience at the Gym

    My take is that after applying pheros they will last several days on skin even when washing. So yeah the effects are probably being felt up to 4 days later one way to test is to drop them entirley for a week then see what the resposnes are like.

  6. #6
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Interesting experience at the Gym


    While I doubt the VERY charming part, thank you. It\'s a little difficult to be charming while practicing methods of battering the other person. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    The thing that most caught my attention was the DIHL looks. She\'s not the type to lose focus when working out. The more we worked, the less focus she seemed to have. Normally, when we work together, I have to stay on my toes. This lady is damned good! This time, I had to back off several times.

    My theory is that there are residual mones that can stay with you despite washing. Add to that, my normal pheromone signature when I was sweating pretty hard was high. It would be interesting to know how long they really last and if there is some build up over time.

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