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Thread: PI/w & PCC hit

  1. #1
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    Default PI/w & PCC hit

    I just got my order of PI/w and PCC in the mail, and tried it out last night and this morning. Last night I went salsa dancing, and I got lots of good reactions from the guys in the club, but nothing too out of the ordinary. A few new guys were there and they seemed to be much more receptive than the other guys I\'ve danced with, but I didn\'t see much of a change with the ones I usually see there.

    However, this morning, a guy who\'s been continuously flirting with me in my Japanese class took things a million steps farther than he\'d dared to venture before. Until now, it had been just suggestive comments and a touch on the leg from time to time. This morning, unprovoked, he scooted his chair up next to mine and pressed his leg against mine. Even when he changed positions (to tilt his chair back, for example) he managed to keep his leg in contact with some part of my body (my arm, for example). At one point he even had our shoulders pressed together as well. He apologized for not pulling the smooth \"yawn-and-arm-around-the-shoulders\" move, but that maybe later he would.

    After class, he asked if I\'d be inviting him to my room to study, and when I said \"you know, I don\'t think so,\" he said, \"Ouch, harsh! That\'s not very nice you know. That hurts. Inside.\" (he was half-joking.) Then he turned and left much more abruptly than usual.

    I\'m not sure if all that was a reaction to the pheros, or if he was just extra horny today. Hmm. In any case, it was fun to be pursued so aggressively. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    Looks like mimigee has a new study buddy. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Why did you blow him off?

  3. #3

    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    Yeah, why ?

    It\'s like saying \"fukk me fukk me\" and slaping him on the face at the same time saying \"no!\"

    Poor guy, he won\'t be able to listen to his subconscious feeling anymore ;-)

  4. #4

    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    He apologized for not putting his arm around her, but said maybe later he would?!?

    I\'d blow him off too, at least once. Cocky is one thing; he\'s bordering on obnoxious.

    Having said that, Mimigee, PCC+PI/w is very serious business. That\'s a combo that says \"grab me by the hair and throw me down.\" Be careful! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    \"PCC+PI/w is very serious business. That\'s a combo that says \"grab me by the hair and throw me down.\" Be careful!\"

    Yes, PCC and PI/w combo is extremely serious stuff. I recently found that out the hard way...Pun absolutely intended. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  6. #6
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    <font color=blue>
    \"After class, he asked if I\'d be inviting him to my room to study, and when I said \"you know, I don\'t think so,\" he said, \"Ouch, harsh! That\'s not very nice you know. That hurts. Inside.\" (he was half-joking.) Then he turned and left much more abruptly than usual.\"

    I feel sorry for that guy.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    I agree, about turning that one down. Who was he trying to impress? It doesn´t sound like the usual reaction to pheros though. Maybe he´s had his eyes on you already. Maybe he´s using pheros himself which incresed his confidence to make a move, even though it was not the right one.
    Would be interesting to hear what he´s up to next though. CJ

  8. #8
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    What kind of people are in your environment because I don´t get those sort of reactions. None of the ones I got were anything like that with PI/w and PCC. Maybe I went to the wrong places. My combo right now is PCC and AE. CJ

  9. #9
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    I don\'t think he was being cocky. It sounds like he was making fun of himself for being so obvious.

    CJ- I was looking for trouble when I was wearing the combo. I wasn\'t in the \"put it on and forget about it\" mode.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    He apologized for not putting his arm around her, but said maybe later he would?!?

    I\'d blow him off too, at least once. Cocky is one thing; he\'s bordering on obnoxious.
    That\'s exactly it. he\'s extremely cocky and obnoxious, and his entire method of interaction with me up to this point has been by way of making said suggestive remarks and lewd comments. Never before though has he gotten up the gall to actually touch me. If he weren\'t such a cocky b*stard most of the time he might have a chance. Plus I\'m not one to want to randomly hook up with a classmate I\'ll be seeing for the rest of the year.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    What kind of people are in your environment because I don´t get those sort of reactions. None of the ones I got were anything like that with PI/w and PCC. Maybe I went to the wrong places. My hot right now is PCC and AE. CJ
    Most people aren\'t like this. He\'s just an oversexed, cynical drunkard who\'s not very popular with the ladies, but who wins people\'s attention with his wit and shocking yet sometimes titillating commentary.

  12. #12
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    Oh, I see...I thought you had been interested in him before today. You still have to give the guy some credit. He knew what he wanted and went for it.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    Having said that, Mimigee, PCC+PI/w is very serious business. That\'s a combo that says \"grab me by the hair and throw me down.\" Be careful!
    Really? Sweet! That\'s what I was hoping. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] What I still don\'t know though is the right proportions to use. I\'ve been putting a dab of PI/w behind each ear and maybe a tiny dab at the base of my throat, and then rolling the PCC on my neck and wrists (but not overdoing it, just until it smells nice). I really wanted to get a \"dangerous\" effect last night at the dance, but I couldn\'t see too much of a difference from usual.

    When I bought the products, my goal was to create a really strong effect, and I did a little research on the combination, but I didn\'t find anything that told me how powerful it was. Cool. I\'ll be careful about who I use it around in the future. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  14. #14
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    Would be interesting to hear what he´s up to next though. CJ
    I\'ll keep you posted if he tries anything new after this, or if he\'ll take this occasion to write me off for good and stop speaking to me.

  15. #15

    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    Three drops of PI/w is plenty and the PCC sounds right. Trust me, if you were with a guy who you\'d already given permissions to, you\'d suddenly be staring The Beast in the eyes. I actually gave that mix up. Too much for me. Whatever the guys are actually doing, you can be positive about what they\'re thinking/feeling when you\'re wearing that combo.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    mimigee, I know what you mean about messing with guys i see everyday. I´´ve always been careful too and for good reason. It´s not a good idea, especially not with guys like that one.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    Three drops of PI/w is plenty and the PCC sounds right. Trust me, if you were with a guy who you\'d already given permissions to, you\'d suddenly be staring The Beast in the eyes. I actually gave that mix up. Too much for me. Whatever the guys are actually doing, you can be positive about what they\'re thinking/feeling when you\'re wearing that combo.
    So, the PI/w + PCC will get a really aggressive response, right? What will just one or the other do?

  18. #18
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    At occasions like dances, clubs, places where it gets crowded ie lots of people in one place - it´s good to `overdose´ a little. ie wear more pheros than you would normally. Plus a little bit of -none also helps. - none makes the wearer stand out more in the crowd. What other products are you using?

  19. #19
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    PS I get a pretty good picture of this guy now. They´re everywhere I guess.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    At occasions like dances, clubs, places where it gets crowded ie lots of people in one place - it´s good to `overdose´ a little. ie wear more pheros than you would normally. Plus a little bit of -none also helps. - none makes the wearer stand out more in the crowd. What other products are you using?
    None, actually. (That\'s none as in nil, not as in -none.) I had some SOE from my last order, but I wasn\'t getting much of a reaction from that other than \"You smell like men\'s cologne.\" I added a bit of my own perfume over the PI/w + PCC mix, too.

    I also got Edge Pro and Vanilla oil with -nol with my order--anyone know anything about those?

    PS I get a pretty good picture of this guy now. They´re everywhere I guess.
    I just though of a perfect word for him: Sleazy.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    Right Elena, you were being naughty in the back of your mind already,ey. Well when your mind and body are already set in that particular mode the reactions often end up being in that mode too. What about everyday use, what results do you get?

  22. #22
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    CJ- This really was everyday use. I wore it in front of a man that I had been flirting with. I just walked by him and stopped to talk with someone standing a few feet from him. He followed me to my car...I don\'t want to reveal too much, but it was effective to say the least. He is usually pretty intimidated by me. He seemed rather bold on this occasion. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  23. #23
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    CJ- You seem to be one of the few if not only women on this forum that is using AE. What can you tell us ladies about it? I have been very tempted. I have never used anything with rone and am curious.

  24. #24

    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    I don\'t care for -none, myself, but different things work for different folks.

    My experience has been with someone who already has full permissions, sexually.

    PCC works great, I haven\'t found an OD yet. It makes me spacy and off balance at over 12 inches rolled on in various places, but that\'s ok if I\'m indoors with trusted company.

    I\'ve never used PI/w alone. When I combined it with PCC, I was at OD level - four drops PI/w - and a good 12 inches of PCC in various places - it made him way too intense and way too aggressive. Bear in mind those are words I never thought I\'d hear myself saying \"too\" about, much less \"way too, \" because I like it like that. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    I sent the PI/w back and exchanged it for PCC.

    I don\'t know anything about the Edge.

    The scented -nol products are pretty high -nol. I use one drop and get effects from it.

    You\'re doubling up on products, Mimigee. PI/w is -nol and copulins. PCC is copulins. Vanilla -nol is more -nol.

    Watch your -nol, especially if you\'re wearing it in public around men you don\'t know. It can make you spacey and throw your judgment off.

    Pick either PI/w or the vanilla -nol and wear that with PCC.
    Be aware that PI/W has some copulins, so when you put it with PCC, you\'re enhancing the copulins in PCC. Copulins make men\'s testosterone go up and produces some pretty spectacular wood. -nol says \"come talk to me, I\'m approachable.\"

    You don\'t want them too testosterony, at least in the ouset. Too hard to deal with. IMO

  25. #25
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    The scented -nol products are pretty high -nol. I use one drop and get effects from it.
    Good to know, thanks.

    You\'re doubling up on products, Mimigee. PI/w is -nol and copulins. PCC is copulins. Vanilla -nol is more -nol.
    I haven\'t actually used the vanilla yet. I did consider that the three products have significant overlap, so I wasn\'t thinking of combining all of them. I think I\'ll stick to one or two at a time for now. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Watch your -nol, especially if you\'re wearing it in public around men you don\'t know. It can make you spacey and throw your judgment off.
    Also good to know.

    Thanks for all the great info, FTR. I appreciate it.

  26. #26

    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    Yeah, CJ, spill ! I\'m curious, too, about -rone.

  27. #27
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    Default AE user

    after several experiments, it seems AE is a good product. I\'m using it everytime I go out, and quite often even when I don\'t go out.
    The mix I use is : AEw 2-3 drops + PIw 1 dab (1 drop absolute maximum). Behind ears, on back of neck, throat, and on my wrist (just to test the smell from time to time), and - I forgot - on my tshirt collar. The 2-3 drops + 1 dab are enough to cover all those places.
    I got 1 possible hit and 1 hit, with women. I\'m not attracted by men.
    1- this girl was just in front of me, near enough to feel the effect of \'mones - kept looking at me in the eyes, and asked me if we could have a drink some day later. I said Yes, I love brown eyes...
    2- another girl (a blind date), in the same conditions, kept touching me, telling me very personal things, talked about my eyes, talked about sex, loved the AE smell and wanted to smell it again... I was just myself, not trying to be anyone else... she called the next day and asked if we could meet again.

    Sorry that I\'m not talking about men... but I think AE is a good product and smells really nice. I usually don\'t cover it with any edtoilette, except a KenzoKi ginger stick (lovely stuff !!) when I think the PIw smell is too strong. And this mix makes me feel good too, especially AEw (not sure about PIw making me feel good).

    I had tried PIw + PCC - no result so far, but maybe I was ODing.

    Lovely sunny weather here in Paris, hope it\'s the same for you

  28. #28
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: AE user

    Frenchie- Thank you so much for that detailed report. I am so happy things are working so well with AE/w. Hopefully all of this attention you are getting from these other women will give you the confidence to show the woman you are truly in love with that she needs you in her life, or for that matter, you find someone else that curls your toes. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    I\'m going to check out the AE/w. It\'s sounds like fun. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    It\'s gorgeous here is Miami as well

  29. #29
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    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    what would be the parts to this you\'re talking about?

    \"PCC+PI/w is very serious business. That\'s a combo that says \"grab me by the hair and throw me down.\" Be careful!\"

  30. #30

    Default Re: PI/w & PCC hit

    That\'s my line you\'re quoting. LOTS. A good 12 inches of PCC and about 4 dabs of PI/w. If you don\'t get some results with that ... I don\'t know what to say. PCC and PI/w don\'t require extreme precision. Put the stuff on and see how people react and decide for yourself how much you like to wear.

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