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Thread: Geography

  1. #31

    Default Re: Geography

    In keeping with the general idea of this thread, here are a few highlights from the new book, \"Non Campus Mentis: World History According to College Students\". Enjoy!

    \"History, a record of things left behind by past generations, started in 1815. Thus we should try to view historical times as the behind of the present. This gives incite into the anals of the past.\"

    \"Civilization woozed out of the Nile about 300,000 years ago. The Nile was a river that had some water in it. Every year it would flood and irritate the land. This tended to make the people nervous.\"

    \"Judyism was the first monolithic religion. It had one big God named \'Yahoo\'.\"

    \"Noah\'s ark came to it\'s end near Mt. Arafat.\"

    \"These pre-Socratics lived long before Plato and were not decisively influenced by his work.\"

    \"Plato invented reality. He was teacher to Harris Tottle, author of The Republicans.\"

    \"Socrates was accused of sophmorism and sentenced to die of hemroyds.\"

    \"Cesar inspired his men by stating, \'I came, I saw, I went\'. When he was assinated, he is reported to have said, \'Me too, Brutus!\'\"

    \"Eventually Christian started the new religion with sayings like, \'The mice shall inherit the earth\'. Later Christians fortunately abandoned this idea.\"

    \"Romans persacuted Christians by lionizing them in public stadiums.\"

    \"Without the discovery of the flying buttock it would have been an impossible job to build the Gothic cathedral.\"

    (Regarding the Black Plague): \"Death rates exceeded 100% in some towns.\"

    \"This was a time of stunned growth. The plague also helped the emergence of English as the national language of England, France, and Italy.\"

    \"Renaissance merchants were beautiful and almost lifelike. They enriched themselves by planting wool and selling it for clothing. They increased these profets by paying interest to people who borrowed money from them. This produced even more grits for the mills of change.\"

    \"Hitler, who had become depressed for some reason, crawled under Berlin. Here he had his wife Evita put to sleep, and then shot himself in the bonker.\"

    \"The Allies landed near Italy\'s toe and gradually advanced up her leg, where they hoped to find Musalini.\"

    \"Stalin, Rosevelt, Churchill, and Truman were known as the \'big three\'.\"

    \"Unfortunately the Second World War was not concluded until 1957. A whole generation had been wiped out in two world wars, and their forlorne families were left to pick up the peaces.\"

    \"The Civil Rights movement in the USA turned around the corner with Martin Luther Junior\'s famous \'If I Had a Hammer\' speech.\"

    \"The East and West made mends with each other. The Berlin Mall was removed. Many Eastern Europeans experienced a new form of arousal at this time.\"

    \"It is now the age of now. This concept grinds our critical, seething minds to a halt.\"

    (published by Workman Publishing of New York)

  2. #32
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Geography

    Unbelieveable. Reminds me of a sign I saw the other day:

    \"Ears pierced. While you wait\"

  3. #33

    Default Re: Geography

    Certainly ground my critical seething mind to a halt, I must say. lol

  4. #34
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Geography

    ..Teachers should start out making at least twice what they make...

    Come to N.J. I know a PE teacher in a nearby town who makes over 70K. Granted she has over 20 years in the system, but thats not bad for 2 health classes and 4 hours of girls volleyball.

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Geography

    teachers don\'t get paid sh_t. A couple of years back here in south florida (dade county to be specific) there was a scandal involving teachers and adminsraters. There were school adminstraters (who had a highschool diploma) who were making like 70-80 grand a year. There were teachers most with masters degrees who were makin like 30 grand year. When I was in highschool the adminsraters were these fat guys who rode around campus on golf carts who --
    1)Told people who weren\'t eatin to leave the cafertia (because they needed the space -- I was in the most overcrowed school in broward county)
    2)Watch the people in IS (IS is internal suspension -- if your caught skipping or were real late to school you went there). It was held in the gym -- if you were in here you either a)talked b)played cards c)listened to headphones d)went to sleep e)some combo of the previous
    3)Told people who were leaving the campus (students who were leaving during lunch or class -- and no, this was not allowed) that if they wanted to come back on campus they would have to bring a chesseburger or something back with them. Most people left to go get something to eat at mccdonalds or whatever.

    I grad in 98 and most of my highschool experience was BS. Me and my friends would skip at whim. I never had unexcused absences on my report card because I would call my absences in myself. Not that it mattered because when I asked my teachers for the worked I missed they would ask ME if it was excused or unexcused and just take my word for it. I had some good teachers (2 good english ones, 1 good math one, and a very good programming teacher -- I was in a TECH magnet). Most of the learning I did was from my own reading, or if I had shit_y teachers (like a certain Alegbra II teacher) I read the book on my own. I did well in her class (A\'s) while most people struggled to get a C or a D. Luckly I am good at math and I am technically inclined so I could read the book on my own and still learn.

  6. #36
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default English

    \"Me and my friends would skip at whim.\"

    Should be \"My friends and I...\" -

    Don\'t worry, you don\'t have to pay me!

  7. #37
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: English

    like I said I only had one good english teacher! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  8. #38
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    Default Re: English

    \"2 good english ones\"

    Huh ..?

  9. #39

    Default Re: English

    hey druid lets go out to the Hahvahd Bah and f*uck up some smaht kids. <<how do ya like them apples>>

    OK - I need to get off the diet of DVD\'s and Phero Forum.

  10. #40
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    Default Re: English

    oh yeah your right. I never did like lanuage classes (as you can tell from my spelling histroy on this forum). I never liked english and always thought it was very dry and borning subject -- and the people who taught it were dry and boring also (no offense FTR [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ). Like take wuthering heights, GOD WHAT A FCKING PIECE OF BORING SH_T. I hate that book. I always prefered math, science, and even histroy.

  11. #41
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: English

    I don\'t know about now, but when I was in high school if we had to write essey answers on tests or term papers, points were taken off for spelling, punctuation and grammer. This was in NON english classes. I so looked forward to getting out of school so I wouldn\'t have to write any more term papers. Today 30+ years later, I write more \"term papers\" than I ever did in school.

  12. #42
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: English

    in a lot of my classes that was the case also. I just have a dictionary and spell checker. Sorry I just don\'t put as much effort into my posts as I did essay\'s. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  13. #43

    Default Re: English

    The intentional dumbing-down of johnny. ooh - I should have capitalized that proper noun. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  14. #44

    Default Re: English

    That\'s the best article I\'ve ever read on the subject - the most truthful. No hyperbole; it\'s not satirical. It\'s the truth.

  15. #45
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: English

    That does it. New Zealand here we come. I find that article very easy to believe. Anybody ever read the Smart Drug books? Here you have an arm load of drugs that actually make people smarter and the FDA is trying to crush them out. Aren\'t we supposed to be trying to strengthen the fabric of our society? Or did I miss something?

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