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  1. #1
    Enlightened One
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    Default Dr Phil - what do people think of him.

    What are our thoughts on dr phils approach and Oprah in general.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Dr Phil - what do people think of him.

    Well, I don\'t get a chance to watch daytime TV very often, but Dr Phil is OK. Just that most of what he preaches I think is pretty elemental. I know some people who think he is just so smart and wise, etc, but these are people who never figured anything out for themselves before. I don\'t mean to sound snotty, but the American public in general, sometimes has to be told things in no uncertain terms to understand what it\'s all about, and Dr Phil does do that. I think he gives pretty good advice, but thinks he\'s sh!t on a stick for telling everyone what he thinks.

    Oprah is OK, I guess. I have watched Dr Phil and read his books more than I get to see what Oprah has to say. I can\'t say I am a Dr Phil fan, but a relative of mine thinks he\'s great and sends me his books.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Dr Phil - what do people think of him.

    I read an article about Dr. Phil that called him a \"raging pantload.\" I like him because he tells it like it is and doesn\'t intellectualize everything to death. On the other hand, like Sophie said, most of what he\'s presenting is not exactly hard to figure out. Maybe he has value as a novelty - a counselor who speaks plain English. He doesn\'t pussyfoot around.It\'s a little ... irksome? the way so much is made of his colloquialisms. He\'s typically southern in his use of colorful similes to get a point across, and a lot of regional prejudice comes out in the criticisms of him. He talks like most people talk, south of the Mason Dixon, and the way people from other parts of the country react to that is revealing.I admire Oprah for promoting literacy, encouraging people to read, and for what she\'s made of herself, and for trying to do something constructive and uplifting with her air time.

  4. #4
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Dr Phil - what do people think of him.

    Having done some reaseach into dr phils background i find he utilizes NLP related knowledge to full effect its what that sort of training the 6 month NLP course can give people some interesting power to get right to the core of an issue many counsellors use it know because it is so effective.
    Once you point things out to people using NLP its easy for them to move on.

  5. #5
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dr Phil - what do people think of him.

    Dr. Phil is a tool.

  6. #6
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Dr Phil - what do people think of him.

    A useful tool at that is dr phil.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Dr Phil - what do people think of him.

    I\'ve never seen anybody call somebody out like Dr. Phil can. I remember in particular one Oprah show where this very beautiful woman (beautiful in a handsome sort of way) about broke my heart, she was having such a hard time keeping her dignity, talking about how her husband never ever remembered her birthday or mother\'s day or did anything to make her feel special ... husband gets on and Dr.Phil reamed him. He\'d made the excuse he just couldn\'t remember, and he didn\'t like to be forced to give gifts on certain days, and he was doing this whole passive/aggressive thing that just had his wife broken down into bits. I remember Dr. Phil all but calling him an idiot and saying what is your problem, are you saying you can\'t buy a calendar and mark a date? Do you not know what day it is? I\'m not getting this, buddy, what exactly is the problem, etc. He finally got the guy to start talking about why he was withholding affection from his wife. It was good and I was in love with Dr.Phil for that few minutes, and I bet the wife was ready to fling herself at his feet. I\'ll tell you the truth and this probably will surprise no one, but I like Dr.Phil because he\'ll hold your feet to the fire until you cut the crap and come clean.

  8. #8
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dr Phil - what do people think of him.

    I\'ve seen all of five minutes of the guy, same with Oprah, and my impression is that these people make a living catering to the complaints of women. Females get an emotional sense of empowerment by watching these two take their side and parroting their whinning.

    That usually means that they take sides based on what their female audience wants to hear.

    Just another way to sell panty shields.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Dr Phil - what do people think of him.

    Showing our tender side again, are we, dear?

  10. #10
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Dr Phil - what do people think of him.

    Except for the quite a few times he gets stuck into women for being lazy and queenish. You know give me attention to the hilt for nothing in return except that im staying with you FOR NOW THAT IS. And when the guy doesnt suck up and break his back to support her while shes off having an affair that was a good one. He ripped her down and that was it they soon broke up.

    The other was with the explosion of young teen oral sex where these young girls are going on about being pressured and even not being pressured but just offering head to these young boys and as usuall the boys getting the blame from the emotional female audience.

    Dr Phil actually went against the grain and ripped into some young girls for being the ones that are giving it they were told they were the \"gatekeepers\" and had the final say on whether these boys got it and boys if offered will most times take it.
    This is 13-16 ages group to. It is up to the girls to say no, but we know young girls having this power ego thing and they do what they want to destroy and make men compete as it gives them a little kick in todays feminests society that reigns supreme remember instinct before logic when it comes to sex.
    This ego trip however continues upwards to about 25-29 age but after that women start to realise that the bad boys are just that bad for them by this time they are ready to settle down for families and the thing is is that all the nice guys are taken or gay and then they have to bring up kids all on thier lonesome.

    Ok ive just been watching jerry springer and am especially pissed off with what i sore on todays episode so this is why im being a little nastier than usuall.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Dr Phil - what do people think of him.

    watcher, what is your take on Dr Phil issues vs Jerry Springer issues? just curious, looking for a viewpoint from someone who is not in USA.

  12. #12
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Reprise

    Sorry Ms. Red, but you have to know just how difficult and emotionally trying it is for me to be so insightful. When the truth is something that people would rather not hear, they treat me soooo bad!

    Oh Help Me, Please, Please? I feel so in the dumps, people, women in particular, are always, always picking on me and never give me what I want - sometimes I have to work and sacrifice. I just want to cry. Women are so mean and cruel.

    Tell me I\'m right to feel these profound emotions of loss and victimhood and I\'ll buy whatever you have to sell.

  13. #13
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Reprise

    From what little I\'ve seen, he appears to be fairly even-handed when illuminating relationship issues to couples...

  14. #14

    Default Re: Reprise

    Whitehall, honey, what\'s the matter? Old lady got you down?

    Dr. Phil will rip a woman up, too, if she\'s talking crap, no question. Last time I saw that show, this woman had dropped the dime on her lover to his wife, forcing a break up of their marriage, and was upset now because although he did divorce (guess he didn\'t have much choice at that point) and marry her, and they had been together several years, he wouldn\'t \"open up\" to her. His side was that he knew she was vindictive and he didn\'t feel he could tell her too much without the chance she\'d use it against him as she had in the past, that he wished every day he\'d told his wife himself, he felt he owed her that much respect, rather than to have her pick up the phone and hear it from the \"other woman,\" and that it hadn\'t been the then-girlfriend\'s place to make that call. The woman said she was sorry and Dr. Phil lit her up, said no she wasn\'t sorry she did it, she was sorry she got caught, and she didn\'t have any business asking for trust when she\'d taught him by her behavior that she couldn\'t be trusted.

    Feel better?

    The oral sex thing with the kids -- it\'s kind of disturbing. What I hear the kids saying is that it\'s the girls who nobody really likes who are doing that to try to be accepted or wanted, and that\'s sad.

    I can\'t blame the guys for accepting the favor -- that\'s asking a little much of a teenaged guy.

  15. #15
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reprise

    I was just auditioning! Did I generate empathy?

    As I said, I\'ve seen maybe 5 minutes of \"The Doctor Phil Show\" so extrapolating too much from that is not exactly fair to it. If he\'s breaking the mold, fine. Most of the others are just updates on \"Queen for a Day\". We are suffering a lack of moral leadership in this country. Religon has lost it\'s hold on many people and many are adrift, searching for a replacement.

    But I do suffer a Cassandra complex - I do see deeper into many things - beyond conventional wisdom and into the future. Often, like Cassandra, few take heed until it\'s too late.

    At least, that\'s my story and I\'m sticking to it.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Reprise

    Nice try. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  17. #17
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Dr Phil - what do people think of him.

    Dr Phil is at least semi normal, we aussies think that jerry springer is way over the top. The weirdest or the weird and also \"that it can only happen in america\". Because things are a little bit more normal out here. I think that a lot of it on jerry springer is just actors being paid to make the show look good.

  18. #18
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Dr Phil - what do people think of him.

    \"I think that a lot of it on jerry springer is just actors being paid to make the show look good.\"

    Nah!!, They live in cheap trailer parks. ;~}

  19. #19

    Default Re: Dr Phil - what do people think of him.

    Watcher - Aussies are definately a little more down to earth than us seppos. \'Course just because it\'s not on ABC doesn\'t mean it\'s not happening. OZ is a big place and I definately saw some strange ass sh*t. Maybe a \"Springer down under\"?? I can see it now \"Me misses went of drinkin\' metho with a bunch of abbo\'s, I ain\'t seen er in a fortnight, den she come in, wit a bun in the oven and try to tell me it\'s my doing\"
    LOLOLOL - maybe that would be more of a \"Springer in NT\" [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  20. #20
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Dr Phil - what do people think of him.

    What country you from rscurngr lol - yeah youre right on the springer down under i think it may have been done - i know oprah down under has been.
    Springer in Northern territory is a much better idea. The muslim and asian onclaves in sydney and the italian/greek enclaves in sydney were crime is high and drug dealing is the norm (sorry i should say slums) im not rasists but they find the same problems in britian with the middle east immigrant population lives in small areas and crime goes through the roof.

    Probably a more social economic thing but still perfect breeding grounds like the trailer parks for this sort of subject matter for springer.

    I think beauty and the beast with doug mulray and the women on the panel is as close as we get down here. We need our own version of dr phil though. Dr Kayrin Phelps of the AMA is the closest media medical type down here.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Dr Phil - what do people think of him.

    I\'m a yank thru and thru, but (i think I mentioned before) i spent a fair bit of time in OZ and still consider moving there - if only the paper work wasn\'t such a wank I\'d be living in Brisbane right now. NT is crazy -I dunno if you\'ve been up to the Darwin area, but the abbos are out of control!! The USA is truly a melting pot of culture. OZ is a melting pot, but nothing is blending together into a homogenous mix of people.

    The funniest show I ever saw came out of Perth - it was like Steve Irwin (the Crocodile Hunter) meets Jerry Springer LOL

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