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  1. #1
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Calling All EW users

    Hi All,

    Mainly I am interested in hearing about what works in terms of dilution application etc. I have a strong feeling there is a winner product in there somewhere; just have to arrive at the optimal concentration. So, if you have had good results in any shape or form, please take a minute and answer the following questions:

    1. What did you use to dillute the EW? eg: water, ethanol, jojoba oil..

    2. What concentration did you find most effective? eg: 1:100, 1:300, 1:50 (EW to carrier/solvent).

    3. How did you apply your final mixture? eg: spray, dab on...

    4. Did you use your mix with a fragrance?

    5. What fragrance, if any was most effective with your mix? eg: SOE, CK1...

    6. Is it NECESSARY to use a fragrance with your mix? ie: fear of \"offending\" if you don\'t...

    7. Any other comments you feel would be useful in designing a future incarnation of EW.

    Thanks in advance. I hope you have enjoyed experimenting with EW.


  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    1.) Water
    3.) Dab
    4.)2 drops of vanilla
    5.)Same as above
    6.) No not necessary recommened if worried though
    7.) Found the product very good, worked when applied seperate with AE mens. So it would be good to have it available seperatley.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    1. What did you use to dillute the EW?
    Cologne (Pi).

    2. What concentration did you find most effective?
    I took a toothpick, dipped it in, got a small drop, and then mixed the small drop in the cologne. I did that twice.

    3. How did you apply your final mixture?

    4. Did you use your mix with a fragrance?
    See Question # 1

    5. What fragrance, if any was most effective with your mix?
    Only tried the one so far

    6. Is it NECESSARY to use a fragrance with your mix?
    With very very small amounts mixed in you can barely smell the EW. Even a single drop on its own would most likely be very offensive or at least noticable.

    7. Any other comments you feel would be useful in designing a future incarnation of EW.
    Leave it concentrated like it is, but provide a method of delivering a much smaller amount. If making it for women, try mixing it with a rose scent. I haven\'t tried it, but I imagine rose mixing well for some reason...?

    P.S. I promised Bruce I would post results. I recently got a new job, so I haven\'t been out as much. Two weeks ago, I mixed it, as described above, with some A1, PIw, and Chem Kit Rone in cologne. [I don\'t know what ratios etc. I just dropped some of each in till it smelled right].

    I have no idea if it was the EW or not, but I had two young ladies blantly flirt with me (grabbing my ass, kissing each other while looking at me, and rubbing me and rubbing each other all night, etc.). As you may have guessed, they were bi-sexual. This went on from around 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. In fact, they followed my friend and I to another bar 6 or 7 blocks away from where we met them. Anyhow, it may have been the EW....I honestly don\'t know. I\'ve only had that kind of thing happen once before (without the mones) and that was when I was 25.

  4. #4
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    I would say the increased chances that this stuff caused it would probably be it, and the fact you were drinking increased the reduction in awareness these women had in other words they were more open to the pheros.

  5. #5
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    I used maybe three drops per oz. in the EW floral/musk perfume I\'ve created. It\'s very nice in context. Any stronger wouldn\'t have worked.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    I just got my bottle. I\'ll let you know about my experiments in the following weeks.

    I\'m also waiting to get my rose otto essential oil to make a rose based perfume to mix with. I also plan to use some \'nol in it with a very tiny amount of \'rone and \'none for an added complexity to the phero signature. The \'none/\'nol/\'rone content should be below 0.2mg/ml and I don\'t know about the EW yet.

    From now on I use pheros exclusively as a component of my homemade perfumes and I think it will be a great component for women\'s perfume when used in small quantity.

    From what I read about EW, I think it could be sold as a 10% dilution because nobody use it straight anyway. Even at 10% it would be very strong... But for the mad scientists playing with the chem kit, it\'s great to have access to the pure product.

    By the way it would be great to have access to the pure \'none/\'nol/\'rone cristaline form product too so we could dilute it in a no alcohol base... (I\'ll post it in the customer questions section....)

  7. #7
    Banned User
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    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    \"I think it will be a great component for women\'s perfume when used in small quantity.\"

    Does that mean you are only going to let your girlfriend wear EW, or are YOU going to wear it too?

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    1. What did you use to dillute the EW? eg: water, ethanol, jojoba oil..

    A 70/30 mix of ethanol/water

    2. What concentration did you find most effective? eg: 1:100, 1:300, 1:50 (EW to carrier/solvent).

    1:100 Only a very strong cologne would cover (barely)
    1:1000 Most colognes would cover the EW smell if sprayed on after a spray of 1:1000
    1:4000 Mixed it with other pheros, no noticeable change in reactions
    1:48000 Stealth mix - couldn\'t detect odor at all

    3. How did you apply your final mixture? eg: spray, dab on...

    Sprayed on the diluted EW, followed with spray of cologne to same area

    4. Did you use your mix with a fragrance?

    Tried several designer colognes looking for best coverage

    5. What fragrance, if any was most effective with your mix? eg: SOE, CK1...

    Guerlain Vetiver covered the best (it\'s strong, would cover anything). Realm/fm was the worst for covering EW - it actually seemed to accentuate the smell of EW

    6. Is it NECESSARY to use a fragrance with your mix? ie: fear of \"offending\" if you don\'t...

    Even at several thousand to one I find the smell of EW objectionable and in need of cover

    7. Any other comments you feel would be useful in designing a future incarnation of EW.

    We seem to have good info on copulin\'s effect on men from research. If you can locate any research on copulins effect on WOMEN, that info would be a guide for men wanting to try the product to attract girls.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    \"to let your girlfriend wear EW, or are YOU going to wear it too? \"

    The plan is to make perfumes for women, be it my girlfriend or friends.

    I will try it just for fun but I don\'t plan to use it on me on a regular basis.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    I mixed my 1% EW dilution in 94% ethanol yesterday, about 4 drops in 10ml .

    Ho god this tiny bottle from hell stink ! I went outside to do the job, I have been very careful, I didn\'t spoil a single drop, I didn\'t touch the stuf with my skin but even then, this morning my coat stink ! Not only should you wear gloves and mix it outside but it would be better to use a lab coat ... and a gaz mask !

    Even the 1% dilution is still very concentrated but at least I will be able to use *drops* of it in other experiments without shocking.

    The 100% copulin sample is lab grade stuff, not a consumer commodity.

    Anyway, thanks Bruce, the mad scientist in me is pleased ;-)

  11. #11

    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    I got daring and put three whole drops of concentrate into 12 oz of Kiss My Face Olive and Aloe Fragrance Free Moisturizer. It\'s fine. It doesn\'t irritate my skin and it smells like my body spray only now I dont have to put on lotion and THEN put on EW spray.

    I did the same with some scented lotion and it works fine too.

    Lotions seem to be a good bet for all over application.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    1. water
    2. I mixed up 1 drop in 1oz. water (about 1:1000)
    3. Drop on and rub around....
    4. Yes
    5. SOE was alright, Chrome worked better.
    6. The smell REALLY dies down on my skin after an hour. Turns into something quite nice. I\'ve used two drops w/o fragrance.
    7. EW is very relaxing to me!!! This has been a great discovery because I have chronic anxiety. Makes me sleep like a rock if applied in the evening. Haven\'t had good opportunities yet to test with others [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  13. #13

    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    Women -- try this! Splurge on BeneFit\'s Bathina \"Touch Me Then Try To Leave\" body cream. You\'ll thank me. It\'s worth the $26.00 by itself. Heavenly, you feel like satin and smell like roses and sandalwood -- and it\'s beauteeful with EW.BINGO! this is a killer combination. Whatever guy can resist it either has no pulse or is a mutant from another planet.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    An irresistable redhead .. hmmm .. need any one to like do some testing with ... uh maybe just to confirm your results? .. all in the name of science ... I\'ll be your guinea pig baaaaaby ..oh ok I\'ll behave ... hey now since you\'ve found the ultimate male attractant I\'ll have to see if I can find its male counterpart and report it to all the guys ... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Cuddles

  15. #15

    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    It just all came together so felicitously...EW and lotion ... I like EW and rose water ... what lotion has the best rose smell? ... hm ... OH! Touch Me Then Try To Leave! at last, an excuse to spend $26.00 on a body cream! (in the name of science. sacrifices must be made) It really is a beautiful blend, I\'m so happy with it. Cuddles, I\'m scared of you. You\'d start working that \'mone magic and make me your sex slave or something, twitching around and doing pelvic thrusts in public and foaming at the mouth ... I dunno if I can handle all that...I\'m only female... I put two drops of EW in the 4.75 ounces (140mL) jar and mixed it up. What strength copulins does that make it? Now I have to get chem set -nol.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    Aww... don\'t be scared of Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Seriously, though, I think I am probably going to come upon my dream mix in a similar fashion, probably when I least expect it. And of course I will do my duty as a forum member and let y\'all know ... [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  17. #17
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    1. What did you use to dillute the EW? eg: water, ethanol, jojoba oil..
    90% or more water; a relatively small amount of perfume.

    2. What concentration did you find most effective? eg: 1:100, 1:300, 1:50 (EW to carrier/solvent).
    Roughly 1:300

    3. How did you apply your final mixture? eg: spray, dab on...
    I put drops on my arms and chest and rub them around.

    4. Did you use your mix with a fragrance?
    Sometimes I cover with perfume, but it is not necessary.

    5. What fragrance, if any was most effective with your mix? eg: SOE, CK1...
    I use D and G fragrances.

    6. Is it NECESSARY to use a fragrance with your mix? ie: fear of \"offending\" if you don\'t...
    Not necessary at all, even at 1:300. My skin smells finger lickin\' good without added fragrance. I honestly believe that nobody is offended at this level. The people I ask directly do not detect anything, and judging by the reactions from some women who like to rub there breasts on me, I highly doubt that I smell revolting.

    7. Any other comments you feel would be useful in designing a future incarnation of EW.
    My comments: ignore the people who throw around dilution rates of several thousand to one. I will be downright pissed off if the only choice of product available is one that is diluted that much. We already have that with PCC! There are many on the forum who like a dilution rate of around 300:1,(sometimes described as a couple of drops in on ounce of carrier). Or, if a much weaker product is going to be made, leave the rest of us the option of purchasing a \"chem set\" type potent product to do with as we please. Peopel like Irish must have relatives who are dogs. It has always been clear to me that my sense of smell is far better than anyone around me. EW at 300:1 is NOT offensive. This is coming from a guy that is sensitive to the point that about half the men that are anywhere in my vicinity on a daily basis make me nauseous to the point that I could vomit.

    Thanks in advance. I hope you have enjoyed experimenting with EW.


  18. #18
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    Thanks to everyone who posted results. Keep them coming if you haven\'t, but it seems to me that there is something worth salvaging here to say the least.

    At this point, based on what I am reading, I think I will have 100 bottles of a 1:100 dillution made up and sell them with a strong warning to newbies that the stuff smells something like what you would expect it too, and see what happens from there.

    How does that sound? I think we rest assured that something like that is safe for consumers, can\'t we?


  19. #19
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    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    I have been following all the EW posts with interest, and I must say a diluted version would entice me to order, because the stuff, as it is now, sometimes sounds frighteningly powerful. I, too, have people in my life who have \"noses like dogs\" and I\'m very leery of OD\'g on anything.
    FTR\'s results encourage me a lot though. (thanks, R)

    Keep us posted Bruce. and love your pic (avatar or whatever we call them). sophie

  20. #20
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    Finally heard back from my female sales rep about results, she\'s pleased and is crediting this with meeting a new friend as well.

    2 drops from EW bottle in 1oz baby oil.
    Mix equal parts with oil she makes from Jasmine flowers(strong scent).
    Put in roller bottle
    Apply 1/2\" to each wrist at least an hour before going out.

  21. #21
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    Thanks Sophie,
    I tried to fix the photo just now. They don\'t give you much room. The original of that photo is at:


  22. #22

    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    That\'s an incredibly good picture. What a lovely family.

  23. #23
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Calling All EW users


    Thanks. I\'m kind of fond of them. Just got the dog 2 weeks ago.

    We took the photo with a cheapie digital camera set on a picnic table using the timer. With 2 kids and a dog, it took quite a few takes to get a keeper. We had a scream watching a slide show I made of the bloopers set to music. Here are a few choice exerpts:


  24. #24

    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    The last one\'s my favorite.

    I don\'t think the dog got the memo that it was picture day. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] What\'s its name?

  25. #25
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    Her name\'s Emma. We got her from the animal shelter. She already had that name. She hasn\'t really fully grasped the concept of the family photo yet, as you can see in this photo.


  26. #26

    Default Re: Calling All EW users

    Maybe she thought you wanted action shots?

  27. #27

    Default Bruce - re Indole

    Hey, Bruce -- I would be much happier if they could cut the indole note in EW by about half. I am enjoying it as is, but I do really wish for that one change.

  28. #28
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bruce - re Indole

    The indole thing is the tricking bit. We have been hashing that back and forth for a while. I have a sample with no indole and it smells just like fermented grape juice to me and nothing more. JVK says that (no indole) is the formula used by Astrid Jutte that got the big T spike reaction in tests, but Phil S. says the indole was used in the RP Michaels formula which Astrid got her ideas from. Indole is kind of a poop smell, but without it you really end up with wine. Maybe cutting the amount would zero in on what we want. Goes without saying that just as not all armpits smell the same, the same goes for booty. Some don\'t smell all that great, and some actually smell quite nice. Maybe we ought to collect some samples and run them through Phil\'s chromo smell tester thingamabob.

  29. #29

    Default Re: Bruce - re Indole

    I didn\'t even like the idea of it, so was prepared to find EW completely objectionable, and was surprised to find how much I like it. I had been using water, and extremely high dilution. Then I read some posts and tried lotion and less dilute. The indole overwhelms and makes it hard to mix. Too much bottom note. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/wink.gif[/img] Seriously, though. It makes it hard to balance in an oil-based mix -- the indole note seems to bloom in an oil-based mix, and dissipate in water. It would be nice to be able to use it with some flexibility in an oily mix, since that would stay on the skin better. I don\'t think it should come out entirely, but I vote in a big way for dialing it down a couple of notches.

  30. #30

    Default Re: Bruce - re Indole

    I did a first test using a 1:2500 dillution in a rose based perfume (with many other EOs in smaller qty of course). I also added some \'nol.

    Undetectable even to my gf who was wearing it. Next time I\'ll use 1:1000 and it should be perfect.

    I think 1:1000 in a perfume will be all right because we usually use only some drops of perfume at a time. For a body mist, 1:10000 is probably ok because someone can use 10 times more at a time.

    She was affraid to OD on the fragrance so she didn\'t use enough (after one hour or two if was almost gone). Next time she\'ll use twice as much and it should be perfect.

    About a \"consumer friendly\" version, I think a 2% dilution would be ok. 1% would do but would be less versatile as a cologne spiker.

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