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  1. #1

    Default What is a good IR colonge for young men aged 16-18

    I was wondering if anybody knows what\'s the best IR colonge to use by young men

  2. #2

    Default Re: What is a good IR colonge for young men aged 16-18

    Well I know what the younger girls like so I assume this is what you might want to try. Cool Scent, Force, Lemon-Lime (this is not in catalogue but it is one of the Dominant Male collection), Original Scent ... spike with Primal Concentrate if at all possible ... Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Default Re: What is a good IR colonge for young men aged 16-18

    do you work for IR, cuddles?

  4. #4

    Default Re: What is a good IR colonge for young men aged 16-18

    No, I just have 7 years experience using their products. And very limited experience with the others that are talked about here. I do intend to do something about that. Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: What is a good IR colonge for young men aged 1

    Is there really a need to test the products listed on love-scent if the IR products are that good?

  6. #6

    Default Re: What is a good IR colonge for young men aged 1

    Actually no but I am curious ... Cuddles

  7. #7

    Default Re: What is a good IR colonge for young men aged 1

    so you really really recommend SPC? it\'s like 100 bucks! it better work or i am just returning it...the great thing abou love scent is that you can always return, which i have for certain products.

  8. #8

    Default Re: What is a good IR colonge for young men aged 1

    IR has a 30 day money back warranty that I have never taken them up on so I don\'t know how good they are at that, but remember Super Primal is not STRONGER than Regular Primal Concentrate it\'s just more of the same stuff so you can get the cheaper 76.95 bottle and it\'s the same product. Also, and this is very important, don\'t use Primal by itself, use WITH Cool Scent ... Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  9. #9

    Default Re: What is a good IR colonge for young men aged 1

    cuddlebear: you say that the Super Primal contains the same stuff of Regular primal, so it should have the very same concentration, but on the descriptive page of those Concentrates I read:

    (Super Primal): \"...contains highly concentrated human sex pheromones. Just 10 drops equals the power of an entire bottle of our regular cologne...\"

    (Regular Primal): \"...contains highly concentrated human sex pheromones. Half the concentration of The Super Primal Concentrate...\"

  10. #10

    Default Re: What is a good IR colonge for young men aged 1

    Yes I agree that is a very misleading description. But Super Primal is really just twice the product. There used to only be regular Primal, there was no Super Primal ... and its description was 10 drops equals the whole bottle etc ... 7 years ago IR was very small and I\'ve been with them from the beginning ... there are actually 16 dominant male colognes ... not just the ones they have on the website ... they definitely need to change the wording if that\'s what their ads say ... Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  11. #11
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Different Concentration.


    Check the blurb on Primal Concentrate. It says that it is one half the concentration of \"Super Primal Concentrate\".

    I\'ve got some Super PC that I received as a gift. It isn\'t as concentrated as the chem-set Nol based on a side by side sniff test I did. After the alcohol evaporated there was a subtle but definitely detectable phero smell from the chem-set Nol, but not from the SPC. I doubt that SPC\'s concentration exceeds .020%, about 1/5 of the chem-set\'s concentration.

    IF, as I\'ve speculated, SPC is .020% Androstenol, then 2ozs. (60mL.) would contain 12mg of Nol. That\'s $8.33/mg of Nol.

    The chem-set Nol, purchased through the frequent buyers page is $79.00 for 10mg of Nol. That\'s $7.90/mg of Nol.

    The similarity in the $$\'s/mg prices further reinforces my beliefs as to SPC\'s concentration.

    Having used both, I can\'t really say anything negative about IR\'s Super Primal Concentrate, because it does seem to work. But given the choice, I prefer to have the more concentrated .1% chem-set A-Nol from Stone Labs.

    If I want to, I can always dilute it, but there\'s no way to make either product MORE concentrated. If you undertook to evaporate the alcohol, you\'d be vaporizing mones as well.

    Oscar [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  12. #12

    Default Re: Different Concentration.

    I don\'t doubt that there are stronger Nol concentrations. There are so many products I\'ve never used and my reports are basically just for people curious about IR because I have been field-testing their stuff for so long. I don\'t really know whose product is best/strongest but the results I\'ve reported really did happen and I believe Boobster\'s did too. As far as the Primal/Super Primal goes, I am nearly certain they are the same stuff, but I think I know where to get the answer on that one. If I do, I will post the info here. The chem set nol sounds quite interesting ... later, Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  13. #13

    Default Re: What is a good IR colonge for young men aged 1

    OK just got off the phone with my main contact at IR. Primal and Super Primal ARE THE EXACT SAME PRODUCT and the difference is only in the size of the bottle. Therefore if $ is the issue, then the smaller bottle is fine. I am still not clear on whether the Cool Scent currently offered is the same stuff that got me my hits, but at least one forum member reported encouraging results with it ... later Cuddles

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