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  1. #1

    Default The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    OK, I think I\'ll do this a little at a time since I have been using and experimenting with IR products for 7 years. Some of my beach escapades have already been reported in the thread \"Oh My Gosh, I Found Heaven On A Stick\". But many of you are not in beach territory so some indoor sports. It is easier to get attention in closed quarters such as a library then it is to get results in a large mall. This is because of dispersion of the scent. In order to have enough on you to attract that hottie a few yards from you, you would have to have enough on to choke the one right next to you. But at the library, especially at the computers, you can sit real close, have one on either side of you and also in front and back of you. So what works at the library? In my experience \"Force\" has done well. It is a manly scent IMO and it has caused women to initiate conversation with me when I wasn\'t even facing in their direction. Very flattering. I have noticed on many occasions that women will start twitching in the pelvic area just like they did at the beach and it is in some cases totally obvious that they are turned on. They become very responsive to anything I might say even if it isn\'t particularly profound. I recommend Force for closed quarters. It is not too strong but it gets the word out so to speak. For the mall, a perfect candidate is Cool Scent sold here on Love Scent. I have gotten incredible results with cool scent. One girl got a whiff of that, forgot where she was and started to finger herself, then she realized where she was and regained composure. Oh well. One caveat: This must be the original Cool Scent. I guess I will have to buy a few bottles from Love Scent to make sure they are the right stuff. Cool scent works in the mall because it is comprised of Peppermint and Spearmint and the scent travels without being annoying when you get close. It is also recommended to spike with Primal Concentrate. By the way Primal Concentrate used to have Alcohol/Androstenol on the label .. it was changed to Alcohol/Pheromone but it\'s the same stuff. Or since there\'s a Nol Concentrate sold on Love Scent maybe use that. OK, I hope that will do for a start, there\'s so much more ... later, Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  2. #2

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    Wow, sorry about the long paragraph! That IS hard to read! I\'ll do better next time ... Oh by the way, you DEFINITELY want to go with Cool Scent for the 18-23 crowd. Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  3. #3
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    i\'m sold [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]. hey give us stats on u.

  4. #4

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    Stats on me. OK. And this will really prove that the stuff works because to look at me you would never believe I\'d get the attention. I live in Florida, I am 45 (and get mucho attention from women 1/2 that age or even younger without trying, with the pheros that is), I am only 5\'9\" weigh something like 150, haven\'t worked out in who knows how long, have medium brown hair and am hardly the hunk type. I will post later about what seems to work with women 40 and over. Oh what the heck, I\'ll do it now. Peru Balsam EO mixed with Primal Concentrate Oil Base gets me grabbed by women that age. Anyway, those are my stats. If this stuff can get me girls, then, hey ... later Cudddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  5. #5
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    what type of mones are in it? is it nol? how concentrated?

  6. #6

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    Hey not sure about the concentration but it\'s all Nol. I don\'t think IR uses anything but Nol in their products. It may not be the strongest Nol stuff out there but it has worked enough times so that I have had a truckload of experiences. I have reported but a tiny fraction so far ...

  7. #7
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    does any know if the cool scent sold here at is the same one were talking about? Bruce?

  8. #8
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    Yes, it the same cool scent sold here. Some IR products cost between $39 and $69 bucks like Force, The Roman, Millennium 2000, Hoops, Dark Continent because they have 2 to 3 times more NOL in them then the small Cologne\'s like Cool Scent and Jasmine Love.

  9. #9

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    Peru Balsam EO ? Is this also an IR product ? Didn\'t see it listed.

  10. #10

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    No. Peru Balsam is an essential oil. As to the Cool Scent issue, IR had 2 versions of Cool Scent because they outsourced for their cologne scents at one time. My success has been with the ORIGINAL Cool Scent. It smells minty almost like mouthwash. And works like a charm. Better than a charm.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    hi cuddlebear i am amazed with the cool scent story, if only i could have a hit like that, just a few questions when u were getting hits with the cool scent were spiking it with the primal concentrate or using it alone because i been to the I R website and the stuff is well expensive and is the cool scent a good one for using in pubs and clubs also besides shopping malls, i really feel like getting this stuff, also do u still use their products and are they the best pheromone products u have tried, sorry for all the questions i jus wanna get some that [censored]

    hope to here more of ur storys

    many thanks


  12. #12

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    Cool Scent was spiked with the Primal Concentrate in my case. I see no reason why it couldn\'t be very successful in bars/clubs since it disperses well. And hey DO NOT APOLOGIZE FOR ASKING ME LOTS OF QUESTIONS, we are here for each other! I will answer every question anyone has that I have an answer for. And yes many more stories forthcoming. I can\'t swear that IR is THE best because there are so many I haven\'t tried, but they certainly have created results for me that would have been absolutely impossible and un-dreamed-of previously. Later, Cuddles

  13. #13

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    yo waht up
    i just ordered love scent\'s COOL SCENT from IR.
    what can you tell me about that? should i mix it with NPA? i\'m in college and i wanted to get laid more than i usually do.

  14. #14

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    I mixed it with IR\'s Primal Concentrate, a nol solution. Mix with concentrated nol or something else as long as it\'s unscented. I would not mix with a scented product. Women seem to like the smell of Cool Scent, Primal Concentrate does not alter the scent.

  15. #15

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    well all i got is NPA, APC, SOE and now COOL SCENT

    so what can i do with all that stuff?

  16. #16

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    Well SOE is scented so I would leave that out, at least the first time. Women like the cool scent so much that you don\'t want to mess too much with the scented stuff. The other two are none products and although I do use a none product I have found that I can get the most incredible results with nol only. Any additional unscented is probably OK but the minty smell of Cool Scent seems to do it all on its own. Oh another tip for everybody, applying pheromone right above your lip in moustache area helps distribute mones cuz your breathing on it every few seconds ... if she\'s cute you\'re breathing heavily ... hope this helped [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Cuddles

  17. #17

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    does cool scent contain NOL? what\'s in it?

  18. #18

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    OK, here I am to mess things up a bit, as usual:

    I just visited the IR site. Correct me if I\'m wrong, but I didn\'t manage to find any statement about the type of pheromone used by IR, neither about the concentration, only those \"three times more concentrated than...\", \"contains twice the concentration...\". Cuddlebear said that in the bottle of the Primal concentrate there used to be written Alcohol/Androstenol, but now it has changed... Those who are interested in buying these colognes should IMHO take their time to mail IR and ask them what (and how much) is in their products.

    Moreover, I didn\'t hear lots of success stories about these colognes (probably also because they are not-so-widely popular between the forum people): cuddlebear, are you sure you kept count of your personal charme factor? You said that you\'re not enthusiastic about your physical appearance, but if you have a magnetic charme I guess that you are going to get those hits anyway, with or without a spiked cologne.

    Cuddlebear: please note that I\'m not 100% skeptic about IR; if those light phero concentration colognes (Cool Scent and its brothers) did the job, they would be a cheap solution for everyone... Thanks for your reports, keep submitting details!

    Edit: aren\'t those little coloured bottles that I can see on the homepage the SPMOs? I recognized my Musk Oil... Now I know where they are from!

  19. #19

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    Cool Scent does contain nol in small quantities but adding Primal Concentrate increases the Nol component and I recommend it. And to Nimbus this forum contains everyone\'s opinion and that\'s why it\'s so great. But the results I am reporting with IR products are very real and there\'s lots more. Some people may not have done as well with IR and they need to post too so we all learn from it. But my personal charm didn\'t get me any of this before I discovered IR. I also need to try the many products that you all talk about that I know nothing about. But IR alone has given me things I never would have seen ... More later, Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  20. #20

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    What was your PC / PB EO mix that worked so well ? It worked for you under different situations or only specific ones ?

    Where did you get your Peru Balsam EO ... the Aromaland site?

  21. #21

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    I have a natural food store out here that sells essential oils as aromatherapy. Peru Balsam is made by many companies including Aura Cacia and is one of the less expensive EOs. I don\'t have an exact mix but the amount of EO needed is very small .. only a few drops because it is extremely concentrated. To make a larger amount you can first mix Primal Concentrate oil with some Jojoba Oil then add a few drops of Peru Balsam. I\'m sorry I don\'t have exact figures but they must not be too critical cuz this mix gets me grabbed in elevators and stuff mostly by older women but it also caused a young model friend of mine to go completely ape at work. Another woman at work saw her and said and I quote \"her stuff itches ... \" Embarrassing but further proof! Also I wanted to add that I agree completely with Nimbus that type of mone and concentration should be included in ads and IR is notorious for not doing that. It is nol though it used to be plainly indicated on Primal Concentrate bottles.

  22. #22

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    hey cuddlebear, i know IR colognes work, jsut their dark continent cologne alone got me laid....i would rather keep it a secret though

  23. #23

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    is darkcontinent worth ordering? that stuff is all real expensive

  24. #24

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    Dark Continent is certainly good stuff, it worked big time for Boobster! But if it\'s too expensive you might start with one of the less expensive/lower concentration colognes. Does depend on where you\'re going to be when you\'re wearing it, though ... Cuddles

  25. #25

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    What did you use as the base for the Primal Concentrate? I\'m on the verge of buying it but it\'s pretty pricey. Can you recommend any specific alternate products I could use in its place? I\'m very new to the pheromone scene... this will be my first purchase.

  26. #26

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    Depends on what you are mixing it with. I use alcohol base to mix with colognes and oil base to mix with essential oils. Alternative would probably be nol concentrate. I\'m pretty sure that they have one on this site. If you are using Primal Concentrate by itself either oil or alcohol is OK, but I usually don\'t do this because I usually need some kind of scent with it and Primal Concentrate is odorless. A couple of times it did work with just Primal Concentrate but that;s when it was really hot and I was sweating bullets. Later, Cuddles [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  27. #27
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    -nol products shouldn\'t really be that expensive, either there is something else in them or its a rip off. Unless the more expensive versions have a concentration aproaching PI/w of course.

  28. #28

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    OK a few updates. I just talked to my contact with IR and the scoop is PRIMAL CONCENTRATE and SUPER PRIMAL CONCENTRATE ARE THE EXACT SAME THING. Super primal is just a \"super-sized\" version kind of like a large fry. SPC is not stronger. New IR products that probably aren\'t on the website are Malibu (OK in my opinion but I don\'t think I\'ll be using it), Sin City & Rush (haven\'t tried either yet). I know it\'s been a while since I posted any new stories but I\'ll get to it, I promise, and guys, anyone who is using IR based on my info, please report back, I want to know if your results are similar.

  29. #29
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    I just tried a mix of 1 chem kit Nol: 4 Cool Scent. It smells really good. I’ve never had satisfying results with straight Nol, but I’ll give it a shot.

    I’ve had some great results mixing 1 Rone: 3 A1 : 4 None : 12 Nol : 20 Jasmine Love and a touch of Oshadi Jasmine.

    I’ve also tried 1NPA : 6 Cool Scent and thought it smelled pretty bad.

  30. #30

    Default Re: The IR Chronicles (One Man\'s Story)

    The first one you mentioned, the Chem Kit Nol/Cool Scent combo, that sounds like the closest to what I\'ve been using. Cool Scent has given me incredible results so I have to recommend it and I usually say spike it with Primal Concentrate but Chem Kit Nol should be the same if not stronger. Let me know how that one works for you.

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