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Thread: Weight

  1. #1
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Weight

    Ok I have a problem. I have a few extra pounds I have been trying to loose, but no matter how much I work out or diet I can\'t get rid of them. The thing is, I can go one day without dieting or exercise, and even eating the smallest meals, I\'ll probably put on one pound. It seems like I don\'t even have a metabolism or something. It\'s very easy to put on pounds for me in a short period of time. Is this a hereditary thing? I really could use some advice on what to do, I\'m losing hope in ever getting rid of these extra pounds.

    - Krish

  2. #2

    Default Re: Weight

    Dr. Atkins diet is incredibly effective. Dr. Atkins\' ideas challenge how we\'ve been taught to eat, that\'s for sure -- your first reaction to the diet may be \"That can\'t possibly be good for you,\" but the rise of obesity and diabetes is starting to make people realize that all the carbs we eat maybe are not so good for us -- and in any case, it\'s worse for your health to be overweight than it is to eat low carbs for awhile. You WILL lose weight, and fast, on it, while never having to be hungry while you\'re losing the weight. If not Dr.Atkins, The Zone, or any other low-carb diet works. Oh - assuming you\'re not a vegetarian. It would not work for a vegetarian -- I don\'t think the vegetables you\'re allowed would combine to form complete proteins. You have to be a carnivore to do that diet.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Weight

    LOW CARB. simple as that. On low carb diets fat gets burned muscle mass is preserved. low fat/low calorie diets burn some fat and a good amount of muscle. so your metabolism goes down and well now your ice skating up hill and your bound to fall. low fat/low calorie diets are complete BULL SH_T. If you have been doing those diets its no wonder you have no metabolism. you have to feed your metabolism. Think of your metabolism as a camp fire. If you throw leaves, twigs, and cut up pieces of logs on to it first it will grow hotter. You make it grow hotter by contining to throw these size portions on it at reg. intervals. Now imagine you stop or worst you come by and throw a redwood on your fire. It dies out. So fed your \"fire\" at regular intervals throughout the day. Don\'t starve yourself and don\'t binge eat (eat the marjority of your calories for a day at a single sitting). As far as exercise goes, it should mostly be free weights and calesthetics. Challege your muscles and your metabolism will grow even more. You can do some cardio just don\'t over do it. Atkins diet is great. Give it five years and all atkins will say is \"I told you so\". The guy has been telling us for years about low carb (since the 60\'s) and he is finally (in SMALL increments) getting recogination. BTW if your thinking that this diet is by for heart (which could not be futher from the truth) just remember that Dr.Atkins is NOT a diet guru he is in fact a cardiologist. Thats right. This diet will also help protect you againist type-2 diabetes (which BTW used to be called adult onset diabetes until children started to get it -- and guess who eats more chips, soda, and candy????????). On atkins I feel like I can karate kick through a damn wall. It is that great.

    FTR if you still got some of those PM\'s i sent you about diets and stuff please post him. I don\'t feel like typing all that again. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    Default Re: Weight

    Yes, of course --soon as I can tomorrow. I can\'t from this machine. But happy to help in any way I can.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Weight

    IMO low carb diets are total BS (most diets for that matter. Most diets just look for something to blame the whole fact of being fat on, then just selecting that out. The bad thing is that some tend to take out one of the essential substances in foods: e.g. low carb). Just eat high quality foods, make sure you get the RIGHT fats. Chew good and long! You\'ll be amazed at how much you can eat when you chew bad, and how \"liitle\" when you chew good!

    Carbs are THE best fuel for your body! (unless you consume it as saccharose (sugar). Get your carbs from whole grains!)

    Guess I\'m a bit lucky, too! I put on weight pretty hard. Sometimes when I see obese or even just slightly overweight people, it makes me wonder what they had to do to be become that way. I just would not be able to do it! (yes I would! If I were to eat nothing but junk and fatty foods then I would be able to do it. But with my \"diet\" of eating just as much healthy foods as I desire, it would be impossible for me to become that way. My conclusion is that getting fat is not only a case of quantity, but even more importantly, QUALITY!)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Weight

    damn how i hate to hear people want to lose weight! give me all the fat in the world! i would do anything to weight at least 20 pounds more! i lost 37 pounds in a month without trying it, and it gave me one more reason to be depressed about. could you tell me what to do to BECOME overweight?


  7. #7

    Default Re: Weight

    no kidding...i\'d like to put on about 20 lbs!!!! help me gain weight!

  8. #8
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    Another vote here for lowcarb (it works and is healthful if done correctly, do your research), but if you don\'t want to eat that way at least get rid of all processed foods if you can. Eat food as close to nature as you can get, for health. Nuts are very healthful for those of you who want to gain, they have extra calories and beneficial fats. I could go on, but I\'m short of time right now. Just wanted to add my .02.

  9. #9
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Weight

    tom arnold has a book out called \"how i lost 5 pounds in 6 years\" lol.

  10. #10
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    maxidog -- you have never been fat so shut up. But its not your fault -- you have been force fed the same crap advice that everyone else has. But there is hope. Low fat diets are for the birds. Some people are geneticly (actually most people are -- because certain people several hundred years agos survivied the times better and contributed more to our gene pool) more senstive too the effects of dietry carbs (especially sucrose and fructose -- insulin side effects). Now I agree that the type of fat is important but the only fat that should not be eaten at all is Trans fats. Also known hydrogented fats. So eat plently of unsaturated and saturated fats. Those are natural fats your body can properly metabolize.

    Now gaining weight (muscalar weight) I would suggest you eat plenly calories and weight lift. Feel free to eat lots of carbs because you can obviously handle it -- just make sure they are mostly low glycemic (complex carbs as oposed to sugars) Especailly fats. Some good foods --
    Cottage Chesse
    All Nautral Peanut Butter
    Red Meat
    Any meat for that matter (just avoid sodium nitrates -- hot dogs and other processed lunch meats and anything breaded and deep fried -- KFC)

    People dietry carbohydrate cumsumption has drasticly increaded over the past one hundred years. Soda has become popular and chips and other [censored] that we shouldn\'t eat are now common place. And to compound the problems the governments of the western world -- especially U.S. -- have told people \"FAT makes you FAT\" and so we replace it with guess what....carbs. I do not blame obesity on a single factor. Lots things play role. Lack exercise and Diet are the 2 main factors. The mainstream medical establishments says that for diet low fat/high carb bull and lots of cardio. But if you live the states take a look around at all the obese people. Take a look at stats. on diabetes and heart problems. How could our gene pool get so polluted so quick???? It is not our gene pool that has drastically changed over the past 100 years, it is our food supply combined with moderization. That is what has changed.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Weight

    krtel -

    I had put on five pounds - my parents were here and we feast when we\'re together - I took off four just last week by going back on the induction phase, without hunger. You can easily lose 16 pounds in a month.

    Let us know how you do.



  12. #12
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Weight

    Thanks FTR [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    - Krish

  13. #13
    Phero Pro
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    if you throw in some exercise (especially weight lifting) then 16 pounds is a very conservative estimate. kretel, how much weight do u plan to lose?

  14. #14
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Weight

    I am trying to lose 30 pounds. :\\

    - Krish

  15. #15
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Weight

    tell me what your diet was like while gaining these unwanted 30 pounds?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Weight

    You can definitely do it. Proceed, and just consider it done, \'cause it\'s gonna happen.

  17. #17
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Weight

    Well I was like really young. I didn\'t care about my apperance or anything. I ate tons of junk food, and I mean TONS. I was so stupid, now that I actually care about apperance I\'m stuck.

    - Krish

  18. #18
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Weight

    Thanks for the kind words of inspiration. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] I hope so! hehe.

    - Krish

  19. #19
    Phero Pro
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    Default Re: Weight

    don\'t worry. DO ATKINS. Go out buy his book, and read it. The title is \"Dr. Atkin\'s New Diet revoultion\". You should lose that weight in 2-2.5 months tops. In the mean time NO SUGARS NO STARTCHES.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Weight

    You don\'t even have to read the book - the information on the website is enough. Do you know what a carbohydrate is? That\'s the critical thing. It amazes me how many people don\'t.

    Definitely, if you stick to it, in two months, that weight will be off.

  21. #21
    Phero Pro
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    well I have read the book and he talks about how it works and goes into stuff about trans fats and vitimians. He also gives low carb receipes. But the acutal diet is quiet simple. Just remember that fiber is consider a carb but since it has no impact on blood sugar levels (you actually can\'t get any calories from it either) you can eat as much fiber as you want(and atkins recommends you eat a good amount especially at the begging while your body acclmates to the new diet). The problem is that most foods with good amounts of fiber come with at least some sugar or startches. A good example is an apple. A good size red apple has about 20 grams sugars. On the induction phase (which is the begging phase where the weight loss occurs -- there are 4 total phases) you are allowed 20 grams of carbs a day. Don\'t waste those 20 grams of carbs on white bread or sweets. Use it on a good size salad or an apple. Something with some fiber or vitiams in it. Also metamucil or another fiber supplement is pretty good (just make sure it is sugar free). You will be surprised when u go shopping for food how much crap there is and how little real food there is.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Weight

    Apples are pretty high carb, for Atkins. I say use your carbs on green leafy vegetables. If you don\'t like salad, eat spinach, kale, brussel sprouts, bok choy - leafy greens that you can eat hot as side dishes. You really have to watch it on induction phase. A piece of sugarless gum has 4 carbs. One packet of Equal has 1 carb. (He recommends Splenda, btw --apparently it messes with your blood sugar less, and aspartame is getting some bad press anyway.) You can get to 20 carbs before you\'ve even thought about it. Sugarless Metamucil has 5 grams of carbs per teaspoon. Some people have problems with constipation on Atkins but I never have - bought the Metamucil just in case when I first went on it, and it\'s still sitting on the shelf. You can eat a lot of green leafy vegetables and get plenty of fiber and not need it. Drink lots of water, that also helps. He says no caffeine but I\'ll be damned -- I can\'t live without coffee and tea -- count carbs in your cream -- it can\'t be milk anymore, and definitely not non-dairy creamer. If you don\'t drink water, cold herbal teas, Diet Rite soda (not Diet Coke, because it\'s sweetened with aspartame). The other thing is condiments. Mustard\'s not bad, full-fat mayonnaise is fine, but ketchup adds carbs, so there\'s another place you can waste your allowance. Ditto pickle relish. Tuna with mayo is fine for lunch (no bread) but watch your pickle relish --at 4 grams per tablespoon, it\'s expensive. You\'re better off with olives or a little dill weed and onion. If you opt for salads, chose the full-fat dressings. The low-fat dressings make up for the fat loss with extra sugar - they\'re very high carb. You\'ll have to switch your tastebuds to salty rather than sweet, because there\'s not much sweet on Atkins. Except sugar free Jello. Which will also satisfy a craving for fruit -- well, it will calm it, anyway. If your taste buds get bored, hot is a way to keep yourself entertained - jalapenos, tabasco, etc.Eat all you want of meat, fish, poultry, eggs, butter, cheese. You can have a three egg omelet with cheese, fried in butter, for breakfast, all the tuna with real mayonnaise you can eat for lunch, or, like, a big cheeseburger with no bun, half a chicken for dinner, with a salad or some kind of green leafy vegetable, and you\'ll lose weight and you won\'t be hungry. Hard boiled eggs are good snacks.

  23. #23
    Phero Pro
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    when I was on the induction phase the major things I did were stop eating things very high in carbs (pototoes, bread, pasta, rice). I drastically cut back my ketcup consumption. I was very active so I was able to get away with things like relish, and the occsinal apple and still get into ketosis. But green leafy veggies are the best choice.

  24. #24
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    Get married. That seems to work for most men.

  25. #25
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Weight

    LOL! Comic Relief is good for the health. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    - Krish

  26. #26
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    another good book to read is Protein Power by the Eades. I think they explain things almost better than Atkins does. But the Atkinscenter website is pretty good.

    Krtel, you can easily lose 30 lbs in 2 months on lowcarb. Men do really well on it, because you really don\'t have to limit portions so much as you do carbs. Then maintenance is pretty painless; you just add back in some of the carbs to maintain your loss (keeping away from the junk food of course [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif[/img])

  27. #27
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Weight

    Yeah, thanks a lot. What do you think of Metabolife\'s Carb Supressor? It claims to control your urge for carbs.

    - Krish

  28. #28
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    Hi, Krish...I think elimination of carbs (for a period of time, not forever) is the best remedy for controlling that urge for carbs. Most processed carbs turn straight to sugar in the body, and sugar is an addictive substance, for most of us. Try an almost carb free existence just for a few days, or at least a week (induction is supposed to be 2 weeks but it is not written in stone). Then add in a (large) quantity of veggies to stay healthy and you\'ll be hooked. Do read the books or go the atkins website though. ***Drink water****.

    After 2 years of lowcarb, sugar literally makes me sick, although I do eat bread occasionally (high fiber wholegrain), because I like it. Going lowcarb weans a person from the addiction. Sorry if I sound like a fanatic, but I am. The first few days are the hardest, but I think you can do it.

    by all means, try the carb suppressor if you like, but I think most of those types of tools are unnecessary.

    good luck!!

  29. #29
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Weight

    We have the same situation I keept exercising but for some reason I could not burn fats or it keeps on coming back. Yes, I think the problem is metabolism. I have tried everything to loose weight, I even tried the Atkins diet but it seem I am getting more weaker using this method. I do need carbo for the reason I run and lift weights.

    Because of my age, being 39 years old, I figured out that its tough for me to loose weight without increasing my metabolism even at rest. I have been taking Vitamin B complex , C and E. So far its doing perfect for me. At the same time I\'ve been taking \"Green Tea\" which is also good for the body.

    I am not endorsing these Vitamins. Go see and ask your Doctor whats best for you.

  30. #30
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Do you have ADD? Amphetamines worked for me, prescribed legally for my ADD of course. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    l-carnitine, choline/inositol, citrimax, chromium polynicotinate, and pyruvate combined would be good.

    limit simple carbs. protein supplement.

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