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Thread: Weight

  1. #31
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Weight

    No I don\'t have a.d.d. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img] Thanks for the tips.

    - Krish

  2. #32
    Phero Enthusiast PHP 87's Avatar
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    Default Re: Weight

    On March 11th 2002, I weighed in at 250 lbs.
    On the same day, I started the Atkins diet.
    Today, November 17th, 2002 I weigh 181 lbs.

    I have more energy than ever, need less sleep, and my blood pressure, heart rate and bad cholestorol levels are all down.

    I average about 30 grams of Carbs a day, mostly from vegetables.

    The rest of my diet is Protien and Fat.

    I eat Bacon, Eggs, Ham, Turkey, Steak, Chicken, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cheese, Pork Rinds, Salads etc...

    I never go hungry or feel deprived.

    You don\'t need Carbs for energy or for anything else.

    Eskimos live almost exclusively off of Whale Meat and they do fine.

    I suggest people educate themselves on how Carbs and Sugar effect Insulin levels and cause weight gain.

  3. #33
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    What’s this about insulin levels?

    My weight’s fine, but I do eat a lot of grains and fruits. I thought this was supposed to be good for me.

  4. #34

    Default Re: Weight

    The realization is that surges in your insulin levels cause problems in all your organs and contribute to heart disease, premature aging, I don\'t know what all else. Dr. Atkins has always said this. The main thing is to keep your insulin level stable as much as possible. Eating in such a way as to make it spike, let it drop, spike it up again is very bad for your health -- contributes to diabetes and heart disease, two of the biggest killers. The easiest way to keep your insulin stable is to avoid carbohydrates, meaning starches, sweets, alcohol, almost any processed food. He advocates instead a diet high in protein, fats and dairy products, with some non-starchy vegetables. It turns out that eating this way, because it keeps blood sugar stable, not only makes people lose weight, but actually keeps them healthier, including their cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

    I think the idea would be to use the \"graze\" pattern of eating if you eat whole grains, fruits, other non processed carbohydrates, so that you should eat something about every three hours at least. As long as you don\'t let your blood sugar drop, and then spike it, as most of us tend to ... go without breakfast, have a doughnut and coffee with sugar at midmorning, get busy and skip lunch, eat junk from the vending machine to make up for it ... with the pattern of starve, then eat sugar, or food that instantly converts to sugar, as do simple starches. Very hard on your system.

  5. #35
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    the best ways to improve your insulin senstivity (which is a good thing) is to eat a diet low in sugars and startches and weight lift. After doin this for a while go a eat a candy bar and see how you feel. Feel the sugar crash. I did it after about 2 months of atkins and man. I had to sleep for 20 mins, I could not help it.

  6. #36

    Default Re: Weight

    A lot of vague ailments go away when you stop eating carbs. No more wheat or mold allergies to deal with in bread and yeast products. No more sweets to spike your sugar and give you headaches. All of a sudden you have sustained energy and feel well most of the time. It\'s pretty amazing. You have to get past the first few days and let your body adjust. But after that, you really feel good.

  7. #37
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    yeah i have another diet that is cycling ketogenic genic (similar to atkins but more for bodybuilders) and the author of that book believes that the first week on a low carb diet your body undergoes a metabolic shift from a carb-burning machine to a fat burning machine. You have seriously more engergy on a low carb diet because fat is 2.25 times more calorically dense than carb. So next time someone tells you \"eat carbs for engery\" tell them take your head out your a$$ (or as they say in scottland \"arse\")

  8. #38
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    the latest news, just today....lowcarb rules!!

  9. #39
    Phero Enthusiast PHP 87's Avatar
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    Default Re: Weight

    Yeah, I don\'t miss the \"Carb Coma\'s\"

    Eating Pizza or something similar for lunch and I would be through for the rest of the day.

    Now, I have tons of energy.

  10. #40
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    Default Re: Weight

    I just saw on msnbc ( i think) and they had a ANA guy (atkins nutritional approach) and a traditional dietician debating on there. The traditional dietician was basically regritiating that same old BS they always do.

    Recently there was a study done at duke university and they found people lose weight better on atkins diet. Atkins is finally starting to get a LITTLE recogination. On the program they said that ANA should have been scientifically studied a genertaion ago -- and it should have been. If it was then a lot of people\'s weight \"problems\" would have been nipped in the bud.

    Another thing that burns me about the tradtional weight loss community is that they don\'t understand (probably didn\'t even bother to learn) the structure of the atkins diet. For example they say people don\'t get enough fiber on his diet, yet ATKINS says in his book that fiber is good for you and you should eat plenty of it, especially in the form of green leafy viggies. I can\'t believe that educated people could acutally try to pass such blanentlly fallcious reasoning off in a patheitic attempt to discredit a man who is making actual progress in the battle of the bulge.

  11. #41

    Default Re: Weight

    Passing another secretary in the hall, she asked if I\'d see \"all the stuff on Atkins\" last night on tv. I said I hadn\'t, what was said? She said after 30 years, the medical community is finally starting to listen.
    It amazes me how all this time, Dr. Atkins did studies and wrote papers and has proof -- and some smart aleck dietician or general practitioner will be interviewed on tv and go off on theory about why it can\'t be good for you and it doesn\'t \"teach you how to eat\" (Weight Watchers\' hype - WW is expensive - Atkin\'s is free, btw) blah de blah de blah. Meanwhile, whose tryglycerides and cholesterol are down? Who\'s losing weight and feeling good? The Atkins dieter. 30 years now he\'s been patiently reiterating. It\'s advice that could have saved a generation. I swear, everybody I know has diabetes. Or high blood lipids.

  12. #42
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Weight

    Low carb high protein diet is essential we are both plant and animal matter eaters. We need all and a wide spread, protein supplies long term energy (essential) carbs provide a short term hit (less essential as the protein works away in the background)

    Vitamins for system consumption and functioning iron and zinc in men given the testostrone nature we have.
    Folate and B12 in women and iron as they produce more ostrogen/couplins therefore they need other raw ingredients.
    Water especially to flush out and remove toxins.

  13. #43
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    \"Recently there was a study done at duke university\"
    The news report also mentioned that the study was funded by the Atkins Foundation. FWIW!!

  14. #44
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    so they footed the bill, ?????. but people at duke university did the actual test. Besides I have done atkins and lost considerable weight. My stength has imporved a lot. I know because I lift weights and guage my strength and try to max out with a least one lift every workout. I know a silician guy who has always owed an itialian resturant(and therefore was always eathing lots of breads, and pasta). He used to weigh a little over 300 pounds on a 6\'2\" frame. Went on atkins and lost about 80 pounds. FWIW the study said there are more long term studies in the works. The article also says that a couple of other studies presented to the *great* <extreme saracasm> AHA about ANA say the same thing: People lost weight better on atkins, and blood profile levels improve. besides with all the people who are trying to discredit atkins without actually putting his diet ideas to the test, how is he suppose to get funding for a thrid party to objectively test and prove his diet?????????????????

  15. #45
    Phero Enthusiast PHP 87's Avatar
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    Default Re: Weight

    There\'s usually 2 opionions when it comes to Atkins:

    People either Love it, or they Bash it.

    And in almost every case, the people who Love it have tried it and lost weight, and the people who Bash it haven\'t.

  16. #46

    Default Re: Weight

    Yes, that\'s the truth. The people who bash it have not tried it. And often, even, the people on tv or in articles who talk against it have not read any studies on it, read the book, don\'t have any solid information. They knee-jerk react because the diet is higher in fat than popular opinion would have you believe is good for you, and they go off on \"it *can\'t* be good for you\" without looking at the data or having any first hand experience.

  17. #47
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    The only reason I pointed out the funding was because I\'m concerned about the objectivity of the results. Sort of like the studies that showed that smoking wasn\'t addictive--funded by the tobacco companies.
    I hold no opinion either way on the diet as I\'ve always had the exact opposite problem, I have to stuff myself or I loose weight (and a skinny male gets less respect than a \"large\" woman 8<( ).

  18. #48

    Default Re: Weight

    lol Carbs are a good source energy, but unless your working out, playing sports or really active you don\'t need alot of carbs. As far as the atkins diet goes everyone i know whos tried it has had great results compared to any other diet they have tried. The excess carbs that you eat are stored as fat. So to lose weight it really boils down to burning more calories aday than you consume. Weight training can increase your muscle mass. increasing your BMR, your metabolic weight when your really not doing anything. So you decrease the carbohydrates your body uses the stored fat for energy. its like a snowball effect the longer you do it the better the results. I live in atlanta and ended up becoming friends with a perfessional trainer affiliated with many professional wrestlers , power lifters and body builders. Though it wasn\'t the atkins diet, I cut down on Carbs, started some high rep weight training 12 reps 3 sets.
    i went from a flabby 165, to a ripped out 150. I know some of the women on this forum can vouch for that! God now i go to the beach the women approach me when they see my abs. chest, muscle tone is very attractive to women. Anyhow i learnt more from people who had already been there and made the transformation at Golds Gym. Bottom line is theres a reason you lose fat on a low carb diet, once you lose that fat eat healthy and you don\'t put back on the weight. LOL i just had to say something i read this post saying low carm diets were BS and it like someone just throught out that comment when they were really uninformed on the subject. My best advice to anyone is read up on your goal and go to fitness sites, gyms and people who have seen results. Because honestly you can\'t believe someone who has never had to lose weight. I think some people this forum is the only place they can voice there opnion and advice to others even if its totally wrong!

  19. #49
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    \"i went from a flabby 165, to a ripped out 150.\"

    How tall are you?

  20. #50

    Default Re: Weight

    5 10 but my frames not huge so my muscle size is good proportionate to my bones. Lets put it this way i went from a size 36 waist to 30. I had to start over on my wardrobe,lol.

  21. #51
    Phero Pro
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    I went from a flabby 200 to about 180 on atkins alone. A good portion was abdominal fat (I measured). I am 5\'10\". Then I started weight lifting again and I hovered around 175 ever since. That was over a year ago. I have seriously changed my body compostion (hell my sister\'s BF asked me if I juice up). My personal goal is to weigh about 200 solid pounds. I personally think that the more you exercise the more carbs you can tolerate. And if you time it right an insulin surge can be anabolic. But after doin atkins and weight lifting you become more efficent at pumping out insulin and for me it takes about 40-50 grams of sugar to produce that insulin surge.

  22. #52
    Phero Dude xxxPantero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Weight

    well, as far as women and weight go.............

    i remember that in high school, there was this girl who was short and very chubby, but she had the most beautiful face. normally in my high school, the guys only went for the slim girls. but this girl carried herself so sexily, and wasn\'t ashamed about her body, that it made her so freaking sexy! she was the hottest thing since microwaveable meals. i think there\'s a lesson to be learned in there somewhere.

    \"unfortunately for us humans, what is pleasing to the touch is not always what is pleasing to the eye\" - who said that? was it on the forum or did i read it elsewhere?

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