Passing another secretary in the hall, she asked if I\'d see \"all the stuff on Atkins\" last night on tv. I said I hadn\'t, what was said? She said after 30 years, the medical community is finally starting to listen.
It amazes me how all this time, Dr. Atkins did studies and wrote papers and has proof -- and some smart aleck dietician or general practitioner will be interviewed on tv and go off on theory about why it can\'t be good for you and it doesn\'t \"teach you how to eat\" (Weight Watchers\' hype - WW is expensive - Atkin\'s is free, btw) blah de blah de blah. Meanwhile, whose tryglycerides and cholesterol are down? Who\'s losing weight and feeling good? The Atkins dieter. 30 years now he\'s been patiently reiterating. It\'s advice that could have saved a generation. I swear, everybody I know has diabetes. Or high blood lipids.