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  1. #1

    Default ~ Like a Dream ~

    Could not ask for more in this life time. It took until the second night but that just made it all the better. In 20 years if by chance she crosses paths with some part of this mix she will look back in great and wild dreamy wonder !
    Oh What A Night ............

    7 parts Gucci Nobile
    3 parts SOE
    1 part PI

    Ghostclown home safe and sound.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: ~ Like a Dream ~

    Details ghost guy, details - some lady you picked up at a bar or what??

  3. #3
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: ~ Like a Dream ~

    Is this the girl who is a virgin ghost? I know you got a lot of heat the last time you were here.

  4. #4
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: ~ Like a Dream ~

    Did you also employ the lolly pop trick?

  5. #5

    Default Re: ~ Like a Dream ~

    Em.... yea it was the virgin, and I just might be the luckiest son of a bitch to ever post to this forum, but now i am becoming way to \"attached\" and some form of crack up
    looks to be in the cards.

    Tell you guys something... Young women who run X-country have Ice skaters asses without the attitude. One in maybe 1000 could be so fine !!!

    I shall never be this lucky again, in this life.


  6. #6
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: ~ Like a Dream ~

    Oh no...You aren\'t the lucky one. Your wife is actually the luckiest woman alive. How wonderful it must be to have a husband as great as you. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    Default Re: ~ Like a Dream ~

    Makes me so f*ckin\' sick.

  8. #8
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: ~ Like a Dream ~

    Yup! He is about as big a pig as they come. Maybe he can have a three way with the virgin and his sister in law.

  9. #9
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: ~ Like a Dream ~

    LOL !!!!!!!! How sad!!!! lmao.

    - Krish

  10. #10

    Default Re: ~ Like a Dream ~

    Ghostclown, I could have lived the rest of my life without ever reading another one of your posts. I SO hoped you were gone for good.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: ~ Like a Dream ~


    This guy is one sick mutha. I\'m almost beginning to feel sorry for him. I was brought up to have compassion for the physically, MENTALLY and EMOTIONALLY challenged but I\'m only human and GC makes me wanna puke.


  12. #12
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pigs, Bee-atches and Hos

    It\'s fine to have different sexual morals, of course, and to disagree with someone\'s sexual morals.

    But I don\'t think this should be a forum for judging someone due to their sexual choices (e.g., extramarital affairs), much less for abusive language. This is a forum wherein open discussion of sexuality is the norm. Moralistic verbal abuse may be open discussion too, but it\'s the kind that kills the rest of it.

    Who nominated any of us as the czar of moral punishment?

    We might look in our own closets first. How many of us has never thought of \"cheating?\" Even if some of us were so nominated, if one cheats with a sister-in-law, does that really make someone a \"pig\" and preserve the rest of us as normal, \"good people\"?

    I\'ve been alive long enough to see that gossip and judgementalism is insecurity and self hate -- trying clumsily to make itself feel powerful and loved, at the expense of others.

    Take it to the Jerry Springer show.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Pigs, Bee-atches and Hos


    Much of what you say is true and an inevitable consequence of the fact that all moral attitudes are based on a personal belief system. I\'m not around this forum often enough to know what GC is referring to but I have seen enough of his posts to know that his actions would not come within my own belief system . I for one am a bit fed up with this man who is obviously relishing the attention he gets here. Other than this post, I will not get involved in a debate with him over \"rights\" and \"wrongs\" since there is little chance in us agreeing how these words are spelt let alone their meaning.

    I fail to see though why this forum should be a platform for his self-gratification.


  14. #14

    Default Re: Pigs, Bee-atches and Hos

    It\'s one thing to be in a loveless marriage where, due to hopelessly comingled funds and the needs of minor children, divorce is not a viable option for either party, so one or both discretely takes a lover. Preferably someone completely unknown to his spouse, outside her social circle, and far enough away that the chances of the two ever meeting are nill. It\'s another thing to set about to f*ck your wife\'s own sister. And then come on a forum to tell the world about it. Failing that, to then give yourself the thrill of debauching a virgin, and come back to tell the forum how like a dream it was, what a great ass she had -- but Oh, guess what? There\'s an emotional attachment forming which could lead to a crack-up of some kind. Well, GEE, who couldn\'t have see that train wreck coming? Not somebody who uses women only for his own ego gratification, can\'t think ahead further than his nose, and doesn\'t care what kind of havoc he wreaks in other people\'s lives as long as he gets his dick wet. And his success in this dubious endeavor was partly due to pheromones! How charming! I\'m sure Bruce is proud. Infidelity is NOT the issue, and my condemnation without apology of his egregious behavior and, further, his adolescent wish to be acknowledged and congratulated for it is not about that. The issue is his emphasis on sexual gratification at any cost. Can you even imagine the grief and sense of betrayal it would have caused his wife if she\'d found out, and the damage it would have done to her entire family, her closest blood ties? If Ghostclown did consider the consequences, in his final analysis, they were not more important than his gratification. He was gleeful about the prospect. Just as he was gleeful about being this woman\'s first partner, knowing he really had nothing to offer her, it being very likely she, at least, would form an attachment -- the set up was perfect for a heartbreak -- but he doesn\'t care. He popped a cherry! It was like a dream! Woo-hoo, boys! Look what I did, and pheromones helped! Am we supposed to sympathize with him because of having ever had an impulse to cheat? I can\'t and won\'t -- an impulse differs from a plan, thoughts differ from actions, and the differences are important. Does it make him a pig a priori because he considered fukking his wife\'s sister? YES, it does. Not that he thought of it. That he actually contrived to undertake it. He\'s a sleazy, criminal, vomitous wretch and I wish he would go away and never come back. I\'m not gossiping -- I\'m saying it aloud, in public. You can say what you like about what you surmise my villification of him to reveal about my own psyche or sense of self-worth; in return, I would caution you not to open your mind so far that your brain falls out. It does not make me feel superior to say that he is bad. Perhaps some self-examination is called for in the matter of sanctimoniousness -- perhaps it makes some people feel superior to adopt a Christlike manner and chastise people for being offended at behavior that can only be termed, at best, offensive. How self-righteous is that? It makes me and many others sick to read Ghostclown\'s posts AND HE KNOWS IT. There are times when disgust and moral indignation are the only appropriate responses, and this is one. If it brings discussion to a halt on this thread, so much the better. His exploits fail to edify.

  15. #15

    Default The Fruit of the Matter

    There is no morality that alone makes moral, and every ethic that affirms itself exclusively kills too much good strength and costs humanity too dearly. The deviants,who are so frequently the inventive and fruitful ones, shall no longer be sacrificed; it shall not even be concidered infamous to deviate from morality. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~

    Your Fruitful Deviant

  16. #16

    Default Re: The Fruit of the Matter

    Quote whoever you like; you\'re a pig.

  17. #17

    Default Re: The Fruit of the Matter

    I 2nd to that

  18. #18
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pigs, Bee-atches and Hos

    Sanctimonious? Christlike? I don\'t know. In Oregon this is probably typical nonjudgementalism. I admit judgementalism pushes my buttons. Maybe it was being raised Catholic. I really don\'t like condemnation. It pisses me off. I don\'t think anybody deserves it. The world needs an absolutely huuuuuge dose of the exact opposite right now. The wars will just keep getting worse without this. Think mushroom clouds. The whole \"squashing the bad guys\" approach will eventually fail in a big way.

    Guess what? It is absolutely impossible to open your mind too much, as long as you\'re capable of thinking! Oh, but your brain might fall out. And the world drops off just past the horizon.

    I don\'t think infidelity or \"debauchery\" will ever kill the planet, however. I think I\'ll go \"debauch a virgin\" myself tomorrow. So what? It\'s OK in our society for an older woman to \"deflower\" a younger man. Even applauded as a sacred ritual in many places. Why not the converse? Who are you to say who has what to offer who? Oh I get it. He\'s married? Oh my God, an affair. They weren\'t even discreet on the other side of town! Well I never! He should get a hooker like a proper God fearin\' cheater.

    Who are you to judge someone for using someone? You\'ve never used anyone? How many men have you slept with? (a rhetorical question only) Had phone sex with? (ditto.) None of these had anything to do with your ego? I\'ve used lots of women, and lots of them have used me. I lost count long ago. I also had a child out of wedlock. All of it was for my ego. I\'m not sure I\'d change a thing. I\'m neither proud nor disgraced. I try to treat people well, to be sensitive and responsible. But I fail often. Live and learn.

    Incidentally, the ghost guy said he\'s worried about getting hurt himself, as he is getting attached, not that the other person might get hurt. Maybe she used him. How do you know? Is there a gossip databank on the web or something?

    Your last post is full of hate, aggression, and rage. You are apparently proud of seeing someone as subhuman. Congratulations. We\'re about ready to take Iraq out and God knows who else in due time, because it\'s so freakin easy to see somebody else as flushable scum.

    Why do someone else\'s mistakes matter so much to you? Aren\'t you busy? If he pushes your buttons, can\'t you just say that? Your post sounds like a prosecuting attorney, in the trial of a lifetime, trying to put away a pedophile.

    We can forgive genocide and environmental destruction easier than blatant infidelity, judging by our reactions to the past few presidents. We live in freakin Springerville.

    People cause each other pain due to their relationship foibles and mistakes. This is the normal lot of human beings, half of which divorce, and half of the rest of which cheat. Is this good? No. And all these types of actions can and do break apart families. I\'ve suffered a loss myself. But making us all into Great Satans is also \"unedifying\". Life goes on and people heal. They learn. And they have scars. It sucks. But there are no Satans, and few pure victims. Thank goodness.

    This person did nothing to you. As far as I know, he simply reported a relatively private fantasy, wish and experience in a sexuality forum. He mistakenly thought it safe to do so. I honestly don\'t recall him attracting much more attention than the other braggards on this forum. I\'ve been one too on at least one occasion. Maybe I missed something. If in fact he has been repeatedly grandstanding, intrusive, demanding attention, and intentionally causing emotional disturbance, I guess that\'s not exactly appropriate either. But jeez, can\'t we just ask him not to do that, or whatever? No one is asking you to \"sympathize\". But calling somebody you don\'t know a \"pig\" (not to mention the other things) for considering blatant infidelity is no different than calling someone a \"Ho\" for it. It\'s abusive. And the dictionary I checked mentioned nothing about \"public vs. behind someone\'s back\" in any of its definitions of \"gossip.\"

  19. #19

    Default Re: Pigs, Bee-atches and Hos

    It appears Ghostclown\'s found himself a champion.

  20. #20
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pigs, Bee-atches and Hos

    A bit of a catty reply? Yes. I\'ll be leading a charging herd of pigs over the hill, fornicating with every virgin we see, and breaking homes willy-nilly. Oh, I get it. Now I \'m just like the \"bad guy\". \"Everybody judge him too!\". Brilliant. And consistent.

    I never said I approved of his actions. That\'s beside the point.

  21. #21
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Pigs, Bee-atches and Hos

    I\'m with you on this one FTR. Guys like him give the good guys a bad impression. *sigh*

    - Krish

  22. #22

    Default Re: Pigs, Bee-atches and Hos

    Good for you! When your wife fucks your brother (your cousin, your best friend) and you are humiliated in the face of your most intimate circle, let me know how it feels. When your little sister loses her virginity to a married man and gets her heart broken, be sure and write. I\'m sure we\'ll all take his side. After all, sh*t happens. God forbid anyone be blamed or asked to take responsibility. Or that anyone be angry at someone else\'s blatant disregard for another\'s emotional well-being. As to how I spend my time ... you\'ve brought this up before, Doc. It is apparently your opinion that I spend too much time on this forum. Fortunately, I don\'t care much about your opinions ... apart from perfumery and pheromones, so far, they don\'t impress me much. But since we\'re on the subject - you\'ve been polishing your response all afternoon. Shall I send you a good book to read, to better occupy your time than defending sociopaths?

  23. #23
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Pigs, Bee-atches and Hos

    I can understand where you\'re coming from on this FTR and others who\'ve said the same, but I reserve judgement (not coz I feel doing so makes me morally superior ) but simply because I am definitely not without \"sin\" - never done anything like this, but I\'m sure I\'ve violated someone\'s morals somewhere sometime everyday of my life so who am I to condemn. And I think we all will get kicked by karma for the wrong we do at some point so....

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Pigs, Bee-atches and Hos

    Cheers & kudos to you Dr., couldn\'t agree with you more.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Pigs, Bee-atches and Hos

    All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. -- Edmund Burke Ohmygod, it gets better -- Pet and DrSmellThis now side with Ghostclown. Hey, great minds think alike. That made my day, I\'m through. lol

  26. #26
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pigs, Bee-atches and Hos

    I don\'t appreciate that suggestion. I would never wish partner infidelity, or seeing one\'s sister hurt by an inconsiderate lover, on anyone. But if it happened to someone I knew I\'d be there for them, and I\'d be pissed. I\'d also try not to judge, as that wouldn\'t really help anybody.

    I did have to experience this in my family a year ago. Long story short: Everybody but a few of us thought the guy was less than dirt (which is way different than being angry and dissaproving) for cheating.

    Now he\'s changed his heart, and is busting his ass to put his family back together. He\'s still a pretty good father, and his wife and kids really wants this badly, but almost no one in the family will support the rebuilding. Their open villification of him may well sabotage the whole thing. I\'m not sure it\'s their right to do so.

  27. #27

    Default Re: Pigs, Bee-atches and Hos

    It\'s appropriate not to forgive sometimes, and it\'s appropriate to shun someone who glories in irresponsibility. You can\'t be on both sides, DrSmellThis. Sometimes you have to take a stand and take the heat for it. And P.S. -- you know good and well that as much as you drive me straight up a wall sometimes, DrSmellThis, if someone hurts you, I come to your defense and give you my sympathy -- I\'ve done it before and will again, in public and in pm\'s.

  28. #28
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Pigs, Bee-atches and Hos

    Actually, I have to side with them as well.. Do I agree with the clown? Hell no. Do I even believe much of what he says? Nope again. I do, however, think he\'s got every right to create the crappy life he seems to be so industriously building for him self, free of verbal harassment or other assorted tongue clucking. If we were building a \"personal life disaster\" cookbook, I\'m sure his would be the first entry. We\'re not though, so I fail to undersand why people get so whipped up by him.

  29. #29
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pigs, Bee-atches and Hos

    There you go again, with the lump-together and judge technique. Very rhetorical! Good luck on your crusade to hunt down and punish the unfaithful.

  30. #30
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pigs, Bee-atches and Hos

    We\'ll just have to disagree on that one, I\'m afraid.

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