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  1. #1

    Default Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    Hey everyone. Just got my Alter Ego in the mail along with the scent of eros packet. (ONLY TOOK ABOUT 4 DAYS QUICK). Anyway this is what happened on day number one. Told like it happened....

    It was on my day off on thursday Nov 7th. I leave heading towards a apartment complex that im trying to move into. I open my mailbox and grab the package and head to a gas station to read and apply my pheromes. I use a little of the gel on my wrist and neck and also the AE on my neck. I already have on Mambo cologne. So now im heading to the apartments to turn in my application. All the way there im thinking how I wasted my money on this bs. Anyway I get there and walk in to the lady trying to sell me the apartment now she is in her mid 30\'s and a pretty tall and attractive black female about 6 ft. And I am a black male about 5\'7 and 25yrs old.

    Anyway I sit down to write out the money orders Im suppose to give her. And the first thing she says is what kind of cologne are you wearing loudly and ask me again. She tells me that it smells sooooo goood. She catches me off guard and I cant think of what to say, so I tell her its called martyre or something like that and I tell her that its from france. Anyway I tell her that I want to look at the apartment again. We leave to do that and she is talking like no other telling me all types of stuff like we have been friends forever. She totally changes and just is so open and friendly. Anyway I give her a card and she tells me to call her back monday...

    So after this im leaving and in shock of what just happened. So I really test it by going to the mall. And when I walk in a fine girl looks at me with a IWANT YOU STARE...I go to buy some coffee and on the way this lady trying to sell massage toys stops me and talks to me and try\'s to sell me this massage toy and shes just a talking and smiling...I get to the coffee shop and its the same way...

    Anyways I leave the mall and head over this girl I know house..I apply a little more pheromes and go to her door...And when I go in and sit down the first thing she says is what kind of cologne are you wearing she says it smells good. 2 in a row and she is diggin me a little. And her mom tells me how good I smell and how Nice looking I look how I dress nice and stuff she says most guys are just thugs...And this girl also has 2 kids both girls. One 4 months who gets upset when i leave to go to the kitchen and a 4 year old hanging on my neck like a leech...

    Prettymuch thats how that day went I think that the pheromes did something to those females....

    The next day I put on some edge and went around some females but didnt get anything... Doesnt work for me...

    next is going to be the club tommorrow night with both AE AND SOE........

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures


    What was the time span between when you applied the pheros at the gas station and the time driving to turn your appartment application in?

    - Krish

  3. #3

    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    when I was at the gas station I put on some SOE and when I arrived maybe 15 minutes later to the apartment complex I put on one drop of AE right on my neck.

  4. #4
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    Thats very interesting. How can you get hits like that so quickly? According to the cookbook, the pheros need a 1 hour charging time. Anyone care to explain?

    - Krish

  5. #5

    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    SoE actually seems to work better that makes sense.

    They talk about \"charging\" time with -none. However, I don\'t think it\'s all that big a deal really. I\'ve used -none products fairly fresh with good results. My theory on the \"charging time\'\" is that a lot of people OD on the -none, and the charging time allows it time to subside a bit to a tolerable level when they go out.

    That\'s my theory anyway.

    Those were some nice first day results. I\'ve had my best results with AE and SoE, they\'re both top notch products. I\'ve only begun using TE with the mini sample that just came with my recent I have no idea how it works for me.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    I didnt know it takes an hour to charge. Just put it on maybe 15 minutes beforehand. I was thinking that If It would work better if I put it on right before I went in to talk to her.

  7. #7
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    I would stick with what you got working for you so well for now and leave the Edge on the shelf, but after you really get a feel for the AE/SOE thing, try the exact same mix but just add a VERY small amount of Edge to your arm pits; just enough so that when you sniff there yourself you get a very slight \"manly\" type smell. Too much and you are going to smell like you need a shower of course; just a small amount; maybe one small spray from the 2ml sample you got. Just add that to the fragrance brew you already have going. I bet that will help.

  8. #8
    Bodhi Satva CptKipling's Avatar
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    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    Charging time is a bit vague.

    A more noticable affect (maybe the same one, just put differently) is that they often need to settle down, in terms of scent and dispersal. When you first put them on (10-15 mins) they will be dispersing like crazy. After a period of time (varies greatly), the scent will mellow and the pheros will \"harmonise\" a little.

  9. #9
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    Great post, Andre. I love to read newbie success stories. Many guys seem to take a long time to get the hang of it. I think the main reason is a \"natural\" inclination to overdo it. It seems logical that if a little bit of pheromones are good, more will be better. But, on this board, it\'s become cliche that \"Less is more\".

    I think your quick success is due to the fact that you exercised restraint. Keep it up.

    I agree with Bruce about getting comfortable with what you already know works. The Edge is very potent, so when you finally decide to experiment with it, start with ridiculously small dosages.

    The only time I’ve ever noticed any kind of lag time with Androstenone is when I started out with too much in the first place. Then I had to wait for the stuff to fade.

    Welcome to the world of pheromones.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    I\'m still trying to restrain myself from overdoing it. I have switched from KOTW mix to straight AE. I mixed up some JB#1 and will try that out tonight... I find that I have to leave the pheros at home. If I don\'t see hits I reapply, and end up ODing. I have to apply once and go out.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    Bruce I got the Edge Sample that came with my order. Its a spray bottle so when I used it the next day at lunch nothing really happened. I have found that I know its working when women say how good I smell. But when I sprayed one pump shot of edge on my neck and a dab on my wrist I got nothing. And if I do spray it under my arms should I still have on my degree deoderant. I cant make it without deoderant Ill stink.

    Please tell me more about Edge.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    Reading these post and about AE people are basically saying put alot of it on.

    Im on the prowl for African American ladies and some Spanish women. They say that Black Folk cant pick up on pheromes to much without having a bunch on...

    I am a black male and tonight going to a all black club and I want as many hits as possible. Any SuGG????

  13. #13
    Phero Pharaoh
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    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    According to past advice, go with heavy anone, they seem to love that stuff.

    - Krish

  14. #14

    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    Bruce I got the Edge Sample that came with my order. Its a spray bottle so when I used it the next day at lunch nothing really happened. I have found that I know its working when women say how good I smell.

    I had to figure it out too. TE by itself is so subtle it\'s scary. We like the stuff that make women give us clear signals. People wonder why I\'m always down on TE, that\'s why. When you get used to JB#1, DD#1 and some of the other mixes around here, and see there power then see what TE offers, you feel like you\'ve wasted your money. I take that back, that TE spray bottle is sweet. I don\'t know what happened to my TE bottles but I always wanted to fill one with JB#1 and just keep it around for when I need it.

    -The Bat

  15. #15
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    Yeah, According to Boobster niggers and spicks love love heavy none. Od on Rm and see what happens.

  16. #16
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures


  17. #17

    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    Exit, c\'mon, baby. You know I love you, but racial epithets are beyond the pale.

    Elana, I think he\'s just angling for that extra spanking ...

  18. #18
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    Exit- get in line behind Krish

  19. #19
    Banned User Elana's Avatar
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    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    Exit- I know you were only joking around because of a previous post. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  20. #20
    Banned User EXIT63's Avatar
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    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    I know that you know.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    Oh...maybe my pasty white Irish ass is just being oversensitive.

  22. #22
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default racism in America

    I thought jokes were supposed to have a punch line.

    For example...
    I once hit on a (white) woman from South Africa that was visiting Colorado on a ski vacation. Given my prejudices, I asked a few leading questions to figure out if she was a racist:
    “So... has vacationing in the US been much of a culture shock for you?”
    “Not really.”
    “I mean in terms of race relations.”
    “Well... If you check into a hotel in Johannesburg, you’ll see that all the servants are Blacks or foreigners. If you check into a hotel in Denver, you’ll see the same thing.”
    “So you’re saying there’s no difference?”
    “Obviously there is a big difference. In South Africa it’s now possible for a Black man to be president.”

  23. #23

    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    Its amazing how people on the net can say niggers and spicks and get away with It, but if you were ever in my hood you would get beat down soooo baaaddd. You might get killed. Words hurt man and I wouldnt want you to get hurt or would I........Bitch

  24. #24

    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    Seriously. I\'m like, ok, get behind me, \'cause you just drew fire .... you don\'t want to come to DC and talk that trash, even jokin\'.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    To come back to the subject...

    I think the quantity of \'none one should use depend on the kind of women he want to attract and it have nothing to do with race or skin color. If you\'r after a cute little shy girl, heavy \'none won\'t be a good idea and it doesn\'t mater if her skin is black, white, yellow or green. If you\'r after a very sexual and extraverted kind of woman, \'none is your best allied.

    I would try a very simple mix : 3 drops AE with your usual cologne and that\'s it (one behind each ear/neck and the other one rubbed on your wrist).

    Bring the TE and SOE samples in your pocket just in case. If you end up running for the extraverted kind of girl, spray an extra shot of TE, if you\'r heading for a shy girl, use SOE instead.

    And don\'t use phero where you have used some deodorant, the deo will kill the phero. what I do is I use some deo and I apply some phero just *around* the armpits...

    Good luck.

  26. #26

    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    Chill dude, is your self esteem so low that you have to resort to violence like some kind of savage beast?, im a black dude and i understand how comments can hurt your feelings, but instead of acting like those words may be true, you need to rise above that, blacks call niggers all the time, but then you get offended when a white man says it, you need to have some pride in yourself brother!

  27. #27
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Insults of Color

    The public use of terms of insult about another\'s racial composite is simply poor taste. When can you say that using such terms helps anyone? Does it make you look smarter or more insightful? Is the target going to behave better because of it? Do you become a leader by insulting another? Does it build a better community? No, of course not - usually.

    That said, I do find the appropriate, rare use of the term \"white trash\" quite delicious at times although I would be mildly affronted if I heard it from a brown, black, or yellow person, even if I wish I had said it first.

    The moral of this sermon is from Oscar Wilde - \"A gentleman never hurts the feelings of another - unintentionally.\"

  28. #28

    Default Re: Insults of Color


  29. #29

    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    <<Yeah, According to Boobster niggers and spicks love love heavy none. Od on Rm and see what happens.>>>
    <<<Exit- I know you were only joking around because of a previous post.>>>

    Oh - I think I get it: Those of us who haven\'t posted \"lol\" often enough to be in on the \'joke\' are expected to cower in silence.

    I\'m not cowering. There is no joke. And some of us have the testosterone to say so.

    There\'s a faint implication that you might actually be more worthy than your post suggests - that you too would dismiss those who hurl racial epithets as the pathetically weak small-minds that they are. That\'s nice.

    Here\'s my side-splitter for you. There\'s an even weaker and more pathetic sub-class among them: They serve up the very same hate-inciting words, wrap them as bait - and convince themselves that anyone taking offense would be the misguided one. Then they lurk about -- oh so conveniently unreachable and anonymous -- waiting until someone bites. They then launch into their dismissive indignation -- \"Hey, c\'mon tight-ass - if you only knew what a good and clever person I am, you\'d understand how really, really funny that was\" -- deflecting attention onto that which they must believe is actually more important: themselves. Now _that\'s_ funny.

    Look. This is only an Internet message-posting site. Some things are bigger than that. And some of them are just plain wrong. It\'s sad that you need to be told - sadder still that mine may be the only voice you hear.

    Next time you find yourself aching to see your name attached to another worthless post, try this: lol

  30. #30

    Default Re: Day 1...Of my pherome adventures

    I must say ... I was in an interractial marriage and everytime I hear \"niggers\" or \"spics\" I flinch ... even though we all know each other and mean no harm, i.e., no one\'s using those words as insults, there\'s so much room for misunderstanding and offense that maybe it\'s better to gear it down a notch, what do you think, guys?

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