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  1. #1

    Default unknown phero combo brings mad hits

    I was at the mall yesterday and was chatting with the guy that works at the \"designer imposter\" cologne oil stand. He told me they had Chrome by Azzaro and that it had pheromones so I had to pick some up. Unforunately he had no idea what or how much pheros were in there. Anyway I got home, spread two dabs around, and then shot two full sprays of unscented TE onto my shirt and left with a couple of my friends to a club to see some local bands. MAN it was crazy. The lady at the door called me sweetie after being rude to everyone else that walked in, I had at least 5 girls graze their leg against mine (obvioulsy on purpose) as they walked by and I was getting lots of stares and girls talking amongst each other staring at me while talking amongst themselves. This is definitely the best success I\'ve had with any combo. Not sure if was the TE, I don\'t really think it was because I\'ve worn two sprays of te with other cover colognes plenty and never had this reaction. I\'m not sure whats in that chrome oil but if any of you guys have one of those shops at the mall, stop by and ask the guy which oils have pheros. If you ask im if the chrome has pheros he might just say yes to bs you as a selling tactic. The stuff rules though and for all I know it could\'ve just worked really well as a scent to lure the subjects to smell deeper because it really does smell good.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: unknown phero combo brings mad hits

    I have gotten a free sample of \"Chrome\" a year ago and used it. Never noticed anything extraordinary, but the scent is nice. I can\'t believe there are phero\'s in there.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: unknown phero combo brings mad hits

    The hits you describe are typical \"TE+nice cologne\" hits. If you have never used TE together with a nice scent you have probably never gotten good hits with it. Now that you are wearing it with \"Chrome\" the mones in TE can finally do their work. [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    Default Re: unknown phero combo brings mad hits

    franki... regular department store chrome wouldn\'t have pheros in it. The guy at the stand said they were added by the company they get their imposter oils from. So it\'s not really real chrome, but it smells just like it and they hype up those oils real good. To be honest the oils are truly better than the real thing since they seem to last so long since they aren\'t cut with alcohol. The guy\'s sales speech includes this bit of info describing that real cologne is the same type of oil he sells but down with alcohol. I really would like to know what type of pheros are in there though.

  5. #5

    Default Re: unknown phero combo brings mad hits


    can you post here where did you get the oil and, if possible, from which company that store got it?

    My guess is that the oil contains no pheromones at all, and that it\'s only a little plus to the overall hype. If my favourite cologne was available in oil form I would be already tempted to buy it... And if I read that it had pheromones, I would be already reaching for my wallet just for curiosity [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Anyway, it would be fun to find a little more info about these ones. If it actually contains pheromones (which I doubt) it\'s probably a none+nol+rone mix.

  6. #6

    Default Re: unknown phero combo brings mad hits

    Nimbus: I got it from a stand called Eastern Oils @ North Star Mall, San Antonio, Texas. I could try asking the guy who their wholesaler is the next time I go up there (although I doubt he will tell me because he might think I\'m trying to give him competition or something).

  7. #7
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    Default Re: unknown phero combo brings mad hits

    Ive noticed a lot of the time the oils are spiked with maybe thats what hes selling.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: unknown phero combo brings mad hits

    Can anyone help me on this:
    Got my 1st pi/m-scented and used it a few nites ago on my wife using Bruce\'s theory of \"less is better\".Seeing that this is not working at all (not even a brow raiser) I continued using same with little more quantity, but to no avail.
    Today I came to work using this stuff and I dont seem to notice any change in the female environment and I\'m really trying to be extra nice.
    No hits at all.
    Can anybody suggest to me what I should or shouldnt do?
    Thanks in advance.

  9. #9
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: unknown phero combo brings mad hits


    At this point, mainly, I would say \"take it easy\". It often takes time to notice results and some experimentation is generally required. Another thing is that attraction is not the kind of thing you can force; it is an art that takes some time and practice. As you noticed on the forum, pheromones do help and it is very exciting when you get a breakthrough, but it is important to \"play it cool\" in most cases IMO. So, I would not worry so much, smile, be nice to folks, keep your eyes open and just work on your observation and other skills while you test the pheros. Folks that look like they are having a great time in life tend to attract others. Best not to turn it around stressing yourself out trying to attract folks with the hope of being happy as an outcome.


  10. #10

    Default Re: unknown phero combo brings mad hits

    MAJORSOB: I would almost have to say it seems like the oil is spiked with a -nol containing product. If their is some APC in there it must be a minute amount because I can\'t detect it, but through phero use I have learned to identify how -nol and -none affect my mood and I get the -nol vibe from it. I\'m gonna drill the guy though and see if he can try and find out for sure from his boss or even contact there wholesaler. I\'m almost positive that these oil guys will ship anywhere in the U.S. so if any of you are interested I will get a phone number/addy from them.

  11. #11

    Default Re: unknown phero combo brings mad hits

    Rockstone: how many dabs / drops did you use? Also, the technique I\'ve found to work the best is just to walk around like you own the place. LOL, it may sound conceited or something but try to put on that cool/confident/sophisticated/nice guy persona. I\'ve also noticed that telling yourself that every woman in the place is staring at you tends to help too.

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